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Abronia fragrans (Nyctaginaceae) (15x12,Z5,P,C,3:4w) ....................................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 30740.30 (W) Emery Co., UT, 4850ft, 1478m. Masses of white starburst flower clusters on spreading, prostrate plants with succulent, gray, rounded leaves. Blooms continuously all summer. In pink sand. Abronia nana (10x12,Z5,P,C,3:6w) ....................................................................................... 30 seeds / $4.00 58060.10 (W) Emery Co., UT, 6600ft, 2012m. Tight clusters of round, succulent, gray leaves. Typical white star-burst flowers on short scapes. On W-facing hills of sandy clay. Abronia villosa v. aurita (Nyctaginaceae) (26x80,A,C,3:6w) ...................................... 18 seeds / $3.50 90455.10 (W) Riverside Co., CA, 4500ft, 1372m. Umbels of intense violet-magenta emerge seemingly by the hundreds on rambling, sticky herbage. Acaena aff. caespitosa (Rosaceae) (10x24,Z6,P,L,3:6w) ………………….......................... 60 seeds / $3.00 12028.11 (W) Volcán Lonquimay, IX Reg., Chile, 5800ft, 1768m. Compact mats of tiny, finely-cut, hairy leaves bearing huge, semi-prostrate, globular seed-head burrs. Flowers not seen, should be reddish. Adenophora pereskiaefolia v. uryuensis (Campanulaceae) (30x16,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ................. 40 seeds / $3.00 70275.06 A Japanese species with whorled, cordate leaves and dense racemes of pale blue flowers, somewhat more urceolate than the typical bell shape. Adenophora remotiflora (70x35,Z5,P,L,3:6w) …...........................………………............... 75 seeds / $3.00 74256.05 Long, ovate leaves and large panicles of many bell-shaped blue flowers over an inch long. Adenophora takedae v. howozana (Campanulaceae) (10x25,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ........................... 80 seeds / $3.00 78052.18 Terminal racemes of violet-blue, broadly-open bells late in the year on dwarf plants. Adenophora taquetii (10x22,Z4,P,L,3:6w) ............................................................................ 50 seeds / $3.50 78072.07 Rosettes of toothed leaves spread sideways until hundreds of upright blue flowers burst into bloom midsummer. A lovely and rare Korean native. Adenophora triphylla v. hakusanensis (35x20, Z5, P, L, 3:6w) ............................................ 80 seeds / $2.50 78745.13 This alpine form has ovate, toothed leaves in whorls and produces panicles densely packed with pale violet-blue flowers. Aethionema armena (Brassicaceae) (8x12, Z4, P, C, 2) ........................................................ 90 seeds / $2.50 07456.15 Compact clumps of blue-green sport short spikes of pinkish-lavender in early summer. Aethionema capitatum (8x15,Z4,P,L,2) ................................................................................ 45 seeds / $3.00 12070.06 Compact mounds of myriad stems covered with green-blue, fir-like leaves are buried with spikes of light pink flowers in the spring. Aethionema schistosum (Brassicaceae) (14x25,Z4,P,L,2) .......................................... 70 seeds / $3.50 76123.15 This Turkish native is covered with wonderfully fragrant pink spikes in early summer. Glaucous blue foliage remains attractive year round. Agastache aurantiaca (Lamiaceae) (50x20,Z5,P,L,1) ............................................................ 45 seeds / $3.50 08740.08 Ex Durango, MX, 9000ft. Bright orange flower spikes over scalloped, grayish-green foliage. Agastache cana (80x40, Z4, P, L, 1) ..................................................................................... 90 seeds / $2.50 12058.04 Sweet-minty foliage and brilliant purplish-rose flower masses. Agastache cusickii (18x12, Z4, P, L, 3:5w) ........................................................................... 60 seeds / $3.00 12876.14 (W) Custer Co., ID, 7200ft, 2200m. Aromatic, ovate leaves with heads of white/lavender. Agastache micrantha (80x30, Z6, P, L, 1) ............................................................................. 80 seeds / $2.50 56412.09 Ex Doña Ana Co., NM 4500 - 9000ft. Plants are intensely mint-scented, bearing spikes of tiny flowers with prominent green calyxes. Agastache pallidiflora (50x24, Z4, P, L, 1) ........................................................................... 30 seeds / $3.00 70054.14 (W) Manzano Mtns, NM, 9000ft, 2743m. Fragrant seed heads, flowers unseen, should be pink to rose. Agastache pringlei (80x40, Z7, P, L, 1) ............................................................................... 100 seeds / $2.50 70744.06 Ex Chihuahua, MX, 7000ft. Long spikes of soft lavender-pink flowers. Intensely scented. Agastache rugosa ‘Heronswood Strain’ (90x40, Z6, P, L, 1) .............................................. 50 seeds / $3.00 74832.04 A vast improvement over the species, forming strong clumps of semi-glossy foliage with a stronger mint fragrance. Deep blue spikes appear from mid-summer into fall. Originated in Korea. Agastache rupestris (Lamiaceae) (50x20,Z5,P,L,1) ......................................................... 45 seeds / $3.50 74870.01 Grayish-green aromatic leaves display robust spikes of attractive burnt-orange for an extended season from mid-summer to fall. Agave avellanidens (Agavaceae) (60x75,Z10,P,C,2) ............................................................ 30 seeds / $3.00 09025.16 (W) Rosarito, Baja, MX. Fierce, broad teeth along the leaf margins rendering an undulate appearance. Agave bovicornuta (30x35,Z10,P,C,2) .................................................................................. 30 seeds / $3.00 10690.16 Big, reddish, cow-horn teeth on light green rosettes, the new center leaves with a satiny sheen. Agave celsii v. albicans (26x30,Z10,P,C,2) .......................................................................... 30 seeds / $3.00 12254.16 (W) Tuzanapa, Hidalgo, MX. Beautiful ghostly-white, glaucous rosettes of wide leaves. Agave chrysantha () (50x70, Z8, P, C, 2) ……………………..............….…...... 50 seeds / $2.50 12357.16 (W) Gila Co., AZ, 4100ft, 1250m. Grayish-green, succulent rosettes with huge branched inflorescences of golden yellow, up to 20 feet tall (61 dm). Agave cupreata (18x50, Z9, P, C, 2) …………………………………………….......…...... 30 seeds / $3.00 12870.13 (W) Morelia, Michoacan, MX. Beautiful shiny rosettes, strongly bud-imprinted with copper-colored teeth. Agave difformis (40x50,Z10,P,C,2) ...................................................................................... 30 seeds / $3.00 15430.16 (W) El Tephe, Hidalgo, MX. Stiff green rosettes of long leaves with sinuous margins. Agave gracilipes (25x35, Z7, P, C, 2) ................................................................................... 55 seeds / $3.00 32741.10 (W) Eddy Co., NM, 5750ft, 1753m. Essentially a dwarf form of A. neomexicana. Grayish-green rosettes which bloom in late summer. Agave gracilipes (25x35,Z7,P,C,2) ............................................................................ 40 seeds / $4.00 32741.28 (W) Otero Co., NM. Grayish-green rosettes which bloom in late summer. Considered to be a hybrid between A. neomexicana and A. lechuguilla. None of the existing populations, however, seem to demonstrate a stable, self-perpetuating genotype. Agave havardiana (70x40,Z7,P,C,1) .................................................................................... 60 seeds / $4.00 35090.19 (W) Jeff Davis CO., TX, 6100ft, 1860m. Magnificent rosettes of very broad, olive-green to green-blue leaves with ferocious, dark-colored teeth. Davis Mtns collection. Agave havardiana (60x60,Z7,P,C,1) .................................................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 35090.27 (W) Brewster Co., TX, 5000ft, 1524m. Here in the Glass Mtns, the rosettes show a tendency towards some wonderful blue forms, from blue-green to glaucous, steel-blue. This population shows even more cold tolerance than the Davis Mtns collection. Photo Agave impressa (20x25,Z10,P,C,2) ...................................................................................... 20 seeds / $4.00 45670.16 (W) Escuinapa, MX. Symmetrical rosettes of thick leaves distinctively bud-imprinted. Agave lechuguilla (36x30,Z5,P,C,2) ..................................................................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 54212.37 (W) Brewster Co., TX, 4900ft, 1494m. Narrow dagger stems with dark, etched patterning. This collection, from the Glass Mtns, is probably one of the hardiest populations. Agave macroculmis (50x60,Z8,P,C,2) .................................................................................. 20 seeds / $5.00 56013.16 (W) Conceptión del Oro, MX, 3000m. A high montane sp. in Mexico with formidable teeth on very rigid, broad, long-pointed leaves. Agave neomexicana (Agavaceae) (30x45,Z7,P,C,2) ................................................... 80 seeds / $3.50 58266.27 (W) Otero Co., NM, 7000ft, 2134m. Superlative rosettes of glaucous gray. Agave parryi v. couesii (30x50, Z6, P, C, 2) ……………………………………................. 90 seeds / $3.00 70076.15 (W) Yavapai Co., AZ, 5800ft, 1768m. Ash-colored rosettes with variable leaf-edge spines, some almost to the point of being smooth. Such individuals should be labeled as "f. integrifolia." Agave obscura (50x60,Z8,P,C,2) ........................................................................................... 30 seeds / $3.00 61076.19 (W) Perote, VC, MX. Small rosettes heavily armed with teeth. Dark reddish flowers. Agave palmeri (50x70,Z8,P,C,2) ........................................................................................... 60 seeds / $2.50 70056.16 (W) Cochise Co., AZ, 5100ft, 1555m. Pale or glaucous green, lightly-banded rosettes with rows of short teeth. Agave parryi (30x50, Z6, P, C, 2) ………………………………………………................. 90 seeds / $3.00 70074.13 (W) Coconino Co., AZ, 6800ft, 2073m. ............................................... 8 g. (1000+ seeds) / $12.00 The hardiest population I've found, in coniferous forests near Flagstaff, which experiences considerable wind and cold with drifting and blowing snow during the winter. Rosettes of silver-gray. Agave polyacantha v. xalapensis (60x50,Z10,P,C,2) ........................................................... 30 seeds / $3.00 70655.16 (W) Las Vigas, MX. Glaucous, yellowish-green rosettes with fine rows of reddish-brown teeth. Agave sobria (50x60,Z9,P,C,2) ............................................................................................. 30 seeds / $3.00 76610.16 (W) Santa Rosalia, BCS. Attractive glaucous-gray rosettes with conspicuous dark bands. Agave titanota (14x45,Z9,P,C,2) ........................................................................................... 30 seeds / $3.00 78478.19 (W) Rancho Tambor, Oaxaca, MX. Stunning rosettes in glaucous, alabaster white. Agave toumeyana (10x22, Z7, P, C, 2) ............................................................................... 100 seeds / $2.50 78685.18 (W) Maricopa Co., AZ, 3500ft, 1067m. Dense, thickly-clustering, filiferous rosettes. Agave utahensis v. eborispina (20x30, Z7, P, C, 2) …………………………............…... 100 seeds / $3.00 87804.11 (W) Clark Co., NV, 4000ft, 1220m. Long (2" - 4") apical spines and short, blunt, ivory teeth on the leaves. Compact, clustering rosettes. Agave utahensis ssp. kaibabensis (20x24,Z6,P,C,2) ............................................................ 70 seeds / $3.50 87806.10 (W) Coconino Co., AZ, 5100ft, 1555m. Robust rosettes covered with blunt teeth and very long flowering stalks, often 15 to 20 feet tall. Agave utahensis v. nevadensis (14x24,Z7,P,C,2) .............................................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 87807.20 (W) San Bernadino Co., CA, 5100ft, 1555m. Smaller rosettes compared to A. utahensis v. eborispina with 2"-3" apical spines and 4 to 5 foot tall spikes bearing greenish-yellow flowers. Photo1 Photo2 Akebia quinata (Lardizabalaceae) (300x120,Z6,P,C,5) .......................................................... 25 seeds / $3.50 72845.15 (W) Hida Reg., Japan, 750m. A beautiful, deciduous, woody climber of five-fingered, palmate leaves. The light purple flowers have cupped petals and are borne separately, but on the same vine (monoecious). The 1-1/2” female flowers are on the lower part of the racemes, with the smaller male flowers higher up. The dark purple to brown, oblong fruit is about 2"-3" long. Akebia trifoliata (Lardizabalaceae) (300x120,Z6,P,C,5) ........................................................ 20 seeds / $3.00 78820.08 Ex cult. Japan. Similar to A. quinata but with tri-fingered, undulating and toothed foliage. Smaller flowers but larger fruit over 5" (12 cm) long, typically deep blue-purple. Aletes humilis (Apiaceae) (3x12,Z4,P,C,4:12w) ..................................................................... 40 seeds / $5.00 35856.18 (W) Boulder Co., CO, 8500ft, 2590m. Mounding buns of cut aromatic foliage cover themselves with yellow button flowers. Similar to Shoshonea pulvinata, but with larger leaves. Endemic to Colorado. Photo Allium acuminatum (Liliaceae) (20x6,Z5,C,L,3:8w) ..................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 01285.28 (W) Wallowa Co., OR, 4600ft, 1402m. Bright violet-lavender heads about 2 inches in diameter here clambering on the canyon walls of Hells Canyon. Allium amplectens (Liliaceae) (16x16,Z6,P,C,3:8w) ................................................... 70 seeds / $3.50 05671.12 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 1400ft, 427m. Multiple heads of starry, pale pink florets on reddish stems. Frequents the stony red soils of the Illinois Valley. Photo Allium atrorubens v. cristatum (Liliaceae) (4x8,Z6,P,C,3:8w) .................................. 30 seeds / $3.50 07871.10 (W) Inyo Co., CA, 5700ft, 1738m. Pale pink umbels lying on the granite sands of the Mojave Desert. Allium bisceptrum (12x10,Z5,P,C,3:8w) .................................................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 10476.15 (W) Mono Co., CA, 8500ft, 2591m. Flowers not seen here but this is the only Allium reported from this area. Flowers should be rosy-purple. Allium brandegei (8x10,Z4,P,L,3:8w) .................................................................................... 75 seeds / $4.00 10744.18 (W) Owyhee Co., ID, 5800ft, 1768m. Over a few curling, wide leaves are borne several 2-inch-wide heads of white to pink flowers. Growing in fractured basalt loam. Photo Allium cernuum (24x20,Z6,P,C,3:8w) ......................................................................... 50 seeds / $3.50 12275.12 (W) Tillamook Co., OR, 1630ft, 497m. Unlike many of the Alliums I offer, this species produces full clumps of flattened leaves, over which several pendulous heads sway. The lavender-pink flowers sport greatly exserted stamens. On steep volcanic cliffs. Photo Allium cristophii (12x16,Z5,P,C,3:8w) ................................................................................... 25 seeds / $4.00 12744.09 Ex Kandovan, Elborz, Iran, 2300m. Rose umbels over 4" in diameter on thick stems. In limestone scree. Allium dichlamydeum (15x6,Z10,P,C,2) .......................................................................... 20 seeds / $4.00 15412.38 (W) Sonoma Co., CA, 100ft, 30m. Heads of red-purple, usually found growing on the shaded side of coastal bluffs, along with Dudleyas and other seaside flora. Allium falcifolium (Liliaceae) (7x12,Z6,P,C,3:6w) ............................................................ 50 seeds / $3.50 30054.34 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 2300ft, 701m. Over 2 strapping leaves arise large, round, short-stemmed heads up to 3" across of amethyst flowers with acuminate petals. On W-facing serpentine. Photo Allium hoffmanii (3x8,Z6,P,C,3:8w) ............................................................................. 40 seeds / $4.00 35630.18 (W) Trinity Co., CA, 4450ft, 1357m. One of the tiniest alliums with heads of pink to rosy-pink flowers.Photo Allium karataviense (28x20,Z5,P,C,3:8w) ............................................................................ 40 seeds / $3.50 52075.07 Over two long and wide, gray-blue leaves erupt stout stems bearing globular heads of lavender-gray flowers. Handsome sp. from Turkestan. Allium macropetalum (Liliaceae) (9x10,Z5,P,C,3:8w) ....................................................... 60 seeds / $4.00 56014.34 (W) Grand Co., UT, 4400ft, 1341m. Umbels of white to pale pink, the petals with purple midveins. Growing in conglomerated sandy soils. Photo Allium obtusum v. obtusum (4x12,Z5,P,C,3:8w) ...................................................... 70 seeds / $4.00 61091.11 (W) Mendocino Co., CA, 5900ft, 1800m. A higher-altitude version of A. cratericola. Multiple pale pink / white sessile umbels nest atop a few channeled leaves. Outstanding. Photo Allium parvum (5x7,Z4,P,L,3:6w) ................................................................................. 50 seeds / $3.00 30456.18 (W) Blaine Co., 6700ft, 2043m. The tiniest Allium with heads of violet. Was listed as Allium sp. (Galena, ID). Allium peninsulare (12x7,Z5,P,C,3:8w) ............................................................................. 40 seeds / $3.50 70259.18 (W) Placer Co., CA, 6350ft, 1936m. Umbels of patterned, purple-pink flowers with an asclepias-like sheen. Photo Allium schubertii (30x16,Z4,P,C,3:8w) ......................................................................... 25 seeds / $3.00 76148.09 Fantastically odd flower heads, each floret held on long peduncles in two series, one at about 4" and another at 8", making the overall globe over a foot in diameter. Each floret is rather small and pale lavender in color. Allium simillimum (2x5,Z3,P,C,3:8w) .................................................................................... 60 seeds / $4.00 76456.10 (W) Blaine Co., ID, 8800ft, 2683m. Probably the tiniest Allium you will ever see. Umbels less than an inch wide of glacier-white flowers lie prostrate over thready leaves. In fine granite soils. Photo Allium siskiyouense (5x9,Z5,P,C,3:8w) ................................................................... 70 seeds / $4.00 76476.41 (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 6100ft, 1860m. Sessile umbels of deep rose-pink to magenta flowers over two narrow, falcate leaves. This endemic to northern Calif. and S. Oregon is a dwarf version of A. falcifolium growing on high serpentine ridge crests. Photo Allium siskiyouense (5x9,Z5,P,C,3:8w) ....................................................................... 80 seeds / $4.00 76476.57 (W) Del Norte Co., CA, 4050ft, 1235m. Sessile umbels of deep rose-pink to magenta flowers over two narrow, falcate leaves. This endemic to northern California and southern Oregon is a dwarf version of A. falcifolium growing on high serpentine ridge crests. Allium tribracteatum (2x6,Z7,P,C,3:8w) ................................................................. 50 seeds / $4.00 78763.11 (W) Tuolumne Co., CA, 5400ft, 1646m. An exceptionally dwarf Allium with pale pink to purplish-pink flowers in small heads. Best effect en masse. Aloe longistyla (Liliaceae) (14x10,Z11,P,C,2) …………………………..........…………….. 20 seeds / $3.50 54658.05 Heavily-spined rosettes with comparatively huge racemes of coral to salmon flowers. Aloinopsis peersii (5x12,Z7,P,L,1) ......................................................................................... 30 seeds / $3.00 70227.09 Thick, flattened, brownish leaves give rise to big, thick-sepaled buds opening to golden-yellow flowers. Has a long bloom period starting in mid-spring. Aloinopsis schooneesii (6x10, Z9, P, L, 1) ……………………………………….…........... 50 seeds / $3.00 76124.14 Plants resemble cobblestones. Small midline-striped flowers. Aloinopsis setifera (4x9, Z9, P, L, 1) ………………………………………........................ 50 seeds / $3.00 76278.10 Finely-tubercled leaves with tiny sparse white teeth. Pale primrose flowers. Aloinopsis spathulata (3x30,Z4,P,L,1) .................................................................................. 60 seeds / $3.50 76700.08 Mats of thick, blue, flattened leaves produce huge magenta flowers prolifically in the spring for over a month. Photo Aloinopsis thudichumii (5x9, Z9, P, L, 1) ………………………………………….............. 50 seeds / $3.00 78358.10 (= Deilanthe). Ex Sutherland. Tongues of smooth, velvety, greenish-blue leaves and large lemon flowers. Aloinopsis villetii (white form) (3x8, Z6, P, L, 1) ……………………………….................. 70 seeds / $3.00 90454.00 Ex Nelswerwe, Loeriesfontein. Stunning miniature covered with white tubercles. Clear yellow flowers. Aloinopsis aff. villetii (Aizoaceae) (3x18,Z6,P,L,1) ................................................................ 30 seeds / $3.00 90456.09 Ex Middlepos, Northern Cape Province, RSA. Outstanding mats of cupped, upright leaves covered with bright yellow, white-eyed flowers. Original plants growing on a high, very cold plateau of the Great Karoo; possibly a new species. Aloinopsisspathulata X Nananthus transvaalensis (Aizoaceae) (5x15,Z6,P,L,1) .............. 70 seeds / $3.50 76701.02 Ex Thompson. TC002 Plants resemble greener-leaved A. spathulata with yellow, orange, pink and red flowers in various shades. Alyssum propinquum (Brassicaceae) (6x24, Z5, P, L, 3:4w) .................................................. 75 seeds / $3.50 70746.13 (W) Turkey, Ala Dag, 2100m. Dwarf gray-green cushions explode into compact racemes of yellow in the spring. Nice Turkish native. Amsonia elliptica (40x15,Z5,P,C,3:8w) ................................................................................. 40 seeds / $3.50 25454.00 Elliptical leaves on erect stems and clusters of pale blue flowers, darkening to deep blue in the throat. Occurs in China and Japan. Amsonia hubrichtii (80x20, Z5, P, C, 3:8w) ........................................................................... 20 seeds / $3.00 35810.16 This Ozark native has steel blue flowers and thready foliage which turns to a golden color in the fall. Amsonia jonesii (40x40, Z5, P, L, 3:8w) ................................................................................ 50 seeds / $3.00 50659.35 (W) Mohave Co., AZ, 4950ft, 1509m. Mature specimens bear 50 to 100 upright stems with ovate-lanceolate leaves of a deep, soft green. Heads of pale blue, long-tubed flowers. Amsonia jonesii (50x60,Z4,P,L,3:8w) ……………………….………………………........... 55 seeds / $3.50 50659.25 (W) Duchesne Co., UT, 6100ft, 1860m. This seed from a new population in the Uintah Basin. The plants here are larger, more robust and have wider, more elliptical leaves than the following (which we have offered for years.) Amsonia tabernaemontana v. salicifolia (70x60,Z4,C,3:8w) ……………............................ 20 seeds / $3.50 78011.06 A clumping perennial with willow-like leaves and numerous pyramidal clusters of large, pale-blue, star-like flowers with white throats. An Ozark native. Amsonia tomentosa (Apocynaceae) (35x50,Z5,P,C,1) .................................................. 40 seeds / $4.00 78656.14 (W) Garfield Co., UT, 4750ft, 1450m. Multitudes of decumbent stems radiate from a central rootstalk clothed with linear, silvery-haired leaves. Basal clusters of pale-blue, tubular flowers appear in late spring. Growing in pink sand. Androsace chamaejasmae ssp. carinata (Primulaceae) (4x15,Z3,P,L,3:8w) ................ 90 seeds / $4.00 12352.25 (W) Teller Co., CO, 12000ft, 3658m. Small mats of tiny, hairy rosettes bear numerous white, yellow-eyed flowers fading to rose. Grows in exposed alpine tundra on a granite substrate. Androsace hausmannii (Primulaceae) (2x7,Z4,P,L,3:8w) ............................................. 30 seeds / $4.00 35091.16 (W) Dolomites, 7216ft, 2200m, Italy. Small hummocks of fleshy, downy, gray-green leaves with soft pink flowers. Makes choice specimens for the alpine house. Calciphile. Androsace helvetica (Primulaceae) (3x20,Z4,P,L,3:8w) ............................................... 60 seeds / $4.00 35254.16 (W) Dolomites, 7400ft, 2256m, Italy. Tight, compact cushions layered with dense, gray hairs are covered with white, yellow-throated, sessile flowers. A challenging calciphile for the alpine enthusiast. Androstephium breviflorum (Liliaceae) (9x6,Z5,P,CE,3:8w) .................................................. 30 seeds / $3.50 10743.28 (W) Grand Co., UT, 4400ft, 1341m. (= Brodiaea breviflora.) Few-flowered umbels of pale purple flowers, veined blue-purple. Anelsonia eurycarpa (Brassicaceae) (5x5, Z3, P, L, 3:6w) .................................................... 10 seeds / $4.00 28749.14 (W) Custer Co., ID, 9800ft, 2988m. A Draba cousin with hairy rosettes and white flowers. The fruits are relatively huge, often over 1” long which split at the bottom and resemble a flying Dutchman’s hat. Infrequent dweller of limestone screes. Anemone baldensis (Ranunculaceae) (18x12,Z6,P,L,3:6w) ........................................ 40 seeds / $3.50 10054.11 (W) Dolomites, Italy, 7200ft, 2200m. Finely-lobed tufts sprout numerous white-petalled flowers, sometimes tinged pale pink or violet. Anemone drummondii (Ranunculaceae) (6x10,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 15748.41 (W) Mono Co., CA, 9650ft, 2942m. Exquisite, multi-petaled white flowers, colored glacial blue on the petal reverses, erupt early in spring over dwarf mounds of dissected, hairy foliage. Anemone occidentalis (Ranunculaceae) (40x15, Z4, P, C, 3:8w) ………………................... 90 seeds / $3.50 61213.35 (W) Jackson Co., OR, 7500ft, 2287m. Bold clumps of laciniate foliage produce bowl-shaped creamy flowers. Silky seedheads like woolly mops 3" to 4" long. On steep, N-facing slopes. Anemone oregana (Ranunculaceae) (18x15,Z6,C,4:8w) ................................................... 35 seeds / $6.00 67423.18 (W) Chelan Co., WA, 2950ft, 900m. Gorgeous sky-blue to deep-blue flowers over palmately-divided leaves, each segment with small teeth. In the shade of conifers on volcanic loam. Photo1 Photo2 Anemonopsis macrophylla (Ranunculaceae) (50x30,Z6,P,GL,4:8w) ..................................... 30 seeds / $3.00 56012.07 Large, incised, ternate leaves clasp glabrous stems from a rhizome. There are several nodding, pale pinkish-purple to rose-colored flowers per raceme in late summer. Japan. Anemopsis californica (Saururaceae) (18x10,Z6,P,L,3:8w) …............................................. 100 seeds / $3.00 12057.25 (W) Inyo Co., CA, 3700ft, 1128m. Thick, creeping rhizomes sprout oblong, basally-cordate leaves. Greenish cones of small flowers are subtended by large, glistening white bracts. Thickets of these aromatic plants are found in seeps across the desert areas. Photo Angelica sachalinensis (150x90, Z4, B, L, 3:8w) …………………………..….................... 50 seeds / $3.00 76012.04 Perhaps one of the most attractive in this genus with finely-divided leaves, the basal ones showing some pink and white variegation. Umbels of white flowers. Monocarpic, but offsets. Antennaria aromatica (Asteraceae) (5x18,Z3,P,L,3:6w) ............................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 07465.13 (W) Carbon Co., MT, 9700ft, 2957m. Felted, whitish-green, aromatic rosettes with wavy edges pack together tightly to create spreading cushions. Small, white button-flowers, female flowers are more narrow than the males. On steep, sliding, W-facing granite screes. One of the best in the genus. Photo Aquilegia alpina (Ranunculaceae) (40x26, Z5, P, L, 3:6w) ..................................................... 30 seeds / $3.00 05473.13 Large, bright blue, nodding flowers over biternate leaves. From the European Alps. Aquilegia amaliae (Ranunculaceae) (25x14, Z5, P, L, 3:6w) .................................................. 55 seeds / $3.00 05605.13 Biternate leaves, hairy underneath, with nodding flowers whose sepals are pale violet and the sepals white. Uncommon species from the Balkans. Aquilegia atrovinosa (Ranunculaceae) (28x24,Z5,P,L,3:6w) .................................................. 30 seeds / $4.00 07874.07 Nodding, very dark purple flowers over blue-green foliage. From Japan. Aquilegia barnebyi (Ranunculaceae) (40x18,Z4,P,L,3:5w) ...................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 10074.21 (W) Garfield Co., CO, 7270ft, 2216m. The butter-yellow corollas contrast beautifully with the peachy-pink sepals over bold blue foliage. Growing on limestone deposits near running water. Photo1 Photo2 Aquilegia chaplinei (25x14, Z6, P, L, 3:6w) ……………………………………….........….. 90 seeds / $3.00 12350.14 (W) Eddy Co., NM, 5000ft, 1524m. Essentially a dwarfer and more delicate form of Aquilegia chrysantha. Butter-yellow, straight-spurred flowers grace lacy foliage near seeps and waterfalls in the Chihuahuan Desert. Aquilegia desertorum (Ranunculaceae) (50x30,Z4,P,L,3:6w) ...................................... 40 seeds / $4.50 15280.34 (W) Bernalillo Co., NM, 10585ft, 3227m. This population is at the highest elevation I have ever seen, on the lee side of a limestone ridge, in copius deadfall. Reddish-orange sepals and spurs with yellow corollas over glaucous-green foliage. Aquilegia eximia (75x45, Z5, P, L, 3:6w) .............................................................................. 60 seeds / $2.50 29445.14 (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 5900ft, 1800m. Robust, viscid plants bearing red and yellow flowers (not seen but reported from this area.) On a rocky E-facing slope of serpentine. Aquilegia flabellata v. pumila fl. pl. (15x12,Z4,P,L,3:4w) .............................................. 40 seeds / $4.00 30539.00 Blue and white semi-double flowers over waxy, blue-green, fan-shaped leaves. From Japan. Aquilegia flabellata v. pumila 'Rosea' (15x12,Z4,P,L,3:4w) .......................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 30540.00 Lovely rosy-pink and cream flowers adorn dwarf tufts of waxy, blue-green leaves. From Japan. Aquilegia formosa (60x30,Z5,P,L,3:6w) …………………………………………............... 90 seeds / $3.00 30674.25 (W) Tulare Co., CA, 8500ft, 2591m. A vigorous form here with numerous, well-branched stems and many red flowers with short, straight spurs. Near a seep in the southern Sierra Nevadas. Aquilegia formosa (Ranunculaceae) (75x30,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ............................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 30674.32 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 5450ft, 1662m. Exceptionally vigorous form here with numerous, well-branched stems and many red and yellow flowers with short, straight spurs. N-facing, vernally-moist, volcanic slopes. Aquilegia pyrenaica (20x16,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ............................................................................. 40 seeds / $3.50 70968.09 Deep blue to lilac-blue flowers with straight spurs. A dwarfer version of A. alpina. Aquilegia saximontana (Ranunculaceae) (8x15,Z3,P,L,3:6w) ...................................... 20 seeds / $4.50 76094.15 (W) Boulder Co., CO, 11300ft, 3445m. Blue and white flowers with short spurs over blue-green tufts. Grows in sheltered areas between and under large granite rocks. A rare endemic of the Front Range in Colorado. Limited quantities this year. Photo Aquilegia saximontana (8x15,Z3,P,L,3:6w) .................................................................. 20 seeds / $4.00 76094.56 (W) Teller Co., CO, 11900ft, 3628m. Blue and white flowers with short spurs over blue-green tufts. Grows in sheltered areas between and under large granite rocks. A rare endemic of the Front Range in Colorado. Quantities always limited due to rodent ravaging. Photo Aquilegia scopulorum (12x15,Z4,P,GL,3:6w) ...................................................................... 50 seeds / $5.00 76128.30 (W) Piute Co., UT, 10950ft, 3338m. (=A. caerulea v. calcarea = A. scopulorum v. calcarea.) Beautiful dwarf with tight, glaucous, gray-green foliage and large, long-spurred, bi-colored flowers of blue and white. On east-facing steep screes of dolomite.Photo Arbutus menziesii (Ericaceae) (600x350, Z8, P, L, 1) ………................................................ 30 seeds / $3.00 56258.14 (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 1500ft, 457m. Attractive trees with smooth, dark pink bark and large, shiny green leaves. Pink flowers are followed by orange-red berries. Found in the northern coastal ranges. Arctomecon merriamii (Papaveraceae) (35x22, Z7, P, GL, 4:6w) .......................................... 80 seeds / $4.00 56274.45 (W) Clark Co., NV, 4650ft, 1418m. Pale blue rosettes are covered with very long, fine white bristles. Pure white poppy-like flowers. Arctostaphylos glandulosa (180x120,Z6,P,SC,4:8w) ...................................................... 70 seeds / $3.50 32548.30 (W) Riverside Co., CA, 6000ft, 1829m. Viscid shrubs with blue-green leaves and masses of pendant pink urns. Beautiful in full bloom. Photo Arctostaphylos manzanita (200x140, Z7, P, SC, 4:8w) …………………………................ 90 seeds / $2.50 56058.14 (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 2200ft, 670m. Cinnamon bark, blue-green leaves, purplish berries. Arctostaphylos patula (90x120,Z4,P,SC,4:8w) ..................................................................... 90 seeds / $3.50 70078.18 (W) Uintah Co., UT, 8150ft, 2485m. Contorted branches with cinnamon-red bark and thick, leathery green leaves bear multitudes of pendant flower clusters of ericaceous pink. Probably the hardiest population. Arctous rubra (Ericaceae) (7x22,Z4,P,L,4:12w) ..................................................................... 12 seeds / $5.00 74811.18 (W) Park Co., WY, 6600ft, 2012m. (= Arctostaphylos alpina ssp. rubra.) A disjunct population in a swamp in the Absaroka Mtns. Tufts of veined leaves grow on mossy hummocks, turning bright red in autumn. Deep red berries from small greenish-white, urn-shaped flowers. Photo Arenaria fendleri (Caryophyllaceae) (10x26,Z3,P,L,3:4w) ..................................................... 50 seeds / $3.00 30258.16 (W) Park Co., CO, 12300ft, 3750m. Grassy tufts carry large, snow-white blossoms on stiff, thready stems. An easily-grown alpine beauty found on alpine screes. Arenaria obtusiloba (3x16,Z3,P,L,3:6w) ....................................................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 61078.18 (W) Albany Co., WY, 10850ft, 3310m. Caespitose, flat mats of needle-like leaves. White flowers on short stems cover the cushions in early summer. Arisaema amurense (45x35, Z5, P, C, 4:8w) …................………………….…...........…….. 7 seeds / $4.00 05687.14 A Russian species with 5 large leaflets and greenish-purple spathes with paler stripes. Arisaema flavum (Araceae) (30x12,Z4,P,C,4:8w) ……................................…….........….... 15 seeds / $4.00 30541.05 Small greenish-yellow flowers and palmate leaves. Bone hardy species from China. Arisaema japonicum (Araceae) (80x40,Z5,P,C,4:8w) ............................................... 20 seeds / $5.00 50070.30 (W) Mino Region, Japan, 70m. From a thick, underground tuber sprouts a single, huge, palmately-divided leaf. Flowers are borne on a club-shaped spadix surrounded by a dark-colored spathe all overhung by a very long tapering blade. Arisaema japonicum v. atropurpureum (80x40,Z5,P,C,4:8w) .................................. 20 seeds / $7.00 50071.10 (W) Sapporo, Japan, 20m. Very dark purple spathes. Arisaema urashima (50x40,Z6,P,C,4:8w) ............................................................................. 20 seeds / $5.00 87407.28 (W) Tanabe, Kii Peninsula, Japan, 120m. Over a solitary palmate leaf sprouts a bronze-purple spathe with a long, tail-like tip arching over the spadix. Arisaema yamatense v. sugimotoi (75x40,Z5,P,C,4:8w) ...................................................... 20 seeds / $5.00 96056.28 (W) Hida Region (Gifu Pref.), Japan, 360m. This "Dragonroot" sprouts two huge palmate leaves from an underground tuber and a single flower atop a tall stem. The spathe is green with a very long acuminate blade, yellowish inside and densely papillose. Armeria caespitosa (Plumbaginaceae) (6x10,Z5,P,L,1) ......................................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 12032.07 Dense tufts of narrow, dark-green foliage become studded with short-stemmed, light-pink pom-flowers in the spring. Artemisia filifolia (80x60,Z4,P,L,1) ..................................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.00 30454.26 (W) Lincoln Co., CO, 5300ft, 1616m. Shrubby denizens of the Plains with silvery-green, thready leaves and an inflorescence of thousands of tiny, pendant, silver florets lining the stems. Artemisia frigida (15x30,Z3,P,L,1) ..................................................................................... 100 seeds / $2.50 30744.27 (W) Park Co., CO, 9800ft, 2988m. Condensed mats of incised silver-gray. Artemisia frigida (15x30, Z3, P, L, 1) ................................................................................. 100 seeds / $1.50 30744.15 (W) Sublette Co., WY, 7000ft, 2135m. Condensed mats of incised silver-gray. Artemisia pedatifida (10x16,Z5,P,L,1) ................................................................................... 90 seeds / $4.00 70216.18 (W) Johnson Co., WY, 4750ft, 1448m. Choice, dwarf, matted subshrubs only a couple of inches high with thready, bluish-gray leaves and short spikes of non-descript flowers. Artemisia spinescens (10x14,Z4,P,L,2) ................................................................................. 70 seeds / $4.00 76705.49 (W) Sweetwater Co., WY, 6700ft, 2043m. (= Picrothamnus desertorum.) Dense, spiny shrublets with pale green, finely-pedatifid, hairy leaves. The "spines" are actually the very stiff flowering stems which remain after the greenish flower buttons fall off. Photo Asarum caudatum (Aristolochiaceae) (6x20,Z6,P,L,4:12w) ...................................... 30 seeds / $4.00 12081.11 (W) Linn Co., OR, 4600ft, 1402m. Unmarbled, deep green leaves with sparse, short hairs and fragrant of ginger spice. Maroon flowers with long tapering lobes. Asarum hartwegii (Aristolochiaceae) (12x30,Z6,P,L,4:12w) ........................................... 40 seeds / $5.00 35074.38 (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 5170ft, 1576m. The large, lush, evergreen leaves are generously veined with silver. Maroon-striped, basal flowers with short tapering lobes. In the shade of conifers at the highest elevation I have ever seen for this species.Photo1 Photo2 Asclepias arenaria (Asclepiadaceae) (20x16,Z5,P,C,3:6w) ................................................... 30 seeds / $3.00 07426.17 (W) Yuma Co., CO, 3500ft, 1067m. Oblong leaves on short stems bear yellow and green flowers. Asclepias arenaria (Asclepiadaceae) (35x18,Z5,P,C,3:8w) ........................................ 30 seeds / $4.00 07426.26 (W) Cheyenne Co., CO, 4625ft, 1410m. Oblong, undulating leaves with yellow and green flowers. Infrequent in sandy areas or on sand dunes. Certainly unusual. Asclepias asperula (Asclepiadaceae) (42x30,Z4,P,C,3:6w) ........................................ 50 seeds / $4.00 07670.27 (W) Cache Co., UT, 4800ft, 1463m. Large, broadly-lanceolate leaves are in opposite pairs on the many thick stems which support umbels of yellowish-green and deep purple flowers. Photo Asclepias californica (Asclepiadaceae) (16x30,Z7,P,CE,3:8w) .................................... 40 seeds / $5.00 12052.37 (W) Kern Co., CA, 5250ft, 1600m. One of the best milkweeds California has to offer. Plants are densely woolly with silvery-white hairs. Numerous stems sprout from a central rootstalk, arching gracefully over the ground. The flower clusters are also covered with wool, the hoods dark wine-red with that color continuing into the reflexed corollas almost half-way, then abruptly shading to yellowish-cream into the tips. In some populations, the hoods and corollas are all dark purple. Personally, I find this bicolor variation more attractive. Photo Asclepias cordifolia (Asclepiadaceae) (50x35,Z7,P,CE,3:6w) ................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 12675.21 (W) Tuolumne Co., CA, 5400ft, 1646m. The stems and the heart-shaped leaves are all deep wine-purple in color and bear umbels of purple flowers with pinkish coronas. In volcanic scoria. Photo Asclepias cryptoceras (Asclepiadaceae) (20x24,Z5,P,SL,4:4w) ................................. 20 seeds / $5.00 12748.16 (W) Mesa Co., CO, 6740ft, 2055m. Large, striking flowers of purplish-maroon coronas and reflexed cream petals in pendant cymes. Found on E-facing slopes of sandy clay soil. Photo Asclepias cryptoceras (Asclepiadaceae) (20x24,Z5,P,SL,4:4w) ................................... 20 seeds / $5.00 12749.11 (W) Carbon Co., UT, 5650ft, 1720m. Large, striking flowers of purplish-maroon coronas and reflexed cream petals in pendant cymes. Found on S-facing slopes of sandy-clay soil. Asclepias cryptoceras (7x12,Z4,P,SCE,4:6w) .................................................................... 20 seeds / $5.00 12749.78 (W) Lander Co., NV, 6800ft, 2073m. A surprising find in a very remote and dry section of Nevada. The plants were dwarfer and the roundish leaves more cupped than the typical forms I see in Utah and Colorado but perhaps only due to drought paupertization. Typical purple and cream flowers. Photo Asclepias eriocarpa (55x26,Z6,P,CE,3:6w) ........................................................................... 50 seeds / $3.50 27446.20 (W) San Diego Co., CA, 4800ft, 1463m. The large, ovate leaves are covered with a fine layer of wool and the cream-colored flower clusters are sometimes tinted pink to pale purple. Asclepias hallii (50x100,Z4,P,C,3:6w) ................................................................................. 50 seeds / $4.00 35054.28 (W) Saguache Co., CO, 7800ft, 2378m. Typically, the coronas are cream and the corollas pale purple-pink with 40 to 60 per large umbel. Broad plants with oblong leaves. There is considerable flower color variation -- some are all cream, others have deeper pink corollas. Asclepias latifolia (40x18,Z4,P,C,3:6w) ....................................................................... 50 seeds / $3.50 54078.36 (W) Lincoln Co., CO, 4925ft, 1502m. Wide, shining leaves on stout stalks bear green and yellow flowers. Asclepias macrosperma (8x18,Z5,P,CE,4:6w) ...................................................................... 15 seeds / $5.00 56015.70 (W) Emery Co., UT, 4600ft, 1402m. An elegant little plant of sandy deserts with silvery-blue clumps of undulate, tomentose foliage and heads of creamy-yellowish flowers. Photo Asclepias solanoana (6x35,Z6,P,SCE,4:6w) ………………………………......................... 30 seeds / $4.00 76654.16 (W) Trinity Co., CA, 4850ft, 1478m. Has a trailing habit, unlike A. cryptoceras, as the stems creep along the ground with slightly wavy, olive-green, finely-hairy, cordate leaves. Several stems radiate from a caudex, each bearing flower umbels of reflexed purple corollas and tan-yellow hoods. On W-facing barren serpentine slopes. Asclepias subulata (Asclepiadaceae) (110x120,Z8,P,C,1) ........................................... 30 seeds / $4.00 76811.05 (W) Clark Co., NV, 1200ft, 365m. A shrubby Asclepias with multitudes of rush-like stems topped with creamy heads. Native to the Mojave Desert. Photo Asclepias sullivantii (70x24,Z4,P,C,3:6w) .................................................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 76854.09 A mid-western species found on prairies from Oklahoma to Minnesota. Stems with wide, oblong leaves hold clusters of purplish-rose flowers. Asclepias tuberosa (Asclepiadaceae) (50x30,Z5,P,C,3:6w) ......................................... 25 seeds / $4.00 78811.25 (W) Catron Co., NM, 6125ft, 1867m. An unexpected find here in a remote corner of New Mexico. Only about a dozen plants, blossoms are decidedly more orange with little tendency towards yellow shades as in the Colorado population. Photo Asclepias vestita (60x36,Z7,P,CE,3:6w) ……………………………………..........……..... 50 seeds / $3.00 90276.15 (W) Fresno Co., CA, 4600ft, 1402m. Cream fls with purple-pink coronas. Pubescent leaves. Asperula nitida ssp. hirtella (Rubiaceae) (8x20,Z6,P,L,3:6w) ………………….............….. 20 seeds / $4.00 58478.05 Ex Anatolia, Turkey. Mats of dark green foliage covered with sessile masses of pale pink to rosy-pink flowers. Asphodeline taurica (Asphodelaceae) (40x30,Z7,P,C,3:8w) .......................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 78087.04 Thick spikes of numerous 6-petalled flowers erupt from a rosette of thin leaves like an Agave. Aster scopulorum (6x15,Z5,P,L,3:4w) ……………………………………………............... 40 seeds / $3.50 76126.45 (W) Mono Co., CA, 8000ft, 2439m. From a woody crown arises a forest of stems about 2" tall, adorned with fir-like leaves and terminated with violet daisy flowers. On volcanic substrates. Astragalus aretioides (Fabaceae) (3x25,Z4,P,SC,1) .............................................................. 10 seeds / $5.00 07427.28 (W) Fremont Co., WY, 6900ft, 2104m. Beautiful silver woolly cushions of tiny trifoliolate leaves. Vivid pink-violet flowers are held just above the foliage in masses. One of the best in the genus. On crumbling cliffs of sandy gypsum. Astragalus bisulcatus (Fabaceae) (60x60,Z4,P,SC,1) ................................................. 50 seeds / $3.00 10477.14 Bushlets with large pinnatifid leaves bear several spikes of two-toned violet/purple flowers. Astragalus ceramicus v. filifolius (20x8,Z4,P,SC,1) ............................................................. 40 seeds / $3.50 12274.27 (W) San Miguel Co., CO, 6000ft, 1829m. Clusters of attractive, red-mottled pods resembling birds' eggs are arranged on a skeletal array of stems. Photo Astragalus chamaeleuce (4x7,Z5,P,SC,1) ............................................................................ 30 seeds / $3.50 12351.68 (W) Duchesne Co., UT, 5400ft, 1646m. Tufts of silver-gray, pinnate foliage and purple-pink flowers with a white splotch on the banner. Astragalus cymboides (2x5,Z5,P,SC,1) …………………………………………................ 40 seeds / $3.00 12965.15 (W) Emery Co., UT, 7000ft, 2134m. Tiny tufts of pinnate, silvery leaves and purplish pea-flowers, followed by furrowed pods. Astragalus drabelliformis (4x7,Z3,P,SC,1) ........................................................................... 20 seeds / $3.50 15740.49 (W) Sublette, WY, 6900ft, 2104m. Small, silvery-gray cushions with short scapes of small purple flowers. Astragalus hyalinus (3x30,Z4,P,SC,1) .................................................................................... 8 seeds / $6.00 35960.18 (W) Johnson Co., WY, 5600ft These huge, mounding, silver cushions are known as the "vegetable sheep" of North America. Spectacular against its native red sandstone. Many small white pea-flowers. Very limited. Photo Astragalus jejunus (6x5,Z4,P,SC,1) ...................................................................................... 20 seeds / $4.00 50250.19 (W) Lincoln Co., WY, 6800ft, 2073m. Upright tufts of pinnatifid leaves bear small purplish flowers and brightly-mottled bladder-fruit. Unusual plants growing on tuffaceous sandstone rimrock. Photo Astragalus kentrophyta v. coloradoensis (6x20,Z5,P,SC,1) ................................................ 40 seeds / $3.00 52250.15 (W) Garfield Co., UT, 4500ft, 1372m. Robust, spiny-leaved mounds with small purple flowers. Unusual endemic to the Colorado Plateau. Astragalus kentrophyta v. tegetarius (1x15,Z3,P,SC,1) ........................................... 15 seeds / $4.50 52258.22 (W) Big Horn Co., WY, 9550ft, 2912m. An alpine mat which is perhaps the most condensed and best form of this widespread taxon with its myriad vars. Blue-gray, prostrate mats of tiny, prickly leaves and sessile, purple flowers. Photo Astragaluslutosus (Fabaceae) (3x10,Z5,P,SC,1) ....................................................... 40 seeds / $5.00 54878.36 (W) Rio Blanco Co., CO, 8540ft, 2604m. An oil shale endemic with pinnatifid leaves, each leaflet limned whitish, arching gracefully prostrate on the ground. The small white flowers produce sausage-like pods. This sparkling alpine gem is one of my favorite Astragali. Last offered in 2003. Photo Astragalus megacarpus (10x16, Z4, P, SC, 1) ………………………..….……................... 30 seeds / $3.00 56232.15 (W) Sevier Co., UT, 6350ft, 1935m. Basal white and lavender flowers transform into huge, red-mottled pods up to 4" (10 cm) long! Photo Astragalus missouriensis (9x12,Z5,P,SC,1) ......................................................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 56476.17 (W) Fremont Co., CO, 6600ft, 2012m. Very striking deep violet flowers over silver-gray, pinnate tufts. Astragalus newberryi v. castoreus (3x7,Z4,P,SC,1) .............................................. 30 seeds / $4.00 58292.41 (W) Lander Co., NV, 7740ft, 2360m. Dwarfer, woolier plants here growing on fractured rhyolite. Astragalus purshii v. concinnus (4x9,Z4,P,SC,1) .................................................................. 30 seeds / $4.00 70872.68 (W) Butte Co., ID, 6500ft, 1982m. Tufts of silver-gray leaves. Short racemes of bright lavender flowers, the banners with a white patch. On S-facing gravel. Astragalus sericoleucus (2x16,Z4,P,SC,1) ........................................................................... 20 seeds / $4.00 76275.17 (W) Weld Co., CO, 5900ft, 1800m. Silver mats of woolly, tri-fingered foliage. Small pink-purple blossoms. Astragalus simplicifolius (Fabaceae) (8x25,Z4,P,SC,1) ............................................... 50 seeds / $4.00 76460.13 (W) Fremont Co., WY, 6620ft, 2018m. Dense silver-gray mounds with white flowers, often shaded lavender. On tuffaceous hills. Photo Astragalus utahensis (Fabaceae) (10x14,Z4,P,SC,1) .................................................. 40 seeds / $3.50 87803.49 (W) White Pine Co., NV, 7350ft, 2241m. Cottony mounds of pinnatifid leaves produce dense racemes of large, rosy-pink to rosy-purple flowers followed by cotton-ball pods. One of the best. Photo Astragalus zionis (12x18,Z5,P,SC,1) ..................................................................................... 18 seeds / $4.00 98465.19 (W) Kane Co., UT, 4900ft, 1494m. Purple/pink/white flowers on tufts with marcescent spines. Asyneuma limonifolium (Campanulaceae) (40x18,Z5,P,L,3:6w) .................................... 80 seeds / $3.50 54456.13 (W) Alps, 2300m., Germany. Clump-forming perennial whose basal leaves are oblong and undulate. Densely-packed spikes of violet-blue. Asyneuma limonifolium (Campanulaceae) (40x18,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ............................................ 80 seeds / $3.00 54456.16 Clump-forming perennial whose basal leaves are oblong and undulate. Densely-packed spikes of violet-blue. Balkans. Aubrieta pinardii (Brassicaceae) (6x14,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ............................................................. 70 seeds / $3.50 70459.07 Dwarf gray-green mats of pubescent, narrow, toothed leaves cover themselves with purple flowers on 2" scapes. Turkey. Balsamorhiza hookeri v. lanata (Asteraceae) (20x18,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ............................ 30 seeds / $4.00 35667.19 (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 3000ft, 915m. Perhaps one of the most attractive members of this genus with slashed leaves, densely white-tomentose on both sides. The flowers are the typical solitary yellow daisies. Known only from the Shasta Valley in northern California. Photo Balsamorhiza incana (40x40, Z5, P, L, 3:6w) ……..…………………………….................. 55 seeds / $3.00 46812.20 (W) Lewis Co., ID, 3700ft, 1128m. White, slashed, felted leaves bear large yellow flowers. Balsamorhiza rosea (Asteraceae) (8x25,Z6,P,C,3:6w) ...................................................... 30 seeds / $4.00 74686.43 (W) Benton Co., WA, 1875ft, 572m. Yellow flowers which age to deep orange shades over irregularly-lobed foliage. In gravelly soil over basalt. Photo1 Photo2 Balsamorhiza sagittata (60x75, Z4, P, L, 3:6w) …………………………….............……... 40 seeds / $2.50 76042.23 (W) La Plata Co., CO, 8200ft, 2500m. The ubiquitous yellow daisy found on mountain slopes and meadows. The luxurious rosettes of large, apple-green, arrow-shaped leaves, felted white underneath, bear numerous scapes in late spring. Extremely long-lived once established. Berberis trifoliata (Berberidaceae) (100x90, Z6, P, L, 3:8w) ................................................. 80 seeds / $3.00 78750.11 (W) Eddy Co., NM, 3700ft, 1128m. Shrubs with spiny blue-green leaves and red berries. Berkheya purpurea (Asteraceae) (40x35,Z6,P,C,1) .............................................................. 60 seeds / $3.00 70885.17 Prickly leaves with large mauve flowers. Drakensberg, South Africa. Bouvardia glaberrima (Rubiaceae) (75x40,Z9,P,L,1) ............................................................ 45 seeds / $4.00 32541.40 (W) Santa Cruz Co., AZ, 5000ft, 1524m. Small bushes with dark green, sparsely-hairy leaves and terminal clusters of bright scarlet-orange, honeysuckle-like, tubular flowers. Bouvardia ternifolia (50x24, Z8, P, L, 2) ……...................…............................................... 30 seeds / $4.00 78284.14 (W) Jeff Davis Co., TX, 5600ft, 1707m. Woody subshrubs bear terminal heads of up to a dozen 2” long tubular bright scarlet flowers with slightly-flaring lobes. The stiff leaves are borne in whorls of 3 or 4. Hopes are high this spectacular native of the Chihuahuan Desert will prove hardy farther north. Caiophora prieta (Loasaceae) (9x20, Z?, P, L, 2) .................................................................. 50 seeds / $2.50 70747.19 Flowers with pale green petals and a halo of brown-red and yellow. Calandrinia gilliesii (Portulacaceae) (8x20,Z6,P,L,2) ………………………….............….... 60 seeds / $3.00 32474.05 Ex Chile, 3400m. Silky, silvery tufts of linear leaves bear dense clusters of white to pink flowers. Calandrinia umbellata (12x16, Z7, P, L, 1) ……………………….…….……................... 100 seeds / $2.50 87611.19 Open, round flowers in neon magenta-pink. Sparsely-hairy, linear foliage. Calceolaria biflora (Scrophulariaceae) (20x12, Z6, P, L, 1) ................................................. 100 seeds / $2.50 10450.11 (W) Patagonia, Chile. Clustered basal rosettes bear yellow, red-spotted pouches. Callianthemum coriandrifolium (Ranunculaceae) (14x24,Z4,P,GL,4:12w) .................. 30 seeds / $5.00 12701.15 (W) Carpathians, 9800ft, 3000m. Gray-green, pinnate leaves, each leaflet deeply and narrowly lobed, giving rise to a sculptured look, like parsley leaves. Solitary flowers of 10-13 white petals. Grows in the Alps, Carpathians and Pyrenees in peaty to stony screes. Callirhoe involucrata (Malvaceae) (16x120, Z4, P, SC, 4:6w) …………............………….. 50 seeds / $3.00 47890.14 Cupped flowers of shimmering claret unfurl along runners of deep-green, fingered leaves. Calochortus albus (Liliaceae) (20x14,Z6,P,C,3:8w) ................................................. 70 seeds / $3.50 07410.26 (W) Mariposa Co., CA, 2100ft, 640m. Translucent, pearly-white, pendant lanterns grace numerous stems with lanceolate foliage. Photo Calochortus amabilis (Liliaceae) (15x15,Z7,P,C,3:8w) ............................................ 30 seeds / $5.00 05603.26 (W) Lake Co., CA, 2175ft, 663m. Golden-yellow, pendant lanterns with ciliate petals. The sepals are similar but without the cilia. Serpentine soils.Photo Calochortus apiculatus (30x10,Z4,P,C,3:6w) ............................................................ 100 seeds / $3.50 07043.13 (W) Lewis and Clark Co., MT, 6350ft, 1936m. Just missed seeing the flowers but Herbarium records seem to indicate this is the only Calochortus growing in this area. Flowers should be white with bands of yellowish-green or orangish in the throat which extend to the hairs on the pointed petals. Calochortus bruneaunis (30x10,Z6,P,C,3:6w) ……………………………...........………... 80 seeds / $3.50 10760.15 (W) Inyo Co., CA, 7900ft, 2408m. Cream cups with lilac tinges and purple nectary arches. Calochortus clavatus (15x8,Z7,P,C,3:8w) ....................................................................... 80 seeds / $3.50 12544.10 (W) Santa Barabara Co., CA, 3000ft, 915m. Deep yellow bowls with a squiggly reddish line delineating the throat area with numerous hairs. Late blooming. Calochortus coeruleus (8x10,Z6,P,C,3:8w) ................................................................. 40 seeds / $4.00 12629.16 (W) Shasta Co., CA, 3500ft, 1067m. Exquisite pendant flowers of pale to dark caerulean blue, one to three per stem, each flower liberally covered with long cilia. Photo Calochortus eurycarpus (55x10,Z5,P,C,3:6w) ...................................................................... 70 seeds / $3.50 28751.18 (W) Washington Co., ID, 3250ft, 991m. Bowls of cream with purple patches above the nectaries. Growing in volcanic loam. Calochortus flexuosus (30x8,Z6,P,C,3:6w) ........................................................................... 50 seeds / $3.50 30545.38 (W) Clark Co., NV, 4000ft, 1220m. Pale to deep lavender blossoms with maroon and yellow blotches near the base. Can support itself but if other vegetation is nearby, the wiry stems will twist and climb through. Photo Calochortus gunnisonii (Plains form) (22x8,Z4,P,C,3:6w) ........................................ 60 seeds / $4.00 32879.15 (W) Douglas Co., CO, 6550ft, 1997m. Delightful cream-colored bowls on stems taller than the mountain forms. Infrequently seen on the Plains. Calochortus invenustus (16x6,Z6,P,C,3:6w) ............................................................... 50 seeds / $4.00 47891.36 (W) Ventura Co., CA, 7170ft, 2190m. Pale lavender cups shading to white in the throat with dark blue anthers. The base is stained deep purple with a few yellow hairs. Photo Calochortus kennedyi (red form) (16x7,Z6,P,C,3:8w) .............................................. 50 seeds / $5.00 52279.36 (W) Ventura Co., CA, 6200ft, 1890m. Deep orange to vermilion-red flowers with black anthers. One of the gems of the Lockwood Valley area. Photo Calochortus lyallii (28x6,Z6,P,C,3:8w) ............................................................................... 50 seeds / $3.50 54962.18 (W) Kittitas Co., WA, 4216ft, 1285m. Atop slender stems open several flowers of pink limned with white hairs along the edges and in the throat. Calochortus macrocarpus (40x12,Z5,P,C,3:6w) ................................................................... 35 seeds / $5.00 56032.28 (W) Butte Co., ID, 5800ft, 1768m. Large, beautiful bowls of pale lavender flowers with greenish-yellow hairs in the pale throat sit atop long, reflexed sepals which extend beyond the petals. Photo Calochortus nuttallii (white form) (20x8,Z4,P,C,3:6w) ......................................................... 90 seeds / $3.50 58899.28 (W) Fremont Co., WY, 6500ft, 1982m. Snow-white flowers here, with purple crescents above the nectaries. Photo Calochortus tolmiei (15x9,Z6,P,C,3:8w) .................................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 78674.16 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 1300ft, 396m. Flowers cream to pale lavender and heavily fringed inside, the throat purple-black above the glands. Photo Calochortus venustus (40x10,Z8,P,C,3:8w) .............................................................. 50 seeds / $4.00 90278.26 (W) Mariposa Co., CA, 2375ft, 724m. White flowers with reddish-orange blotches over the nectaries, overlaid with azo yellow. The throat is liberally sprinkled with reddish-orange dots and the petals have an orange-stencilled transparent blotch above the basal blotches. Another work of art in a genus known for its sometimes-fantastic color combinations. Photo Calochortus venustus (42x12,Z7,P,C,3:8w) ................................................................. 90 seeds / $5.00 90278.36 (W) Ventura Co., CA, 4090ft, 1247m. A wonderful small colony here with flowers blotched and shaded in various red, purple and magenta hues. Photo Caloscordum neriniflorum (Liliaceae) (15x8,Z4,P,C,3:6w) …………………….................... 40 seeds / $2.50 58294.05 Summer-flowering bulb from Central Asia with dainty, bright pink umbels. Caltha leptosepala (Ranunculaceae) (14x20,Z3,P,L,3:8w) ......................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 54290.35 (W) Mesa Co., CO, 10650ft, 3247m. Shining, snow white flowers with a boss of yellow stamens over ovate leaves. Early alpine bloomer in vernally moist meadows. Photo Calylophus lavandulifolius (7x10,Z4,P,L,2) .......................................................................... 45 seeds / $4.00 54110.59 (W) White Pine Co., NV, 7200ft, 2195m. The long-tubed, square yellow flowers seem huge against the dark green tufts in late spring. Growing in caliche alongside Lepidium nanum. Photo Calylophus lavandulifolius (Onagraceae) (9x12,Z4,P,L,2) ............................................ 45 seeds / $4.00 54110.63 (W) Weld Co., CO, 5200ft, 1585m. The long-tubed, square yellow flowers seem huge against the dark green tufts in late spring. Growing in a sandy gypsum-clay substrate. Photo Calylophus lavandulifolius (Onagraceae) (7x10,Z4,P,L,2) ........................................... 70 seeds / $4.00 54110.76 (W) Rio Blanco Co., CO, 8500ft, 2591m. Another outstanding population here growing on white oil shale. Large, long-tubed, square yellow flowers over dark green tufts for several weeks in late spring and early summer. Photo Calylophus serrulatus (20x14, Z4, P, L, 2) ……………....................................................... 50 seeds / $3.00 76294.16 (W) Elbert Co., CO, 6600ft, 2012m. Reddish foliage with deep yellow blossoms from orange buds. Found sporadically across the Plains. Calylophus tubicula (18x24,Z7,P,L,2) ……………………………………............………... 40 seeds / $3.50 78830.25 (W) Eddy Co., NM, 3100ft, 945m. Dense herbaceous shrublets of wiry stems bearing yellow flowers with very long 1½"+ tubes. Much like C. serrulatus on steroids. Calyptridium umbellatum (Portulacaceae) (2x9,Z4,P,L,1) ........................................ 90 seeds / $4.00 87610.11 (W) Beaver Co., UT, 11500ft, 3506m. On a small eroded gully in volcanic ash were bright spots of raspberry. Closer inspection revealed huge decumbent flower heads splayed around miniature rosettes of rubbery, green, spatulate leaves. Far superior to any of the pallid Sierran forms. Photo Camassia quamash (Liliaceae) (40x22,Z6,P,C,3:12w) ......................................................... 100 seeds / $2.50 72807.16 (W) Douglas Co., OR, 1510ft, 460m. A decidedly dwarf population here of short, Eremurus-like spires in pale to violet-blue. Growing on a steep, stony, serpentine slope. Campanula aucheri (Campanulaceae) (8x8,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ……..…………...................…….. 70 seeds / $3.50 08323.05 Ex North Anatolia, Turkey, 2400m. Dense tufts of spatulate leaves bear numerous erect, inch-wide, solitary blue-violet bells on short stems. Campanula coriacea (Campanulaceae) (15x12,Z5,P,L,3:8w) …............................………..... 70 seeds / $3.50 12695.05 Ex Turkey, 2200m. Dense tufts of leathery, ovate, coarsely-toothed, pubescent leaves with nice panicles of lilac-blue bell-flowers. Choice. Campanula piperi (Campanulaceae) (3x12,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ............................................... 100 seeds / $6.00 70490.12 (W) Clallam Co., WA, 6200ft, 1890m. This superlative 'harebell' forms tufted mats of glossy, sharply-toothed leaves. Upward-facing lavender-blue blossoms are borne on short scapes. On crumbling, E-facing volcanic ledges and cracks. Campanula raineri (3x8, Z4, P, GL, 3:8w) ………………..................................................... 60 seeds / $4.00 74047.04 Ex Paso Croce Domini, Italy, 2200m. Exquisite miniature of grayish leaves and upturned bells of pale blue. Found on limestone screes. Campanula rotundifolia (8x5,Z3,P,L,3:4w) ………………………...............……………... 100 seeds / $3.00 74698.25 (W) Gilpin Co., CO, 10800ft, 3292m. A dwarf alpine race with dainty clear blue bells but will probably grow considerably larger under garden conditions. Campanula scabrella (Campanulaceae) (4x6,Z4,P,L,2) ............................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 76122.22 (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 8900ft, 2713m. Individual gray-green rosettes bear several upturned bells variable in color from purple and lavender to very pale shades. Does not form mats. Campanula shetleri (2x30,Z4,P,L,2) ................................................................................... 100 seeds / $5.00 76354.10 (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 6200ft, 1890m. Extensive mats of tiny rosettes smothered in pale blue, upward-facing bells on very short stems in mid-summer. On N-facing granitic screes and cliffs. Only a few packets left. Photo Caragana microphylla (Fabaceae) (100x120, Z4, P, SC, 1) .................................................. 30 seeds / $3.00 56432.10 Spreading shrubs covered with yellow pea-flowers. Cardiocrinum cordatum (Liliaceae) (100x30,Z6,P,C,5) .......................................................... 55 seeds / $3.50 12693.18 (W) Yoro Mtns, Japan, 90m. Stout stems with cordate, whorled leaves, bearing mildly fragrant, creamy lilies with reddish-brown speckling and pale yellow throats. Striking. Cardiocrinum cordatum v. glehnii (150x40,Z5,P,C,5) ........................................................... 50 seeds / $3.50 12694.18 (W) Sapporo, Japan, 65ft, 20m. A more robust and taller form of C. cordatum with somewhat larger leaves and more flowers. Carnegia gigantea (Cactaceae) (500x200, Z10, P, L, 1) ………………………................. 100 seeds / $2.50 32452.17 (W) Pima Co., AZ, 4200ft, 1280m. "Saguaro." Large waxy creamy flowers followed by red fruit. Takes about 60 to 70 years to start developing the “arms.” Caryopteris x clandonensis (Verbenaceae) (100x100,Z4,P,C,1) .......................................... 50 seeds / $2.00 12542.06 Wonderful soft blue mounds over gray-green foliage in late summer. The seed heads remain ornamental through the winter. Prune each spring to about a foot. Comes true from seed. Cassia roemeriana (Fabaceae) (40x24, Z7, P, SC, 1) ........................................................... 40 seeds / $2.50 74627.14 (W) Eddy Co., NM, 4800ft, 1463m. Shrubby mounds of stiff paired leaflets bear capitate clusters of yellow to orange pea-flowers, often intricately-veined. Growing on rocky limestone soil. Cassiope mertensiana (Ericaceae) (12x20,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ............................................ 100 seeds / $4.00 56295.13 (W) Yakima Co., WA, 5500ft, 1677m. Delicate square stems of tiny overlapping leaves bear nodding, urn-shaped flowers of white porcelain. Photo Castilleja angustifolia (Scrophulariaceae) (16x12,Z4,P,RL3:6w) ......................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 07832.18 (W) Butte Co., ID, 6800ft, 2073m. A spring-blooming sp. with gorgeous flower spikes in various purple, plum or pink shades. On alluvial plains of gravelly, loamy soils. Photo1 Photo2 Castilleja haydenii (9x10,Z3,P,RL,3:6w) ……………………..............…………............... 100 seeds / $4.00 35098.17 (W) Custer Co., CO, 12300ft, 3750m. A beautiful alpine dwarf with finely-shredded flowers in dense spikes of various deep rosy-pink-lavender hues. Photo Castilleja parvula v. parvula (9x10,Z4,P,RL,3:8w) ............................................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 70096.20 (W) Beaver Co., UT, 11100ft, 3384m. Multiple stems compared to the next variety with the same deep rose to magenta flower spikes over hairy, viscid foliage. On volcanic alpine slopes. Castilleja scabrida (9x15,Z4,P,RL,3:6w) ............................................................................ 100 seeds / $4.50 76137.64 (W) Montrose Co., CO, 5400ft, 1646m. Dwarf tufts with greatly incised foliage and brilliant crimson flowers. Growing on sandstone ledges. A showpiece of the Colorado Plateau. Photo Ceanothus fendleri (18x28,Z5,P,SC,4:8w) ..................................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 30278.13 (W) La Plata Co., CO, 8270ft, 2521m. Low spreading shrubs with spines and small oblong, veined leaves bear puffs of white flowers followed by pinkish fruits that eventually dry and explode. Ceanothus greggii (Rhamnaceae) (40x50, Z6, P, SC, 4:8w) .................................................. 70 seeds / $3.00 32745.11 (W) Otero Co., NM, 6500ft, 1982m. Dense shrubs with ovate, veined leaves and umbels of whitish flowers. On W-facing slopes of crumbling limestone. Ceanothus prostratus (Rhamnaceae) (4x120,Z5,P,SC,4:8w) ................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 70748.61 (W) Sierra Co., CA, 6200ft, 1890m. One of the most distinctive groundcovers, seen throughout the Sierra Nevadas. Dense, wide mats of prickly leaves produce short racemes of pale to deep blue flowers followed by exploding seed capsules. Photo Ceanothus pumilus (Rhamnaceae) (4x30,Z6,P,SC,4:8w) ............................................... 60 seeds / $5.00 70876.12 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 1700ft, 518m. Compact racemes of ghostly blue, whitish or pale lavender flowers on absolutely prostrate mats of rounded, blunt-toothed leaves. Photo1 Photo2 Ceanothus velutinus (110x150, Z6, P, SC, 4:8w) .................................................................. 70 seeds / $3.00 90274.10 (W) Chelan Co., WA, 3500ft, 1067m. Vigorous bushes with serrated leaves and snow-white clouds. Cerastium alpinum v. lanatum (Caryophyllaceae) (6x20,Z3,P,L,2) ....................................... 50 seeds / $2.50 07471.06 Slowly-creeping cushions of dense wool look wonderful squeezing between rocks. Hundreds of single white flowers in the spring. Cerastium candidissimum (12x25, Z4, P, L, 2) ................................................................... 100 seeds / $2.00 12079.15 White-woolly, caespitose mats with white flowers. Mountains of Greece. Cercis occidentalis (Fabaceae) (250x110, Z6, P, SC, 3:6w) .................................................. 40 seeds / $2.50 63212.24 (W) Shasta Co., CA, 3500ft, 1067m. These handsome small trees with heart-shaped leaves are smothered with purple-pink pea-flowers in early spring followed by masses of flat pods. Cercocarpus betuloides (Rosaceae) (180x180,Z6,P,C,2) ......................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 10298.11 (W) Tuolumne Co., CA, 5400ft, 1646m. Attractive shrubs covered with birch-like leaves and fuzzy, long-tailed seed plumes. Cercocarpus intricatus (Rosaceae) (90x90, Z5, P, C, 2) …………………….........……….. 60 seeds / $3.00 47878.33 (W) Uintah Co., UT, 8100ft, 2470m. Dense shrubs of intricately-branched stems clothed with linear, incurved leaves. Insignificant flowers are followed by clouds of long-tailed plumes. Cercocarpus ledifolius (Rosaceae) (80x80,Z4,P,C,2) ............................................................ 50 seeds / $3.50 54236.28 (W) Johnson Co., WY, 6000ft, 1829m. Gray-green shrubs with stiff, narrow, inrolled leaves. On hills of red sandstone. Considerably dwarfer than the Idaho forms. Chaenorrhinum glareosum (Scrophulariaceae) (8x20, Z5, P, L, 1) ...................................... 100 seeds / $3.00 32542.13 Tufts of ovate leaves bear prostrate racemes of violet-lilac flowers with a yellow palate. Chamaechaenactis scaposa (Asteraceae) (5x10,Z5,P,L,1) ................................................... 20 seeds / $4.00 76125.37 (W) Montrose Co., CO, 6900ft, 2104m. Compact stacks of tiny round or heart-shaped gray leaves produce a few relatively huge white & pink pin-cushion flowers. Chasmatophyllum sp. (Aizoaceae) (3x30, Z6, P, L, 1) …………………………................... 90 seeds / $3.00 00002.19 Ex Krugerskraal, South Africa. New emerald-green growth sprouts in the spring from blue winter tufts. Practically everblooming bright yellow flowers. Chimaphila umbellata (Ericaceae) (10x10,Z5,P,L,3:6w) …………………...........………... 100 seeds / $3.00 87612.35 (W) Linn Co., OR, 3800ft, 1158m. "Western Prince's Pine." Whorled leathery leaves are crowned with a nodding raceme of pink flowers. Chionophila jamesii (Scrophulariaceae) (6x9,Z3,P,RL,3:8w) .......................................... 90 seeds / $3.50 50076.34 (W) Park Co., CO, 13100ft, 3994m. A Penstemon relative with short but densely-packed, arching spikes of flattened creamy yellow flowers over tufts of narrow leaves which turn maroon-brown with the onset of cold weather. On gentle N-facing alpine slopes. Chionophila tweedyi (13x5,Z4,P,RL,3:8w) ............................................................................ 80 seeds / $3.50 78924.10 (W) Custer Co., ID, 10000ft, 3050m. From clumps of fleshy, lanceolate leaves arise secund, dark lavender spikes bearing white flowers shading to pink near the calyx. Colonies of this pretty alpine are often found under stunted timberline conifers. Photo Clematis columbiana (Ranunculaceae) (14x9,Z3,P,C,5) ............................................ 50 seeds / $4.00 12674.21 (W) Cache Co., UT, 9200ft, 2805m. Lovely pendant violet flowers sway over a few incised leaflets. Found on S- & E-facing rocky limestone slopes and crevices, often in large colonies. Segregation into C. columbiana v. tenuiloba is not supported taxonomically. Photo1 Photo2 Clematis columbiana (35x14,Z4,P,C,5) ................................................................................ 50 seeds / $3.50 12674.37 (W) Bernalillo Co., NM, 10400ft, 3171m. (= C. pseudoalpina.) Small vine which climbs when it can, trails when it must, on steep, W-facing limestone cliffs and slopes. Lovely bluish-purple pendant flowers. Clematis columbiana (Ranunculaceae) (14x40,Z5,P,C,5) .............................................. 50 seeds / $4.00 12674.73 (W) Pennington Co., SD, 6900ft, 2104m. Extra robust form here on the limestone outcrops in the Black Hills. Deep blue to purple-blue flowers held high above the divided foliage. Photo Clematis hirsutissima (30x16,Z5,P,C,5) ................................................................................ 50 seeds / $4.00 35470.40 (W) Custer Co., ID, 8550ft, 2606m. Dark blue-purple, pendant lanterns unfurl over dissected, hirsute foliage. On N-facing slopes of eroded rhyolite. Clematis stans (80x40, Z5, P, RL, 3:8w) ............................................................................... 30 seeds / $3.00 76782.14 (W) Hida Reg., Japan, 750m. Large panicles of pale purple-blue bells, the outside white-tomentose. Clematis terniflora (500x200,Z5,P,C,5) ............................................................................... 20 seeds / $3.50 78296.17 (W) Mino Reg., Japan, 262ft, 80m. Vigorous vines with starry, fragrant, white flowers. Collomia debilis v. debilis (Polemoniaceae) (8x30,Z3,P,L,4:8w) ................................. 50 seeds / $5.00 15230.13 (W) Sublette Co., WY, 9250ft, 2820m. Decumbent creeper with sticky, dark green foliage and deep rose-magenta trumpets nearly all summer. Sprouts from metamorphic volcanic screes. A top-rate rock garden perennial. Photo Collomia debilis v. trifida (Polemoniaceae) (4x15,Z4,P,L,4:8w) ............................................ 15 seeds / $4.00 15331.16 (W) Custer Co., ID, 8200ft, 2500m. Attractive, non-viscid, gray-green rosettes whose individual leaves are deeply three-lobed. Heads of white to pale pink flowers. Runs stoloniferously through its native limestone scree. Coluteocarpus vesicaria (Brassicaceae) (8x10,Z5,P,L,3:6w) .......................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 90296.11 (W) Palandoken, Turkey, 9180ft, 2800m. Caespitose rosettes bearing several stems each with capitate racemes of pale pink to white flowers. Beautiful rock garden plant. Cooperia drummondii (Amaryllidaceae) (25x15,Z7,P,CE,3:8w) ............................................. 20 seeds / $3.50 15750.20 (W) Sutton Co., TX, 2200ft, 671m. Beautiful snow-white, Narcissus-like blossoms with furrowed petals. Opportunistic bloomer whenever there is sufficient rainfall. In limestone pavement with cactus spp. Photo Cortusa matthioli (Primulaceae) (40x30, Z5, P, L, 2) …………………................................. 75 seeds / $3.00 56098.13 Tufts of cordate, hairy leaves bear umbels of pink bell-flowers. Coryphantha macromeris (22x60,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ............................................................. 30 seeds / $3.00 56033.21 (W) Pecos Co., TX. JRT4161 Big, flabby, nippled stems 3" around that clump with time into mounds over two feet across. Light purple blossoms with ciliated petals. Coryphantha scheeri (13x9,Z5,P,L,2) …........................…………………...........……….... 40 seeds / $3.00 76133.15 (W) Pecos Co., TX, 3200ft, 976m. JRT4171 Huge stems with prominent, flabby tubercles. Large, burnt-yellow flowers. Coryphantha scheeri (17x20,Z5b,P,GL,3:4w) ............................................................... 30 seeds / $4.00 76133.01 Ex NM. TC0107 Mainly single stems with whitish spines. Nice yellow, red-centered flowers from the crown. Exceptionally cold hardy. Coryphantha sulcata (Cactaceae) (10x8,Z5,P,L,2) ......................................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 76874.01 Ex Thompson cult. TC032 Multi-clumping stems with white spines. Large, bright yellow flowers with deep red throats. Coryphantha sulcata (Cactaceae) (5x7,Z6,P,L,2) ...................................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 76874.16 (W) Williamson Co., TX. JRT4162 Clumping, nippled stems with chalky-white spines. Large yellow flowers with reddish throats. Crassula ausensis ssp. titanopsis (Crassulaceae) (4x9, Z10, P, L, 2) …………….............. 100 seeds / $3.50 08764.13 Ex Grünau, Namibia. A recent discovery (described in 1998, see CSSA, Vol. 71, No. 2). The triangular leaves are tightly packed and are covered with crystalline tubercles, tipped rusty red. Cryptantha abata (Boraginaceae) (8x20,Z5,P,L,3:6w) .................................................... 15 seeds / $4.00 01009.17 (W) White Pine Co., NV, 7200ft, 2195m. Low, bristly, gray mounds with white flower spikes which scarcely extend beyond the leaves. Grows mostly horizontally, in loam with limestone chips. Poor seed set this year, only a few packets available. Photo Cryptantha compacta (4x9,Z5,P,L,2) .................................................................................... 40 seeds / $5.00 12676.10 (W) Millard Co., UT, 5700ft, 1738m. Spikes of white, yellow-centered flowers above bristly, grayish buns. On limestone flats. One of the choicest and most compact in the genus. Cryptantha humilis v. nana (5x12,Z5,P,L,3:6w) .................................................................... 35 seeds / $4.00 35876.17 (W) Montrose Co., CO, 6900ft, 2104m. Caespitose silver-gray tufts of hairy leaves bear flat-topped inflorescences of rather densely-packed white flowers. Cryptantha paradoxa (6x10,Z5,P,C,2) ………………………………………..........…….... 40 seeds / $4.00 70094.15 (W) Montrose Co., CO, 5500ft, 1675m. Tufts of green, spatulate leaves produce masses of intensely-fragrant, white, yellow-throated, waxy blossoms. Endemic to gypsiferous clay in the Paradox Valley of western Colorado. One of the best in the genus. Photo Cusickiella douglasii (Brassicaceae) (1x3,Z4,P,L,3:8w) ……………………............……..... 35 seeds / $3.50 15685.16 (W) Elko Co., NV, 6500ft, 1982m. Very dwarf gray-green rosettes bear white flowers. Cusickiella quadricostata (Brassicaceae) (3x16,Z5,P,L,3:8w) …....................…...........….... 35 seeds / $4.00 72803.15 (W) Mono Co., CA, 8500ft, 2591m. (= Draba quadricostata.) One of the best and most caespitose cushions of the Sierra Nevadas, comprised of hundreds of tiny, gray-green rosettes, sometimes spanning 12" or more. Short racemes of pale yellow are borne in early summer. Cylindropuntia X viridiflora (Cactaceae) (100x100,Z6,P,C,2) .................................. 30 seeds / $4.00 90495.16 (W) Santa Fe, NM. DB Orange to pink flowers on this hybrid with C. whipplei and C. imbricata. Photo Cymopterus cinerarius (4x6,Z3,P,C,4:8w) …..................…………..........................…….... 30 seeds / $4.00 12478.15 (W) Mono Co., CA, 11400ft, 3476m. The dwarfest of those listed here, with twice-pinnate, roughly-hairy leaves in tufts and white flower heads. On E-facing slopes of dolomite. Cymopterus montanus (5x10,Z5,P,C,4:8w) .......................................................................... 35 seeds / $3.00 56678.17 (W) Fremont Co., CO, 6000ft, 1829m. Pinkish flower heads over bluish, glaucous leaves. In sandy clay. Cymopterus planosus (Apiaceae) (6x14,Z4,P,C,4:8w) ................................................... 70 seeds / $4.00 80540.13 (W) Garfield Co., CO, 7700ft, 2348m. Heads of reddish-maroon flowers nestled in gray-green tufts of laciniate foliage. Growing in basaltic loam. Photo Cymopterus purpureus (12x12, Z4, P, RC, 4:8w) ................................................................. 55 seeds / $3.00 70894.13 (W) Mesa Co., CO, 5000ft, 1524m. Very glossy, almost waxy, green foliage, flowers yellow. Cynanchum laeve (Asclepiadaceae) (250x150,Z7,P,C,3:6w) ............................................ 40 seeds / $3.00 10254.17 (W) Llano Co., TX, 2100ft, 640m. Was listed as Asclepiadaceae sp. for several years but now I feel confident of this ID. Very wiry, prickly stems with attractive heart-shaped leaves flecked with darker green. Chunky seed pods about 4" long and 2" wide. Dalea formosa (40x40,Z6,P,SC,1) ........................................................................................ 15 seeds / $4.00 30704.70 (W) Grant Co., NM, 5100ft, 1555m. The small tricolored pea-flowers of fuzzy white, yellow and purple festoon miniature shrubs in the spring. Pinnatifid leaves of tiny oval leaflets. One of the best. Dalea fremontii (Fabaceae) (100x80, Z7, P, SC, 1) ............................................................... 20 seeds / $3.00 30745.14 (W) Clark Co., NV, 1200ft, 365m. Large racemes of beautiful indigo pea-flowers. Dalea thompsonae (Fabaceae) (55x30,Z5,P,SC,1) ....................................................... 20 seeds / $4.00 78359.14 (W) Garfield Co., UT, 5500ft, 1675m. Bizarre thorny subshrubs with ashy-gray, sinewy stems covered in orange spots bear large racemes of deep blue flowers which fade to pale purple. Photo Daphne alpina (Thymeliaceae) (35x60,Z4,P,C,4:12w) ...................................................... 25 seeds / $5.00 08471.14 Neat, tidy shrubs with downy, gray-green leaves and terminal heads of white, fragrant flowers followed by red-orange fruits. Daphne kosaninii (40x40,Z5,P,C,4:12w) .......................................................................... 25 seeds / $5.00 52706.14 Ex Pirin Mtns, Bulgaria, 2200m. Obovate to elliptic, grayish-green, evergreen leaves on slow-growing bushlets bear creamy-white, fragrant flowers followed by pale orange berries. Daphne kurdica (60x60,Z5,P,C,4:12w) ............................................................................ 25 seeds / $5.00 52904.14 Ex Ala Dag, Turkey, 2000m. Obovate to elliptic, waxy, bluish-green, evergreen leaves on slow-growing bushlets bear snow-white, fragrant flowers followed by orange berries. Daphne pontica (100x120,Z5,P,C,4:12w) .......................................................................... 25 seeds / $5.00 70688.04 Small shrubs with glossy, elliptical leaves produce clusters of greenish-yellow flowers in late spring followed by dark-red berries. Native to northern Turkey. Daphne reichsteinii (50x70,Z5,P,C,4:12w) ........................................................................ 20 seeds / $5.00 74244.04 White flowers from rosy-pink buds on semi-deciduous bushes with brown stems and gray leaves. Originally described in 1981 as a hybrid between D. alpina and D. petraea. Dasynotusdaubenmirei (Boraginaceae) (40x40,Z4,P,L,3:8w) ......................................... 15 seeds / $6.00 15083.12 (W) Idaho Co., ID, 4920ft,1500m. A superb member of the Borage family producing multiple stems clothed in sparsely-hairy, oblanceolate leaves and beautiful clusters of snow-white, inch-wide flowers. Photo Delospermaashtonii (Aizoaceae) (9x14,Z6,P,L,1) ......................................................... 70 seeds / $3.50 10635.02 Ex Thompson. Flat, tapered, greenish-gray leaves covered with medium-dark, hot-pink flowers. Delosperma basuticum (Aizoaceae) (2x8,Z6,P,L,1) .............................................................. 40 seeds / $3.50 10106.19 Chiseled clumps of succulent foliage with large yellow, white-throated blossoms. Delosperma britteniae (Aizoaceae)(4x12, Z10, P, L, 1) …………………..............……...... 75 seeds / $3.00 10747.10 Rigid stems and nice large creamy yellow flowers. Delosperma daveyi (1x8,Z5,P,L,1) ....................................................................................... 30 seeds / $3.00 76709.08 I like this for the foliage: clumps of tiny hemi-sphaerical rosettes in a deep ruby-bronze color. Small white flowers. Originally offered as D. sp. #1 (Sani Pass, RSA) back in 1997. Delosperma deleeuwiae (6x20, Z?, P, L, 1) ……………………………….........………..... 90 seeds / $3.00 15284.00 Originally a Halda collection in Lesotho at 3125m. Magenta flowers. Delosperma dyeri (4x20,Z7,P,L,1) ........................................................................................ 50 seeds / $3.00 15965.07 I've had no luck getting this great species to set seed because all of the plants in commerce probably came from one clone. This year (spring of 2007), however, I received plants from three different sources and a small amount of seed was set among themselves (no other Delosperma spp. in bloom in the area). Hopefully this seed will produce those iridescent red-orange flowers of the parents. Delosperma harazianum (3x6, Z8, P, L, 1) ………………..................…………………..... 80 seeds / $3.00 35104.10 Gray-green, reticulated tufts and pink flowers. From Yemen. Delosperma sphalmanthoides (1x10, Z7, P, L, 2) ................................................................ 40 seeds / $4.00 76706.02 Succulents tufts of tiny blue-gray sausages bear spidery flowers of bright pink in the spring. One of the choicest & hardiest, from the Komsberg Mtns of the Cape Province. Delosperma sp. #2 (Sani Pass, RSA) (3x35, Z5, P, L, 1) ..................................................... 45 seeds / $3.00 76710.01 Low-growing plants are covered with deep magenta flowers which fade to pink. Delosperma sp. (Graaf-Reinet) (4x20,Z6,P,L,1) ................................................................. 45 seeds / $3.00 32743.06 Ex Ouberg, Graaf-Reinet Division, RSA. A mound former with small pickle-like leaves and one-inch white flowers all summer until frost. Collected on cliffs in the East Cape mountains. Delphinium barbeyi (Ranunculaceae) (90x40,Z3,P,L,3:8w) ...................................... 100 seeds / $3.00 10104.31 (W) Beaver Co., UT, 10650ft, 3247m. Basal clumps of minutely-hairy, dissected foliage produce several bold spikes of deep blue flowers. Photo Delphinium bicolor (16x7,Z3,P,L,3:12w) ............................................................................ 100 seeds / $4.00 10415.17 (W) Bighorn Co., WY, 9400ft, 2866m. One of the dwarfest, only a few inches tall. However, in some of the shaded gullies, they’re over a foot. Attractive flowers of deep blue surrounding a white bee. Delphinium brunonianum (40x20, Z4, P, L, 3:8w) ................................................................ 30 seeds / $3.00 10751.04 Displays its musk-scented, downy, dark-eyed, deep purple flowers in early summer. Asia. Delphinium decorum ssp. traceyi (16x7,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ......................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 15242.40 (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 5600ft, 1707m. A dwarf, dainty montane species with tufts of deeply-lobed leaves and racemes of dark purple-blue flowers. In stony, serpentine soils under scrub. Photo Delphinium delavayi (60x24, Z5, P, L, 3:8w) ........................................................................ 60 seeds / $3.00 15285.04 Ex Yunnan, China, 2900m. A succession of long-spurred, deep blue-violet, white-eyed flowers appear from late summer to fall over clumps of deeply cut foliage. Spectacular Asian species. Delphinium hansenii ssp. ewanianum (Ranunculaceae) (100x16,Z7,P,RL,3:8w) ..... 40 seeds / $4.00 35087.26 (W) Madera Co., CA, 1600ft, 488m. Gorgeous spikes of plum-colored flowers, each with a prominent, fuzzy white bee and the petals with diffuse central stripes of orangish-violet. Photo1 Photo2 Delphinium leucophaeum (Ranunculaceae) (35x15,Z6,P,L,3:8w) .............................. 30 seeds / $4.00 54284.37 (W) Benton Co., OR, 660ft, 201m. Beautiful flowers of creamy white surrounding a soft blue bee. Only very short hairs on the stems and flowering parts (see D. pavonaceum in Archives.) Photo Delphinium nudicaule (Ranunculaceae) (50x26,Z7,P,L,3:6w) ............................................. 50 seeds / $4.00 58845.78 (W) Lake Co., CA, 3280ft, 1000m. The beautiful scarlet to scarlet-orange flowers are held out on long pedicels on well-branched plants. Growing on steep, W-facing embankments of volcanic loam.Photo1 Delphinium nuttallianum (18x10,Z4,P,L,3:8w) ..................................................................... 60 seeds / $3.50 58908.47 (W) Mesa Co., CO, 9100ft, 2774m. An alpine species with short racemes of deep blue flowers and deeply-cut basal leaves. Photo Delphinium pavonaceum (45x18,Z6,P,L,3:8w) ..................................................................... 50 seeds / $4.00 70120.29 (W) Polk Co., OR, 164ft, 50m. Practically identical to D. leucophaeum but with glandular-pubesence on the stems and flower parts. Creamy-white flowers with a dark blue or purple bee. Delphinium purpusii (52x20,Z7,P,RL,3:6w) ……………………..............……………….... 60 seeds / $5.00 70904.35 (W) Kern Co., CA, 3800ft One of the best introductions for this genus I've seen in years. From a dense tuft of almost succulent foliage arise dense racemes of wonderful rosy-pink flowers, each with a white bee. A true xerophyte, blooming in early spring and dormant by mid-summer. Definitely worthy of trials to see if blossoming time can be extended under garden conditions. Growing on steep, E-facing granite screes and cliffs. Photo Delphinium scaposum (50x12,Z5,P,RL,3:8w) ……………………….…….............……..... 50 seeds / $3.50 76132.15 (W) Yavapai Co., AZ, 6000ft, 1829m. Deep sky-blue flowers with white bees over mere tufts of glabrous, incised leaves. On vernally-moist basaltic meadows. Delphinium virescens (60x15, Z5, P, L, 3:5w) ...................................................................... 70 seeds / $2.50 90504.11 (W) Harding Co., NM, 4500ft, 1372m. Similar to Delphinium carolinianum ssp. virescens but with pale blue flowers. Dianthus amurensis (Caryophyllaceae) (15x20,Z4,P,C,1) ..................................................... 30 seeds / $2.50 05690.06 'Siberian Blues.' Compact plants with striking, good-sized, fringed, violet-blue flowers. Long season of bloom during the summer. Dianthus callizonus (Caryophyllaceae) (8x14, Z5, P, L, 1) ..................................................... 55 seeds / $3.50 12084.04 Ex Piatra Craiului, Romania, 1800m. Above mats of glossy leaves arise large beautiful flowers of pink-lavender with a prominent central zone of purple dots. A choice Carpathian species. Dianthus freynii (Caryophyllaceae) (6x15,Z5,P,L,1) ............................................................... 50 seeds / $3.50 30746.07 Makes low tufts of narrow, gray-green leaves which are covered with myriad small, soft pink flowers on short stems. A great trough plant. Considered a form of D. glacialis. Dianthus microlepis ssp. degenii (3x8, Z3, P, L, 1) .............................................................. 30 seeds / $3.50 56442.06 Ex Pirin, Bulgaria, 2600m. Condensed cushions of tiny linear leaves with sessile rose-pink flowers. Dianthus neglectus (8x24, Z4, P, C, 1) ............................................................................... 100 seeds / $2.50 58262.06 (= D. pavonius). Blue-green tufts are massed with fringed, deep cherry-red flowers. Dianthus subacaulis ssp. brachyanthus (Caryophyllaceae) (7x20,Z4,P,C,2) ........... 35 seeds / $3.50 76841.09 Dense, spiny mats covered with pretty pale-to-rose-pink flowers. Endemic to the Pyrenees. Dicentra peregrina (pink form) (Fumariaceae) (9x16,Z5,P,L,4:12w) .................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 70304.07 (W) Ex Japan. Over very attractive mounds of blue-green, glaucous, linearly-cut foliage sway short scapes with numerous deep rose-pink flowers, the tips often shading to white. Dicentra peregrina (white form) (Fumariaceae) (9x16,Z5,P,L,4:12w) ................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 70305.07 (W) Ex Japan. Similar to the above but with pure white flowers. Dichelostemma ida-maia (Liliaceae) (60x10,Z6,P,C,3:8w) ........................................... 20 seeds / $4.00 41503.24 (W) Trinity Co., CA, 4300ft, 1311m. The most unusual and distinctive flowers in the genus with scarlet tubes, reflexed green lobes and creamy crowns, several per stem. On a ridge of metamorphic volcanic rock. Photo Dichelostemma volubile (Liliaceae) (120x6,Z6,P,L,3:8w) ............................................... 25 seeds / $4.00 90684.33 (W) Lake Co., CA, 2175ft, 663m. Twining stems terminate in umbels of rosy-pink to purple. Digitalis obscura (Scrophulariaceae) (24x14, Z4, P, L, 1) …………...........…………......... 100 seeds / $2.00 64076.09 Pleated foliage elongate into spikes of bronze hirsute flowers. Dodecatheon alpinum (Primulaceae) (9x6,Z4,P,L,3:8w) .................................................. 40 seeds / $4.00 08470.12 (W) Trinity Co., CA, 7800ft, 2378m. Narrow, erect foliage with many violet flowers per umbel. Growing around a tarn near timberline. Dodecatheon clevelandii ssp. insulare (Primulaceae) (18x15,Z9,P,L,3:8w) ........................ 100 seeds / $3.50 12545.20 (W) Ventura Co., CA, 350ft, 107m. Star-bursts of several lavender-pink flowers with black anthers. Dodecatheon conjugens (15x9,Z4,P,L3:8w) ......................................................................... 70 seeds / $3.50 12688.78 (W) Fremont Co., WY, 6500ft, 1982m. A somewhat dwarfer population here in stony red clay which bakes in the summer. Flowers not seen. Dodecatheon dentatum (20x14,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ............................................................ 80 seeds / $4.00 15289.63 (W) Chelan Co., WA, 5625ft, 1715m. Creamy-white, pendant flowers suffuse to yellow at the base which displays a distinct reddish, undulating ring. The thin leaves are conspicuously toothed. Photo Dodecatheon hendersonii (12x6,Z6,P,L,3:8w) ……………………………............……..... 60 seeds / $3.50 35288.15 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 1500ft, 457m. Dwarf pop. here with lavender flowers and round leaves. Dodecatheon hendersonii (Primulaceae) (22x10,Z6,P,L,3:8w) .................................. 80 seeds / $4.00 35288.36 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 1350ft, 412m. Robust population of very deep lavender flowers with a pale yellow ring at the base of the corolla and a prominent black beak. Each rosette of wide, orbicular leaves may support several flowering stems. Photo Dodecatheon jeffreyi (40x20,Z5,P,L,3:8w) …………………………..............……….….... 90 seeds / $3.50 50260.45 (W) Deschutes Co., OR, 6300ft, 1921m. Large basal rosettes topped by numerous lavender shooting stars. Dodecatheon jeffreyi ssp. pygmaeum (24x12,Z5,P,L,3:8w) …………………..............….. 90 seeds / $3.50 50261.15 (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 6800ft, 2073m. An old taxon which I retain here to emphasize the dwarfer stature of this population. Oblanceolate leaves, gradually narrowing to the petiole. Deep lavender flowers. In small roadside streams near timberline. Dodecatheon poeticum (16x22,Z6,P,L,3:8w) .......................................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 70630.33 (W) Yakima Co., WA, 1880ft, 573m. Bright rose-lavender flowers with a yellow band at the base. At a higher elevation than the preceding. On a steep, E-facing slope of basalt. Photo Douglasia idahoensis (Primulaceae) (2x12,Z4,P,L,3:8w) ....................................................... 45 seeds / $6.00 41506.19 (W) Idaho Co., ID, 7900ft, 2410m. Rare in cultivation, here's a chance to grow this exciting endemic restricted to a few mountain tops in central Idaho. Lovely cushions of hundreds of red-stemmed, succulent-leaved rosettes bear salverform deep pink to magenta basal flowers. On E-facing granite screes. Photo Douglasia laevigata v. laevigata (Primulaceae) (5x15,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ....................... 75 seeds / $6.00 54032.11 (W) Linn Co., OR, 5600ft, 1707m. Rosettes of smooth, green, lanceolate leaves are packed into evergreen cushions. The bright rosy-pink flowers are borne in loose umbels. Found on eroding, NW-facing volcanic cliffs. Photo Douglasia montana (Primulaceae) (1x12,Z3,P,L,4:8w) .............................................. 50 seeds / $6.00 56688.57 (W) Big Horn Co., WY, 9715ft, 2962m. Flat cushions of needle-like gray leaves studded with bright pink Phlox-like flowers. On limestone rubble. Photo Draba aureola (8x6,Z3,P,L,3:6w) ……………………………….………………..........…... 80 seeds / $4.00 08745.25 (W) Deschutes Co., OR, 9200ft, 2805m. Dense, hairy rosettes elongate into a yellow fountain. A most unusual Draba form. Occurs on a very few Cascade volcano summits. Draba densifolia (2x2,Z4,P,L,3:6w) ....................................................................................... 50 seeds / $4.00 15288.58 (W) Daggett Co., UT, 12000ft, 3658m. Tiny domes of dark-green, hispid rosettes bear yellow flowers on very short scapes. Draba fladnizensis v. pattersonii (Brassicaceae) (2x1,Z3,P,L,3:6w) ........................... 90 seeds / $3.50 30551.14 (W) Lake Co., CO, 13150ft, 4009m. Tiny dark-green tufts with very short scapes of creamy flowers. Draba grayana (Brassicaceae) (3x4,Z3,P,L,3:6w) .......................................................... 85 seeds / $3.50 32768.24 (W) Lake Co., CO, 13150ft, 4009m. Tight rosettes of dark green, hairy leaves with bright yellow flowers maturing into twisted pods. Draba oligosperma (4x7,Z3,P,L,3:4w) ............................................................................ 90 seeds / $3.50 65446.53 (W) Albany Co., WY, 10100ft, 3079m. Miniscule, silver-gray, button-like rosettes carpeted with rich yellow. Growing in open alpine rocky areas. Draba paysonii v. treleasii (Brassicaceae) (2x6,Z4,P,L,3:6w) ...................................... 70 seeds / $4.00 70099.62 (W) Custer Co., ID, 8940ft, 2726m. Tight, hairy rosettes in ball-like clumps covered with acid yellow flowers. On exposed, windy volcanic crests. Dracocephalum oblongifolium (Lamiaceae) (8x25, Z4, P, L, 3:6w) ....................................... 20 seeds / $3.00 64054.14 Mats of soft, hairy leaves with long, deep blue flowers. Dryas octopetala v. hookeriana (Rosaceae) (9x100,Z3,P,L,3:8w) .......................... 100 seeds / $3.50 64278.21 (W) Big Horn Co., WY, 10100ft, 3079m. Ubiquitous alpine carpet of green, crenate leaves, tomentose below. Numerous short scapes with creamy, rose-like blossoms which turn into feathery seed heads. Photo Dudleya abramsii ssp. abramsii (Crassulaceae) (9x10,Z8,P,L,3:4w) ....................... 100 seeds / $5.00 04074.35 (W) San Diego Co., CA, 3600ft, 1098m. Small glaucous, brownish-colored rosettes of oblong-lanceolate leaves with short branches bearing straw-yellow, maroon-streaked flowers. Dudleya abramsii ssp. murina (Crassulaceae) (12x9,Z9,P,L,3:4w) ........................... 100 seeds / $5.00 04077.26 (W) San Luis Obispo Co., CA, 1300ft, 400m. "Mouse-Leaved Dudleya." Brownish-gray rosettes of oblong leaves with peduncles highly variable in length bearing pale straw-yellow, purple-flecked flowers. Photo Dudleya caespitosa (15x30,Z10,P,L,1) ....................................................................... 100 seeds / $5.00 12039.88 (W) Monterey Co., CA, 100ft, 30m. Very thick, glaucous rosettes, the leaves often with reddish tips. Yellow flowers in dense clusters on erect to mostly lax stems. Photo Dudleya caespitosa (dune form) (40x16,Z10,P,L,1) ................................................ 100 seeds / $5.00 12039.66 (W) Monterey Co., CA, 100ft, 30m. A very different form here on fine sand dunes of multi-rosetted clusters, the leaves more lance-shaped, more glaucous and with less red on the tips. Strong, erect, multiple stems with yellow flowers. Dudleya caespitosa X farinosa (12x10,Z10,P,L,1) ................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 12139.10 (W) San Mateo Co., CA, 40ft, 12m. Perhaps not actual hybrids but D. caespitosa and D. farinosa intergrade extensively between San Francisco and Santa Cruz. Glabrous and glaucous forms here, usually red-tipped, variable flower stem lengths. Dudleya calcicola (10x6,Z6,P,L,1) ....................................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 12086.50 (W) Kern Co., CA, 3800ft, 1159m. Small, glaucous white rosettes and inflorescences of pale yellow. Growing on E-facing, steep granite slopes. Also found on limestone slopes. Photo Dudleya edulis (24x20,Z10,P,L,1) .............................................................................. 100 seeds / $4.00 21588.55 (W) San Diego Co., CA, 3600ft, 1098m. Lax rosettes of numerous, narrow, cylindrical leaves sprout spreading inflorescences of creamy-white flowers. Reminds me of succulent Senecio spp., e.g. Kleinia cylindrica I grew in my youth. Dudleya farinosa (mixed) (12x10,Z10,P,L,1) ........................................................... 100 seeds / $5.00 30104.38 (W) Sonoma Co., CA, 100ft, 30m. A mix of the glaucous, chalky-gray rosettes and the glabrous, green rosettes, all brightly tipped with red. I saw no evidence of intermediate characteristics. Pale yellow inflorescences on short stems. Photo1 Photo2 Dudleya farinosa (silver) (Crassulaceae) (12x10,Z10,P,L,1) ....................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 30104.44 (W) Humboldt Co., CA, 200ft. Very glaucous, silver form, no red tipping on the leaves. Very limited, one packet per customer. Dudleya lanceolata (45x12,Z10,P,L,1) ................................................................................ 100 seeds / $3.50 54088.80 (W) San Diego Co., CA, 600ft, 183m. Standard form here with usually single, glaucous green rosettes and rather tall flowering scapes bearing heads of yellow flowers. Dudleya lanceolata (mini form) (12x12,Z6,P,L,1) ................................................... 100 seeds / $5.00 54088.66 (W) Santa Barbara Co., CA, 3800ft, 1158m. Miniature form here of glaucous green, clumping rosettes and orange-red flowers in broad heads. W-facing serpentine outcrops. Photo Dudleya palmeri (15x15,Z10,P,L,1) ........................................................................... 100 seeds / $5.00 70085.28 (W) San Luis Obispo Co., CA, 100ft, 30m. Very succulent rosettes, most glaucous, some green, all suffused ruby-red. Thick flower spikes bear deep red to orange flowers. Photo Dudleya pulverulenta ssp. arizonica (18x35,Z8,P,L,1) ....................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 70930.90 (W) San Diego Co., CA, 4100ft, 1250m. Generally smaller than the low-elevation forms but equally impressive. Higher, drier and colder at this locality on the edge of the Anza-Borrego Desert. On steep, N-facing, igneous slopes. Photo Ebracteola wilmaniae (Aizoaceae) (8x24,Z7,P,L,1) ............................................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 92495.09 Ex Riverton, North Cape Province, RSA. Distinctive and beautiful species originally from a cold, arid plateau near Riverton. Mats of gray-green, finger-like leaves turn purplish in the cold. Large, soft pink flowers appear in early spring and continue for several months. Echinacea angustifolia (Asteraceae) (35x22,Z4,P,C,3:4w) .............................................. 40 seeds / $3.00 09832.13 (W) Custer Co., SD, 4900ft, 1494m. Large pale purple or pink flowers over narrow foliage. These long-lived and long-blooming plants are the dwarfest in the genus. Echinocactus polycephalus (Cactaceae) (35x75, Z7, P, GL, 2) ............................................. 30 seeds / $3.00 70694.25 (W) Inyo Co., CA, 4500ft, 1372m. Fierce, multi-headed clumps bear pink-hued, yellow flowers. Echinocactus texensis (Cactaceae) (9x16,Z7,P,GL,2) .................................................. 35 seeds / $3.00 78334.15 (W) Roosevelt Co., NM, 4000ft, 1220m. JRT5211 Robust, hardy plants with variable spine lengths. Flowers in all combinations of white, red, pink and orange. Echinocereus coccineus (15x55,Z4,P,GL,3:4w) .................................................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 12650.18 (W) Colfax Co., NM, 6800ft, 2073m. Huge clustering plants with scores of heads on volcanic prairie. Echinocereus coccineus (28x45,Z3,P,GL,3:6w) .............................................................. 40 seeds / $3.50 12650.23 (W) Custer Co., CO, 9000ft, 2744m. JRT184 Immense clumps with medium-headed stems which support an array of needle spine types, including long spine forms in mainly straw-yellow colors. Typical reddish-orange trumpet flowers. Very high elevation form. Echinocereus coccineus (18x15,Z5,P,GL,3:4w) ............................................................ 40 seeds / $3.00 12652.89 (W) Socorro Co., NM, 8000ft, 2439m. JRT560 Bright orange flowers shading to light orange-yellow center. Photo Echinocereus coccineus v. gurneyi (18x40, Z6, P, GL, 3:4w) ............................................... 50 seeds / $2.50 12653.01 Beautiful yellow-orange flowers tipped with deep orange. Echinocereus coccineus ssp. roemeri (20x25,Z5b,P,GL,3:4w) ........................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 12647.11 (W) Llano Co., TX, 2000ft, 610m. JRT485 Darker needle-type spines with reddish-orange, trumpet-type flowers. Most eastern E. coccineus variety, able to take extra moisture. Photo Echinocereus dasyacanthus (28x12,Z6,P,GL,3:4w) ……………...........…………………... 40 seeds / $3.00 15116.25 (W) Otero Co., NM, 5300ft, 1616m. JRT5104 Smoky white spines, large orange flowers with green throats. Echinocereus dasyacanthus (28x12,Z6,P,GL,3:4w) ………………...........………………... 40 seeds / $3.00 15116.55 (W) Otero Co., NM, 5300ft, 1616m. JRT5103 Dark red flowers with a hint of pink. Echinocereus englemannii (12x10, Z6, P, L, 3:4w) ............................................................... 70 seeds / $2.50 29832.11 (W) Riverside Co., CA, 4600ft, 1402m. White barrels with soft spines. Magenta flowers. Echinocereus fendleri (9x12,Z5,P,GL,3:4w) ............................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 30297.11 (W) La Plata Co., CO, 5600ft, 1707m. JRT154 Semi-clumping, dwarf population with large pinkish-purple flowers. Photo Echinocereus fendleri (12x10, Z5, P, GL, 3:4w) ................................................................. 100 seeds / $3.00 30298.09 Ex Luna Co, NM. Huge, violet-red blossoms over 9 cm across. Echinocereus fendleri (16x12,Z5,P,GL,3:4w) ................................................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 30298.93 (W) Fremont Co., CO, 5400ft, 1646m. JRT153 Single to slightly-clumping stems with mainly white spines. Large purple flowers. Echinocereus fendleri x reichenbachii v. albispinus (12x10, Z5, P, GL, 3:4w) ................... 50 seeds / $3.00 30300.09 My own cross, with many intermediate characteristics. Echinocereus fendleri x lloydii (14x20, Z5, P, GL, 3:4w) ………………………................. 50 seeds / $3.00 30301.01 Another of my crosses, performed in the spring of 2001. Echinocereus reichenbachii (18x10,Z5,P,GL,3:4w) .......................................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 74248.81 Cult. ex Belva, OK. X Young Co., TX. TC063 Giant Blacklace. Seedlings have come out 99 percent dark Blacklace. Echinocereus reichenbachii v. albispinus (9x10, Z5, P, GL, 3:4w) ...................................... 50 seeds / $3.00 74246.00 Ex Troy Co., OK. Showy pale fuchsia flowers on barrels of spiraling, white spines. Photo Echinocereus triglochidiatus (15x25,Z4,P,GL,3:4w) ......................................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 78742.22 (W) Chaffee Co., 8400ft, 2561m. JRT173 Larger clumps at an even higher elevation (compared to 78742.19). Flowers not seen, should be red. Echinocereus triglochidiatus (8x25, Z5, P, GL, 3:4w) ………………………...................... 45 seeds / $2.50 78752.28 (W) Coconino Co., AZ, 6200ft, 1890m. A somewhat dwarfer population with long spines. Echinocereus triglochidiatus (20x28, Z4, P, GL, 3:4w) ……………………….................... 40 seeds / $3.00 78752.03 Ex Manzano Mtns, NM. Distinctive form with stout stems and 1 or 2 long straight spines per areole. Scarlet blossoms. Echinocereus triglochidiatus v. mojavensis (10x26,Z5,P,GL,3:4w) ..................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 78751.31 (W) San Bernadino Co., CA, 4500ft, 1372m. An attractive variant on account of the long, twisting spines. Red flowers. Echinocereus triglochidiatus 'White Sands Strain' (80x100,Z6,P,GL,3:4w) ....................... 45 seeds / $3.00 78748.06 Ex Otero Co., NM. A very robust and fast growing population, eventually forming huge multi-headed mounds. Brilliant red-orange flowers. Echinocereus viridiflorus (16x15,Z4,P,GL,3:4w) .............................................................. 40 seeds / $3.00 90514.90 (W) Baca Co., CO. JRT146 Unusual form with clumping, cylindric stems carrying long central spines and brilliant green flowers in profusion around the stems. Photo Echinocereus viridiflorus ssp. rhyolithensis (35x8,Z7,P,GL,3:4w) …................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 74916.16 (W) Sierra Co., NM, 5500ft, 1677m. JRT535 Clumping stems with long fine needle spines and inner shorter radial spines white to bright golden yellow. Longer central spines are bright red. Gorgeous new variant. Was listed as Echinocereus russanthus v. cowie (W) Socorro Co., NM, 5500ft, 1677m. Edraianthus graminifolius ssp apenninus (Campanulaceae) (10x8,Z4,P,L,3:8w) ................ 40 seeds / $3.50 32778.17 (W) Gran Sasso, Italy, 6100ft, 1860m. Blue to violet-blue bell-flowers pendant over grassy tufts. Growing on stony limestone rubble. Enceliopsis covillei (65x30, Z5, P, C, 1) ……………........................................................... 30 seeds / $3.00 12730.15 (W) Inyo Co., CA, 3600ft, 1100m. Clumps of silver, cordate foliage produce huge yellow daisies, typically 5” to 6” across (up to 15 cm)! Enceliopsis nudicaulis (28x22,Z4,P,C,1) ............................................................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 58855.56 (W) Custer Co., ID, 5400ft, 1646m. Yellow daisies over scalloped silver foliage at an unexpected locality, making this the hardiest form yet. Growing in a rock and mud-filled gulch. Enceliopsis nudicaulis (mini) (18x16,Z5,P,C,1) …………………..............………………... 30 seeds / $3.50 58855.45 (W) Millard Co., UT, 5700ft, 1738m. An attractive miniature form here on limestone. Epilobium canum (Onagraceae) (9x30,Z6,P,L,2) ........................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 12100.14 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 3575ft, 1090m. Mounds of bluish-green foliage covered with semi-pendulous masses of scarlet, tubular flowers with flaring lips. This seed from an isolated, dwarf population high in the Siskiyou Mtns. Hanging on volcanic cliffs. Epipactis gigantea (Orchidaceae) (35x25,Z7,P,L,7) ..................................................... 1000 seeds / $4.00 32472.12 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 1700ft, 518m. An herbaceous perennial with multiple stems of lance-shaped leaves bearing reddish-brown, striped flowers, the lower petal cupped with a tongue colored yellowish. Streamside with Darlingtonia californica and Lilium spp. Epithelantha micromeris (Cactaceae) (4x8,Z6,P,GL,3:4w) ........................................... 30 seeds / $3.00 56452.30 (W) Sutton Co., TX, 2200ft, 671m. Choice "Button Cactus" covered with fine white spines. Tiny salmon flowers are followed by bright red fruits clustered atop the stems. Photo Eriastrum densifolium ssp. austromontanum (Polemoniaceae) (15x10,Z6,P,L,4:6w) …....... 70 seeds / $3.00 15298.25 (W) Inyo Co., CA, 4600ft, 1400m. Woody, decumbent stems bear terminal heads of white wool from which protrude many electric-blue trumpets. Amazingly drought-resistant. Erigeron basalticus (Asteraceae) (5x15,Z6,P,L,1) ................................................................. 60 seeds / $3.50 10116.19 (W) Yakima Co., WA, 1300ft, 396m. Loose rosettes of gray-green, lobed leaves bear lavender-tinged, white daisies all summer despite the 100° F. heat. Endemic to basalt cliffs near Yakima. Photo Erigeron cascadensis (13x9, Z5, P, L, 1) .............................................................................. 90 seeds / $3.00 12116.10 (W) Lane Co., OR, 5600ft, 1707m. Hairy spatulate leaves and nice white daisies. Erigeron compositus (6x10,Z4,P,L,1) ………………………………..........……………….. 70 seeds / $3.00 12697.25 (W) Larimer Co., CO, 6500ft, 1982m. Dwarf plants with dissected leaves and white flowers. Erigeron elegantulus (Asteraceae) (4x30,Z5,P,L,3:4w) ............................................ 30 seeds / $4.00 25428.11 (W) Modoc Co., CA, 4600ft, 1402m. Mats of filiform leaves bear numerous smallish violet daisies. Growing on scoria fields. Would lend elegance to troughs. Photo Erigeron flabellifolius (9x30, Z3, P, L, 1) .............................................................................. 70 seeds / $3.00 30544.13 (W) Park Co., WY, 10250ft, 3323m. Mats of flabellate foliage sprout white flowers aging pink. Erigeron linearis (10x24,Z5,P,L,1) ........................................................................................ 70 seeds / $3.00 54498.39 (W) Chelan Co., WA, 5700ft, 1738m. Mature plants are extremely floriferous with 50 to 100 bright, sunshine-yellow daisies. Tufted mats of linear, hairy leaves. Erigeron peregrinus ssp. callianthemus (15x10, Z3, P, L, 3:6w) ........................................ 100 seeds / $2.50 70314.14 (W) Chaffee Co., CO, 12100ft, 3689m. The deep violet daisies are Aster-like in appearance due to the wide rays. This alpine population hopefully will keep its compact character. Erigeron pinnatisectus (Asteraceae) (5x7,Z3,P,L,1) .................................................... 70 seeds / $3.50 70498.15 (W) Park Co., CO, 12460ft, 3800m. Sumptuous lavender-blue daisies over pinnate foliage. Erigeron pulcherrimus (20x15,Z5,P,L,3:4w) ......................................................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 70895.17 (W) Sandoval Co., NM, 5300ft, 1616m. Large, lavender-tinted, white daisies over thready foliage. Photo Erigeron pygmaeus (3x7,Z3,P,L,3:6w) ...................................................................... 50 seeds / $4.00 70967.11 (W) Mono Co., CA, 11700ft, 3567m. Glandular tufts of linear leaves bear several short-stemmed violet daisies from black buds. On dolomitic screes. Photo Erigeron uncialis (2x5,Z5,P,L,2) ............................................................................................ 60 seeds / $4.00 89812.19 (W) White Pine Co., NV, 10300ft, 3140m. Minute tufts of linear-spatulate leaves with large white flowers. Perfect miniature for troughs. Growing on limestone outcroppings. Photo Erigeron ursinus (5x10,Z5,P,L,1) .......................................................................................... 75 seeds / $3.50 91476.14 (W) Iron Co., UT, 10200ft, 3110m. Pretty bluish-lavender flowers over narrow leaves. Eriocyse curvispina (Cactaceae) (8x11, Z6, P, GL, 3:6w) ..................................................... 90 seeds / $3.00 12914.11 (W) Portillo, V Reg., Chile, 8000ft, 2439m. (= Neoporteria curvispina.) Long grayish spines twist around the barrels. Copper flowers. Eriogonum caespitosum (Polygonaceae) (10x16,Z4,P,C,3:4w) .............................................. 80 seeds / $4.00 12038.38 (W) Fremont Co., WY, 7750ft, 2363m. Dense buns of tiny, gray, spatulate leaves with short-scaped poms in red, chrome yellow and all intermediate combinations. Eriogonum gracilipes (8x12,Z4,P,L,3:8w) …………………………………............……..... 50 seeds / $5.00 32744.15 (W) Inyo Co., CA, 11400ft, 3475m. Outstanding crimson poms (sometimes flecked with cream) on pulvinate, grayish-green, woolly buns. Holds its form well in cultivation. Grows on dry, dolomitic screes. Photo Eriogonum kingii (6x14,Z4,P,L,3:8w) .................................................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 52498.39 (W) Elko Co., NV, 8200ft, 2500m. Cushions of woolly, ovate leaves bear numerous poms of creamy yellow. Growing on granitic glacial detritus. Photo Eriogonum incanum (12x26, Z5, P, L, 3:6w) ......................................................................... 90 seeds / $3.50 49812.10 (W) Jackson Co., OR, 7400ft, 2256m. A dioecious species with male flowers in small yellow balls and the females in a showier branching inflorescence of yellow and deep red. Mats of small, densely-felted, olive-gray leaves. On S-facing volcanic screes. Eriogonum kennedyi (Polygonaceae) (4x26,Z5,P,L,3:6w) .......................................... 100 seeds / $5.00 52298.16 (W) Ventura Co., CA, 8675ft, 2645m. Dense cushions of tiny, ash-gray, pointed leaves. Heads of red and cream, aging to deep orange-brown tones. Plants with short flowering stems are assigned v. alpigenum and v. kennedyi to those with longer, branching stems but they completely intergrade. Eriogonum libertini (10x35,Z5,P,C,3:6w) ......................................................................... 55 seeds / $4.00 54450.12 (W) Trinity Co., CA, 5100ft, 1555m. Broad mats of tomentose, lanceolate, inrolled leaves in rosettes and bright yellow flowers on short stems. On serpentine screes. Eriogonum lobbii (5x24,Z6,P,L,3:6w) ……………………………….........………………... 25 seeds / $4.00 54650.25 (W) Sierra Co., CA, 7500ft, 2287m. Around flat, gray-green rosettes lay prostrate several stems bearing large clusters of pale pink flowers, aging to deep rose-pink. One of the best Buckwheats in the genus. On volcanic screes. Eriogonum ovalifolium (9x22,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ........................................................................... 50 seeds / $3.00 69009.15 (W) Inyo Co., CA, 5700ft, 1738m. Another great form here on a broad knoll of granite. Dwarf plants bear poms of deep pink, often intermixed with cream and yellow. Eriogonum ovalifolium (14x20, Z5, P, L, 3:8w) ………………………….............……….... 75 seeds / $3.00 69009.21 (W) Esmeralda Co., NV, 6200ft, 1890m. Robust form with gray felted leaves and balls of cream tinged pink. Eriogonum ovalifolium (9x25,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ...................................................................... 60 seeds / $3.50 69009.51 (W) Modoc Co., CA, 4600ft, 1402m. A population with nice pink flowers on short scapes. On flats of pure scoria. Photo Eriogonum ovalifolium v. depressum (4x20,Z3,P,C,3:6w) ................................................... 60 seeds / $4.00 69014.26 (W) Custer Co., ID, 10400ft, 3170m. Flattened mats of white-woolly, oval leaves bear prostrate scapes of predominantly pink to ruby-red flower heads. On steep, E-facing granite scree. Photo1 Photo2 Eriogonum ovalifolium v. nevadense (10x16,Z5,P,L,3:6w) …………………..............….... 75 seeds / $3.50 69010.15 (W) Churchill, NV, 6000ft, 1829m. An uncommon variety of this widespread taxon with cushions of minute, felty-hairy leaves and poms of bright chrome yellow aging to deep rusty pinks. Eriogonum ovalifolium v. nivale (Polygonaceae) (8x40,Z3,P,C,3:6w) .................... 100 seeds / $4.00 69011.51 (W) Washoe Co., NV, 8000ft, 2439m. Large tight mats of small oval leaves are covered with lax poms of white from rosy-pink buds. Great form here on decomposed white granite screes. Photo1 Photo2 Eriogonum shockleyi (3x10,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ............................................................................. 50 seeds / $3.50 76360.51 (W) Nye Co., NV, 6100ft, 1860m. Tight, shining, silver-blue cushions studded with sessile poms covering a wide spectral range -- creams, pinks, reds, yellows and all shades in between. Eriogonum shockleyi (3x20,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ............................................................................. 40 seeds / $4.00 76360.80 (W) Beaver Co., UT, 5600ft, 1707m. Tight, silver-blue cushions studded with sessile cream poms aging rust. Photo Eriogonum shockleyi (Polygonaceae) (20x4,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ............................................ 40 seeds / $4.50 76360.93 (W) Carbon Co., UT, 5725ft, 1745m. Tight, silver-blue cushions studded with sessile poms in ruby-red, blood-red, orange and yellow shades. One of the best forms I have seen for this taxon. Photo1 Photo2 Eriogonum siskiyouense (8x15,Z5,P,L,3:6w) .................................................................. 60 seeds / $4.00 76516.45 (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 7000ft, 2134m. Dense mats of silvery blue-green, flat rosettes, the undersides of the oval leaves white felted. The bright lemon poms age to raspberry and brilliant cherry-red shades. The photo shows a representative plant after months of drought. Photo Eriogonum soredium (4x20,Z5,P,L,3:6w) …………………………...........……………….. 50 seeds / $5.00 76714.15 (W) Beaver Co., UT, 6200ft, 1890m. Tight cushions of woolly, bluish-white sprout large, sessile flower balls of cream, aging to tan. One of the most fantastic in the genus. Eriogonum strictum v. greenei (8x16,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ........................................................ 20 seeds / $4.00 76822.12 (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 8900ft, 2713m. Extremely condensed mats of thickly-felted, white leaves with poms on short stems that are white to pale pink, aging to a rusty deep pink. On exposed alpine, volcanic screes. Limited quantites. Eriogonum strictum v. proliferum (15x25,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ................................................ 70 seeds / $4.00 76823.12 (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 3900ft, 1190m. Mats of tomentose, oval leaves, much like a robust E. ovalifolium, with snow-white flower umbels, aging to rusty pink. Photo Eriogonum thymoides (Polygonaceae) (14x20,Z5,P,C,3:8w) ......................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 78363.32 (W) Yakima Co., WA, 3550ft, 1082m. Tiny revolute linear leaves and masses of flower balls colored cream, chrome yellow, acid red, orange and every imaginable bicolor. On basalt scablands. Photo Eriogonum umbellatum v. porteri (Polygonaceae) (6x12,Z3,P,C,3:4w) ............................... 100 seeds / $4.00 89612.10 (W) Beaver Co., UT, 10400ft, 3170m. Absolutely the cutest buns of tiny, spatulate, green leaves, tinged red. Numerous poms of red and yellow turn orange-brown as they fade. Outstanding. Growing on igneous mountain slopes. Photo Eriogonum ursinum (24x35,Z6,P,C,3:6w) …………………………………………............. 80 seeds / $4.00 91477.35 (W) Sierra Co., CA, 6000ft, 1829m. Mats of small, elliptical leaves covered with a yellow-brown tomentum, mostly shedding on the upper surfaces to a dull olive gloss. The large flower heads open deep yellow and age to a creamy or pale pinkish orange. Volcanic talus. Eriogonum villiflorum (Polygonaceae) (1x8,Z5,P,C,3:6w) ......................................... 18 seeds / $5.00 90494.27 (W) White Pine Co., NV, 7200ft, 2195m. Tufts like a russet Eritrichium howardii with small procumbent flower clusters splayed around each tuft. In loam with limestone chips. Limited quantities. One of the dwarfest and strangest Eriogonums. Eriophyllum lanatum v. integrifolium (Asteraceae) (5x7,Z3,P,L,3:8w) .................................. 25 seeds / $3.50 54097.10 (W) Custer Co., ID, 10000ft, 3050m. White-woolly tufts of oblanceolate leaves produce a canopy of large, yellow-orange daisies. A very dwarf alpine form. Photo Eritrichium aretioides (Boraginaceae) (3x5,Z3,P,L,2) ................................................... 40 seeds / $5.00 07431.49 (W) Sheridan Co., WY, 10100ft, 3079m. Silver-gray, woolly cushions sport sky-blue flowers. On a nearly level slope of limestone rubble. A classic challenge requiring sharp drainage.Photo Eritrichium aretioides (mini form) (1x6,Z3,P,L,2) ................................................................ 10 seeds / $7.00 07431.80 (W) Custer Co., ID, 10400ft, 3170m. Exceptionally tiny form here, the flower stems being mere bumps on the silver cushions. This has the effect of rendering the cushions almost solid blue when in bloom. No albino forms seen. Limited amounts. Photo Eritrichium howardii (Boraginaceae) (3x9,Z3,P,L,2) .............................................................. 20 seeds / $8.00 35732.58 (W) Park Co., WY, 8000ft, 2439m. Silver linear leaves and royal blue flowers on domed, pulvinate cushions. One of the most sought-after alpine cushions. Finally, decent seed-set this year. Erysimum kotschyanum (10x20,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ........................................................ 30 seeds / $3.00 52718.06 Tufts of light green leaves eloquently trail over rocks, smothered in short-stemmed heads of fragrant, golden-yellow blossoms. Erysimum wheeleri (Brassicaceae) (40x12,Z5,B,L,3:4w) ............................................. 30 seeds / $3.50 92356.05 (Ex cult.) A bit tall for the rock garden but deserves a spot in the back to show off the unusual color of these flowers, which varies from orange to deep orange-red. There are often a hundred blossoms or more per raceme and takes weeks to complete their display. Photo Erythronium albidum(Liliaceae) (12x16,Z5,P,C,4:8w) ................................................. 30 seeds / $5.00 09410.00 White flowers pendant over mottled foliage. Native to many eastern U.S. states, including the Ozarks. This seed from a cultivated source in Illinois. Prefers the dappled shade of moist woodlands. Erythronium californicum (Liliaceae) (16x18,Z6,P,L,3:16w) ...................................... 60 seeds / $4.50 12095.11 (W) Humboldt Co., CA, 4850ft, 1478m. Cream flowers with cream anthers over heavily mottled leaves. Growing on N-facing serpentine slopes covered with a fine layer of pine duff. Photo Erythronium citrinum (Liliaceae) (14x15,Z6,P,L,3:16w) .............................................. 80 seeds / $5.00 12518.18 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 2700ft, 823m. Lovely creamy-white pendant flowers have a lemon-yellow base and fade to pinkish. On N-facing serpentine ground partly shaded by conifers.Photo Erythronium citrinum v. roderickii (16x15,Z6,P,L,3:16w) ......................................... 35 seeds / $5.00 12519.18 (W) Trinity Co., CA, 3936ft, 1200m. Flowers cream to pale lavender with a yellow throat and maroon anthers over colorful, deeply-mottled leaves. Growing here on shaded serpentine slopes at the type locality in the Scott Mtns.Photo1 Photo2 Erythronium elegans (Liliaceae) (16x16,Z6,P,L,3:16w) .............................................. 40 seeds / $6.00 25429.17 (W) Tillamook Co., OR, 3150ft, 960m. Beautiful pendant white flowers with yellow-spotted bases and yellow anthers are often blushed pink. Unmottled leaves. Initially thought to be a hybrid between E. revolutum and E. montanum. On NE-facing ridge crests and partly-shaded woodland areas.Photo1 Photo2 Erythronium grandiflorum (16x16, Z5, P, L, 3:16w) ........................................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 32748.36 (W) Wallowa Co., OR, 5800ft, 1768m. Golden yellow flowers / chocolate-purple anthers. Erythronium grandiflorum (red anthers) (Liliaceae) (14x12,Z4,P,L,3:16w) ................ 20 seeds / $4.00 32748.54 (W) Gunnison Co., CO, 10500ft., 3201m. Flowers not seen but I have it on good authority that the anthers are red at this locality. E-facing montane slopes of quartzite. Limited quantities. Erythronium grandiflorum ssp. chrysandrum (16x12,Z3,P,L,3:16w) .......................... 80 seeds / $4.00 33748.14 (W) Montrose Co., CO, 9160ft, 2793m. Bright yellow flowers with golden anthers here from a classic population on the Uncompahgre Plateau. Erythronium helenae (12x14,Z6,P,L,3:16w) .................................................................. 35 seeds / $5.00 35295.38 (W) Napa Co., CA, 1525ft, 465m. Lightly-mottled plants bear pure white flowers similar to E. californicum but with dark yellow anthers. Fades to pink with a yellow throat. On E-facing serpentine screes.Photo Erythronium helenae (12x14,Z6,P,L,3:16w) .................................................................. 35 seeds / $5.00 35295.48 (W) Napa Co., CA, 2665ft, 813m. Lightly-mottled plants bear pure white flowers similar to E. californicum but with dark yellow anthers. Fades to pink with a yellow throat. On N-facing serpentine screes. Erythronium howellii (Liliaceae) (14x15,Z6,P,L,3:16w) ............................................. 30 seeds / $5.00 35733.47 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 3100ft, 945m. Very similar to E. citrinum and doubtfully distinct from it, the only difference being the basal appendages on the petals are absent. N-facing serpentine slopes under scrub in a coniferous woodland. Erythronium klamathense (Liliaceae) (11x10,Z5,P,L,3:16w) ................................... 100 seeds / $5.00 52544.27 (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 5800ft, 1768m. Cream flowers shading to yellow near the base, the whole aging pale pink. These dwarf plants with unmottled green leaves prefer the N-facing side of serpentine outcrops and ravines. Photo Erythronium montanum (16x12,Z4,P,L,3:16w) ............................................................. 80 seeds / $5.00 56699.58 (W) Yakima Co., WA, 5500ft, 1677m. These glistening white avalanche lilies appear in masses throughout the Cascades on N-facing slopes of volcanic loam. The snow-white flowers are up to 3" and their throats are intricately lined with yellow-orange.Photo1 Photo2 Erythronium oregonum ssp. oregonum (12x14,Z6,P,L,3:16w) ....................................... 40 seeds / $5.00 67426.33 (W) Coos Co., OR, 4075ft, 1242m. Pretty much identical to the western Cascade population. This population from a high coastal mountain locality. Heavily-forested, N-facing slopes. Photo Erythronium oregonum ssp. oregonum (15x15,Z6,P,L,3:16w) .............................. 100 seeds / $6.00 67426.47 (W) Douglas Co., OR, 4800ft, 1465m. Pendant white flowers with long, dangling, yellow anthers, basally marked greenish-yellow, mature to pink over brown-mottled leaves. East-facing slopes of volcanic mountains in the Old Cascades. Photo Erythronium purpurascens (24x10,Z5,P,L,3:16w) ......................................................... 100 seeds / $6.00 70915.53 (W) Nevada Co., CA, 7600ft, 2317m. Several small creamy-white flowers with yellow bases and reflexed tepals are tiered on the scapes, aging to a pinkish-purple. Unmottled leaves. In the shade of Red Fir forests, here right at timberline. Escobaria dasyacantha v. nova (Cactaceae) (10x5,Z6,P,GL,3:4w) ..................................... 35 seeds / $3.50 15120.13 (W) Pecos Co., TX, 5800ft, 1768m. JRT4131 Single stems with red-tipped, white spines. Sunset-pink to olive-green flowers in the crown. Green to flesh-pink fruits. Escobaria missouriensis (5x8,Z5,P,L,3:4w) …………………............................………….. 40 seeds / $3.00 56516.18 (W) Pueblo Co., CO, 6700ft, 2043m. JRT1122 Variable stems from single to multi-heading, up to 15 heads. Flowers range from straw-brownish-yellow to rarely bright, clear green. The red fruits often winter over. Escobaria missouriensis (Cactaceae) (2x4,Z5,P,L,3:4w) ........................................... 25 seeds / $4.00 56516.25 (W) Baca Co., CO, 4000ft, 1220m. JRT1121 Tiny, usually single, flat stems. Medium straw-colored flowers. Small red fruits in the center of the stems, usually wintering over. Escobaria navajoensis (3x9,Z5,P,L,3:4w) ...................................................................... 20 seeds / $3.50 56521.12 (W) Navajo Co., AZ. TC031 Flat-topped, nippled stem with short white spines and yellow-cream flowers. Occasionally clumps. Escobaria orcuttii v. koenigii (12x20, Z6, P, GL, 2) …………............................................. 35 seeds / $3.00 71412.14 (W) Luna Co., NM, 4700ft, 1433m. Plants look like little snowballs, densely covered with short, white spines. A cluster of several stems form with age. Pink-salmon flowers near the apices. Escobaria tuberculosa (15x6, Z6, P, GL, 2) .......................................................................... 90 seeds / $2.50 78850.27 (W) Otero Co., NM, 4800ft, 1463m. Cylindric tubercled columns with apical pale pink flowers. Escobaria vivipara (Cactaceae) (10x10,Z4,P,L,3:4w) ........................................................... 70 seeds / $3.00 90510.18 (W) Albany Co., WY, 7400ft, 2255m. Tubercled barrel cacti with rosy-violet chalices. Escobaria vivipara (Cactaceae) (9x12,Z4,P,L,3:4w) ...................................................... 70 seeds / $3.50 90510.23 (W) Goshen Co., WY, 4250ft, 1296m. Bright pink-violet flowers over multi-stemmed barrels. Photo Escobaria vivipara (12x34,Z4,P,L,3:4w) ............................................................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 90530.58 (W) Colfax Co., NM, 9000ft, 2744m. JRT5171 Massive clumps comprised of 60 heads or more with dark red to black spines. Very frilly, hot pink flowers. One of the highest elevations recorded for this sp. Escobaria vivipara (10x14,Z4,P,L,3:4w) ....................................................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 90530.65 Thompson cult., ex Coconino Co., AZ. TC034 Giant single stems with some white inner spines and covered with the blackest outer spines. Escobaria vivipara (Cactaceae) (24x8,Z5,P,L,3:4w) ........................................................ 40 seeds / $3.00 90530.78 (W) Hudspeth Co., TX. JRT4112 Wide mammoth stems with flat tops. Spines fairly loose in red and white. Nice pink flowers. Escobaria vivipara v. bisbeeana (15x8,Z5,P,L,2) .......................................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 10496.22 Thompson cult., ex Gila Co., AZ. JRT035 Light green stems with thin dark spines. Lighter than usual pink flowers. Escobaria vivipara v. buoflama (10x15, Z6, P, L, 3:4w) ……………..............……….... 60 seeds / $2.50 90511.18 (W) Yavapai Co., AZ, 4400ft, 1341m. Barrels are densely covered with white spines tipped black. Small apical flowers in various yellow, pink and peach shades. Euphorbia antisyphilitica (Euphorbiaceae) (40x50,Z8,P,L,2) ................................................. 15 seeds / $3.00 09878.17 (W) Brewster Co., TX, 3300ft, 1006m. Silver-blue stems by the hundreds on mature plants. Tiny pinkish, speckled flowers along the stems early in the spring. Revels in hot, dry situations. Evolvulus nuttallianus (Convolvulaceae) (10x18,Z5,P,SC,1) ...................................... 60 seeds / $3.50 58918.31 (W) Jefferson Co., CO, 6500ft, 1982m. From a central rootstalk arise silvery-green tufts of pinnate leaves clothed in silky hairs. Pale lavender morning-glory flowers about 1 cm across are borne along each stem. Prefers hot, dry sites. Photo Ferocactus acanthodes (Cactaceae) (90x40,Z5b,P,GL,2) ............................................ 30 seeds / $3.50 01211.05 Thompson cult. TC039 Giant single stems with time. Straw-yellow and pink spines with hooked centrals. Large yellow flowers ring the crown. Survived trials for 14 years outside to -20°F on south side bed protection. Ferocactus sinuatus ssp. davisii (Cactaceae) (30x12,Z7,P,GL,2) ................................. 30 seeds / $3.00 76508.09 Ex TX (Thompson). TC0106 Bright green, ribbed barrels adorned with all yellow spines and hooked centrals. Large yellow flowers with red centers in late summer. Fouquieria splendens (Fouquieriaceae) (250x150, Z8, P, C, 1) …………..….............…...... 80 seeds / $2.50 76715.28 (W) Pinal Co., AZ, 3100ft, 945m. "Ocotillo." The scarlet-orange, tubular flowers set the deserts ablaze in May. The oblong leaves drop after extended drought and reappear soon after rains. Frasera albicaulis v. cusickii (Gentianaceae) (28x15,Z4,P,GL,4:12w) ................................. 100 seeds / $4.00 10412.18 (W) Owyhee Co., ID, 5600ft, 1707m. Grass-like clumps of long, white-edged leaves bear numerous scapes of starry, pale blue flowers. Sprouts from fractured basalt loam. Photo Fremontodendron californicum (Sterculiaceae) (180x150,Z7,P,C,3:12w) ............................. 40 seeds / $3.50 12105.40 (W) Kern Co., CA, 7000ft, 2134m. Miniature trees with oak-like leaves bear five-petaled, nearly-circular, yellow blossoms in late spring followed by persistent, pendant, bristly fruits. Fritillaria affinis (Liliaceae) (55x12,Z6,P,C,3:12w) ....................................................... 40 seeds / $5.00 08030.17 (W) Napa Co., CA, 2665ft, 813m. Pendant bells several per stalk, the base color yellowish-green, minutely speckled with purple on the outer edges of the petals and more densely speckled with blackish-purple near the throat area, creating triangular, tongue-like splotches.Photo Fritillaria agrestis (Liliaceae) (10x8,Z6,P,C,4:12w) .................................................... 30 seeds / $4.00 08274.11 (W) Mariposa Co., CA, 2375ft, 724m. The flowers are greenish outside and brown-purple inside with an odd odor. Fritillaria atropurpurea (28x10,Z4,P,C,4:12w) ..................................................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 12874.59 (W) White Pine Co., NV, 8250ft, 2515m. Flowers not seen here but are typically pendant, dark and speckled over a few whorls of leaves. On heavy loam derived from limestone. Fritillaria biflora (Liliaceae) (12x6,Z6,P,C,4:12w) ..................................................... 40 seeds / $5.00 10480.16 (W) Santa Barbara Co., CA, 3800ft, 1158m. Over tufts of narrow leaves arise several pendant bells of greenish-yellow, often mottled and pencilled with brown. In serpentine grassland. Fritillaria camschatcensis (45x16,Z3,P,C,4:12w) .................................................................. 50 seeds / $3.50 12106.06 (W) Ex Anchorage, AK, 100ft. "Chocolate Lily." Mature bulbs develop 18-inch stems bearing whorls of narrow leaves and several nodding dark chocolate-brown flowers. Fritillaria eastwoodiae (Liliaceae) (35x10,Z6,P,C,4:12w) ................................................. 50 seeds / $5.00 21267.14 (W) Shasta Co., CA, 3500ft, 1067m. Essentially a miniature version of F. recurva, both in plant height and flower size. The pendant flowers are reddish-orange to orangish-yellow and are borne several per stem. Fritillaria lanceolata (Liliaceae) (14x9,Z5,P,C,3:12w) ..................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 54108.12 (W) Jefferson Co., WA, 4800ft, 1463m. Mottled flowers in various shades of green, purple and yellow over smooth, narrow leaves. Dwarf form here on S-facing, eroding, volcanic cliffs. Fritillaria pallidiflora (35x14,Z5,P,C,4:12w) …………….…………...............…………….. 30 seeds / $4.00 70105.05 Ex Kazakhstan. Splendid campanulate flowers of pale greenish yellow, tessellated maroon. Broad, gray leaves. Fritillaria pluriflora (12x12,Z6,P,C,3:12w) .................................................................... 30 seeds / $6.00 70553.27 (W) Lake Co., CA, 2225ft, 678m. Startling pink-violet, bell-shaped flowers are lofted horizontally, several per stem, over basal clusters of elliptical leaves. Serpentine soils. Fritillaria pudica (10x8,Z4,P,C,4:12w) ……………………………………........................... 40 seeds / $4.00 70865.16 (W) Blaine Co., ID, 8900ft, 2713m. Up to 3 butterscotch yellow flowers with brownish bases hang pendant over a few strips of narrow folded leaves. On W-facing, fine granite screes. Photo Fritillaria pudica (Liliaceae) (10x8,Z5,P,C,3:12w) ........................................................ 40 seeds / $4.00 70865.43 (W) Kittitas Co., WA, 3875ft, 1181m. Butterscotch-yellow flowers with brownish bases hang pendant over a few strips of narrow folded leaves. On E-facing loam derived from basalt. Fritillaria pudica (Liliaceae) (10x8,Z4,P,C,3:12w) .................................................... 50 seeds / $5.00 70865.56 (W) Cassia Co., ID, 6100ft, 1860m. Butterscotch-yellow flowers with brownish bases hang pendant over a few strips of narrow folded leaves. On N-facing loam derived from volcanic substrates. Photo Fritillaria purdyi (Liliaceae) (14x10,Z6,P,C,4:12w) .................................................. 30 seeds / $5.00 70925.11 (W) Mendocino Co., CA, 5900ft, 1800m. Gorgeous silvery-white, pendant flowers, generously speckled and lined purple, several per stem over a rosette of succulent, light-green leaves. On flat, exposed, subalpine meadows of serpentine which dry out in the summer. Photo Fritillaria recurva (Helena form) (40x12,Z6,P,C,4:12w) ............................................ 50 seeds / $5.00 74262.57 (W) Napa Co., CA, 1530ft, 467m. A dwarfer form here on the slopes of Mt. St. Helena with the same bright red flowers as the Sierran forms. Fritillaria recurva (lava plains) (18x8,Z6,P,C,4:12w) .................................................. 40 seeds / $5.00 74262.68 (W) Shasta Co., CA, 4150ft, 1265m. ID a bit uncertain, may be F. atropurpurea, but most likely F. recurva. Even dwarfer than the Mt. St. Helena population but here the few plants I found on rolling lava plains may only be drought paupertized. Fritillaria recurva (Sierra form) (60x18,Z6,P,C,4:12w) .............................................. 40 seeds / $6.00 74262.47 (W) Shasta Co., CA, 4000ft, 1220m. From whorled basal leaves sprout racemes bearing beautiful pendant scarlet bells, minutely checkered yellow. Found in the partial shade of pine forests. I'm calling this the Sierran form with larger flowers compared to the Mt. St. Helena form. Photo Funastrum cynanchoides (Asclepiadaceae) (100x100, Z6, P, C, 3:6w) ………...................... 80 seeds / $2.00 12970.11 (W) Doña Ana Co., NM, 4100ft, 1250m. A vigorous vine with heart-shaped leaves. Gaillardia pulchella (Asteraceae) (40x25,A,C,1) …..................………………...................... 75 seeds / $2.50 70914.15 (W) Chaves Co., NM, 4500ft, 1372m. A very colorful and long-blooming annual with large flowers of cherry maroon at the center shading to orange and finally yellow at the notched tips. Gentiana affinis v. ovata (Gentianaceae) (14x12,Z6,P,L,3:8w) .................................. 90 seeds / $3.50 09031.14 (W) Del Norte Co., CA, 2360ft, 720m. Rigid, stiff leaves line wiry stems bearing capitate clusters of blue flowers. On dry, red volcanic soils. Photo Gentiana calycosa v. asepala (12x14, Z3, P, L, 3:8w) ....................................................... 100 seeds / $3.00 13156.10 (W) Idaho Co., ID, 7600ft, 2317m. Blue fluted flowers spotted greenish inside. Erect form. Gentianaclusii ssp. alboviolacea (Gentianaceae) (5x11,Z5,P,GL,3:8w) ......................... 40 seeds / $5.00 12558.01 Ex Germany. Stunning pale pink flowers, darker externally and spotted deep pink in the throat. Tiny stacks of triangular leaves. Photo Gentiana newberryi (Gentianaceae) (8x8,Z4,P,L,3:8w) .................................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 58352.22 (W) Trinity Co., CA, 7900ft, 2408m. On short stalks over small rosettes are borne dark blue, fringed flowers with darker stripes in the throat and speckles on the petals. On volcanic ultramfic soils near timberline. Photo Gentiana paradoxa (Gentianaceae) (30x16,Z4,P,L,3:8w) ....................................................... 90 seeds / $4.00 70134.05 (W) Halda coll. Needle-like leaves and green-marked blue flowers about 2" long, appearing for several weeks in late summer. West Caucasus on limestone rocks. Gentiana saxosa (10x6,Z6,P,L,3:8w) ………………………………............…………….... 70 seeds / $3.50 76155.05 Ex New Zealand. Rosettes of very dark green leaves bear cymes of white flowers. Gentiana scabra v. buergeri (40x10, Z5, P, L, 3:8w) .......................................................... 100 seeds / $2.00 76130.14 (W) Hida Reg., Japan, 850m. Large flowers of deep blue, usually heavily spotted inside. Gentiana sikokiana (Gentianaceae) (12x16,Z6,P,GL,1) .......................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 76512.00 Obovate leaves with rounded serrations bear blue, green-spotted funnel-flowers. Attractive Japanese species. Gentiana triflora v. japonica (40x12,Z6,P,L,3:8w) .............................................................. 100 seeds / $3.00 78757.18 (W) Sapporo, Japan, 20m. Tufts of lanceolate leaves along creeping rhizomes produce erect stems bearing several whorls of deep blue flowers. Gentiana verna (7x9,Z4,P,GL,3:8w) ............................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 90334.02 Classic European Gentian with compact rosettes and dark inky-blue flowers on short stems. Gentianopsis barbellata (12x5, Z3, B/P, L, 3:8w) ............................................................... 100 seeds / $2.50 10134.14 (W) Summit Co., CO, 11800ft, 3598m. Linear leaves and deep blue, fringed flowers. Geranium viscosissimum (Geraniaceae) (35x30,Z4,P,SC,1) .................................................. 15 seeds / $3.50 90536.19 (W) Park Co., WY, 7550ft, 2302m. Slightly viscid plants with partially divided leaves and clusters of large magenta flowers, often conspicuously veined. Photo Gilia aggregata (orange) (Polemoniaceae) (40x15,Z5,B,L,3:6w) ................................. 90 seeds / $3.50 09235.11 (W) Jackson Co., OR, 6500ft, 1982m. Flowers of minutely checkered red and yellow blend to a striking orange. On volcanic screes. Photo Gilia aggregata (red) (Polemoniaceae) (30x12,Z3,B,L,3:6w) ........................................ 55 seeds / $3.00 09232.14 (W) Gunnison Co., CO, 9900ft, 3018m. The beautiful scarlet-orange form. Dwarf plants here growing on south-facing mountain slopes of rocky loam. Gilia aggregata v. arizonica (100x20, Z5, B, L, 3:6w) .......................................................... 75 seeds / $3.00 09233.11 (W) Coconino Co., AZ, 7000ft, 2134m. Vigorous habit with scarlet-orange flowers. Gilia aggregata v. macrosiphon (40x14, Z3, B, L, 3:6w) ...................................................... 75 seeds / $3.00 09237.21 (W) Iron Co., UT, 9400ft, 2866m. A deeper, more luminous fuchsia color here. Gilia caespitosa (Polemoniaceae) (10x16,Z5,P,L,2) ............................................................... 20 seeds / $5.00 12033.10 (W) Wayne Co., UT, 7200ft, 2200m. The fabulous "Scarlet Gilia" ranks with Kelseya uniflora in rarity, mystique and cultivational challenges. Thready stems bear salverform flowers of scarlet. The cushions appear crystalline due to the pinkish sand of its native habitat adhering to the viscid leaves. Photo Gilia formosa (10x18, Z5, P, L, 4:8w) .................................................................................... 60 seeds / $4.00 30734.14 (W) San Juan Co., NM, 6000ft., 1830m. Thready stems bear salverform flowers of lavender-pink. A narrow endemic found only on N-facing, eroding badlands of sandy clay. Gilia rigidula (7x10,Z6,P,L,3:6w) …………………………………………............………... 60 seeds / $3.50 74492.25 (W) Eddy Co., NM, 3800ft, 1159m. Tufts of awl-shaped, glandular leaves produce prolific bowl-shaped flowers in a deep china-blue color darkening to a purple ring in the throat. Calciphile. Photo Gilia stenothyrsa (50x10,Z4,B,L,3:4w) ................................................................................. 90 seeds / $4.00 76788.17 (W) Uintah Co., UT, 5500ft, 1675m. Beautiful filigreed rosettes, one to several dense racemes of pure white flowers with exserted stamens. Worthy of cultivation. On sandstone ledges. Gladiolus palustris (Iridaceae) (30x14,Z6,P,C,3:8w) ............................................................. 40 seeds / $3.50 70117.07 Loose, secund spikes of about half-dozen, purplish-red flowers early in summer. A lovely and hardy sp. found distributed wild in moist, European meadows. Glaucidium palmatum (Ranunculaceae) (40x40,Z6,P,GCE,4:8w) ................................... 30 seeds / $5.00 70114.04 Japan. Beautiful pale lavender-blue flowers 2" to 3" (5 to 8 cm) across with undulate margins are borne singly on short scapes. Best under cool and lime-free conditions. Glaucidium palmatum v. leucanthum (40x40,Z6,P,GCE,4:8w) ..................................... 30 seeds / $5.00 70115.04 Japan. Also available is the white form. Gomphrena caespitosa (Amaranthaceae) (4x10,Z8,P,L,2) ..................................................... 30 seeds / $4.00 12035.20 (W) Yavapai Co., AZ, 4500ft, 1372m. Most unusual desert dweller with prostrate, woolly, sage-green leaves and decumbent, silvery-white flower balls. Photo Guaiacum angustifolium (Zygophyllaceae) (24x50, Z7, P, C, 1) …...........……………......... 20 seeds / $3.50 11832.14 (W) Brewster Co., TX, 3900ft, 1189m. Gnarled subshrubs are tightly clothed with tiny, pinnate leaflets. Purple flowers transform into winged fruit bearing scarlet berries. Grows on lime. Gymnocalycium baldianum (Cactaceae) (6x11,Z7,P,GL,3:4w) ............................................. 40 seeds / $3.00 10114.07 Ex Catamarca, Argentina. TC068 Semi-dome-shaped, dark-green stems with few soft tan spines adpressed to the stem. Tubular flowers in hot red to pink in rings on crown. Photo Gypsophila briquetiana (Caryophyllaceae) (7x10, Z4, P, L, 1) .............................................. 70 seeds / $3.00 10753.08 Tight buns of grayish-green sprout dense cymes of white flowers. Gypsophila silenoides (14x24, Z4, P, L, 1) ........................................................................... 70 seeds / $2.00 76514.08 Glaucous linear leaves explode into a matrix of white, veined flowers. Haplopappus acaulis(Asteraceae) (15x20,Z5,P,L,1) ............................................................. 35 seeds / $3.00 01217.37 (W) Coconino Co., AZ, 5800ft, 1768m. Larger prickly mats with bright yellow flowers. Photo Haplopappus acaulis (Asteraceae) (5x12,Z4,P,C,1) .................................................... 50 seeds / $3.50 01217.21 (W) Mono Co., CA, 11400ft, 3476m. (=Stenotus acaulis.) Prickly mats of sharp-tipped leaves produce many golden daisies on short stems in late spring. This population growing on gentle, E-facing slopes of dolomitic rubble. Hedeoma nana (Lamiaceae) (10x8,Z5,P,L,1) …………………...........………………….... 100 seeds / $3.00 58128.15 (W) Garfield Co., UT, 7800ft, 2378m. Thyme-like habit of many close stems thick-set with small, elliptical, cinereus, fragrant leaves. Small pale purple, lipped flowers by the hundreds. Interesting member of the pink Claron limestone community. Heteromeles arbutifolia (Rosaceae) (150x130,Z8,P,C,3:12w) ...................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 14410.15 (W) San Diego Co., CA, 4750ft, 1448m. "Toyon." "Christmas Berry." A beautiful desert shrub with stiff, evergreen, serrated leaves. Clusters of white flowers in the spring are followed by masses of scarlet berries in the fall. Photo Heuchera hallii (Saxifragaceae) (20x20,Z4,P,L,1) ........................................................ 100 seeds / $3.50 35124.14 (W) Chaffee Co., CO, 9200ft, 2805m. Scalloped leaves in a dense mass of rosettes bear campanulate cream flowers on several racemes. A most elegant plant. Found on north-facing granitic cracks and ledges. Heuchera parvifolia v. nivalis(Saxifragaceae) (15x16,Z3,P,L,1) ......................................... 100 seeds / $3.00 70146.17 (W) Lake Co., CO, 12800ft, 3900m. The dwarf, alpine form. Numerous spikes of small, white, campanulate flowers. Heuchera rubescens v. rubescens (32x18,Z4,P,L,1) ............................................................ 70 seeds / $3.00 74882.18 (W) Sevier Co., UT, 6500ft, 1982m. Numerous spikes of white aging to pink flowers. Shaded crevices of volcanic boulders. Heuchera rubescens v. versicolor (30x30,Z4,P,L,1) ........................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 74881.17 (W) Lincoln Co., NM, 10000ft, 3050m. Broad vigorous mounds of foliage sprout a dense forest of panicles packed with beautiful pale pink and burgundy fringed bells. Horkelia hendersonii (Rosaceae) (10x20,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ............................................ 90 seeds / $4.00 35328.11 (W) Jackson Co., OR, 7400ft, 2256m. Mats of cylindric, cut, gray leaves covered with silky hairs. Heads of small pinkish flowers. A rare Siskiyou endemic. Houstonia acerosa (Rubiaceae) (4x8, Z6, P, L, 2) ............................................................... 100 seeds / $3.00 01234.15 (W) Jeff Davis Co., TX, 6050ft, 1845m. Cushions of needles covered with masses of lavender stars. Houstonia rubra (Rubiaceae) (3x7,Z4,P,L,3:8w) .............................................................. 60 seeds / $4.50 74880.14 (W) San Juan Co., UT, 4430ft, 1350m. One first notices the intense fragrance when unwittingly approaching blooming plants. Little mounds of fleshy, linear leaves are studded with sessile, four-petaled blossoms variously colored pale pink to lavender. Sandstone dweller. Photo Hulsea nana (Asteraceae) (9x16,Z5,P,L,3:6w) …..……………….………………………... 40 seeds / $4.00 58129.15 (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 8900ft, 2713m. Numerous yellow flowers on viscid mats denser and more compact than H. algida. On W-facing volcanic screes. Hymenoxys acaulis (Asteraceae) (10x9,Z4,P,L,1) ................................................... 60 seeds / $3.50 01214.26 (W) Rio Blanco Co., CO, 8500ft, 2591m. I was delighted to find whole fields of this plant growing on high-altitude plateaus of white oil shale. Yellow daisies on 2 to 4 inch scapes from tufts of green, spatulate leaves, somewhat woolly basally. Hymenoxys grandiflora (14x9,Z3,P,C,1) .............................................................................. 70 seeds / $3.50 32747.30 (W) Custer Co., ID, 10200ft, 3110m. Woolly, dissected leaves and huge yellow heads. Hymenoxys lapidicola (2x15,Z4,P,L,1) ......................................................................... 25 seeds / $6.00 54140.16 (W) Uintah Co., UT, 8115ft, 2474m. Aromatic, caespitose buns grow on nearly inaccessible sandstone cliffs and wasn't discovered until 1983. The sessile yellow daisies cover the cushions in early summer. See AGS Bulletin, Vol. 60, No. 2, p. 133. Photo Hymenoxys scaposa (Asteraceae) (14x20,Z5,P,L,1) ................................................... 50 seeds / $3.50 76127.25 (W) Union Co., NM, 4750ft, 1448m. Grassy foliage like Armeria maritima with prolific yellow daisies nearly all summer, especially if kept dead-headed. Growing on red sandy soils. Photo Iberis aurosica ssp nana (Brassicaceae) (7x10,Z4,P,L,3:4w) ..................................... 25 seeds / $4.00 08757.17 (W) Gran Sasso, Italy. Tufts of leathery leaves bear heads of white to pale lavender flowers. Superb. On limestone rocks. Iliamna grandiflora (Malvaceae) (100x45,Z5,P,SC,3:4w) ..................................................... 35 seeds / $4.00 32749.57 (W) Bernalillo Co., NM, 10300ft, 3140m. Vigorous Hollyhock-like bushes with large (over 2") lavender-pink flowers lining each stem by the hundreds. Magnificent in full bloom. Ipomopsis globularis (Polemoniaceae) (12x8,Z3,B,L,4:6w) ................................................... 60 seeds / $3.50 32562.27 (W) Park Co., CO, 11900ft, 3628m. This choice biennial alpine displays very fragrant furry globes of pale lavender to cream. Tiny, basal-branching rosettes the first year. Endemic to the mountains of central Colorado. Iris bucharica (40x18, Z6, P, C, 4:8w) ………………………………...........…………….... 25 seeds / $4.00 10892.04 Known as the Horned Iris because the leaves are grooved with a white horny margin. The leaves are stacked in tiers with the cream and rich yellow, fragrant flowers emerging from every axil. Iris chrysophylla (Iridaceae) (12x20,Z6,P,C,4:8w) ........................................................ 30 seeds / $4.00 12375.44 (W) Coos Co., OR, 2775ft, 846m. Clusters of basal flowers, cream with faint veining, usually with a gold splash on the falls. Iris douglasiana (30x50,Z9,P,C,3:8w) ............................................................................. 80 seeds / $3.50 15691.32 (W) Curry Co., OR, 100ft, 33m. Flowers not seen but are usually in the blue to deep lavender shades, the falls with a yellow blotch over a network of dark veining. Seaside coastal areas. Photo Iris ensata v. spontanea (Iridaceae) (40x25,Z5,P,C,4:8w) ....................................... 20 seeds / $3.50 33876.19 (W) Hida Region, Japan, 850m. A wild collection with deep blue flowers. Iris flavissima (18x12,Z5,P,C,4:8w) ...................................................................................... 30 seeds / $4.00 30548.07 Yellow flowers with an orange beard over narrow, grass-like foliage. Iris innominata (Iridaceae) (12x16,Z6,P,C,4:8w) ........................................................... 70 seeds / $5.00 53858.24 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 2350ft, 716m. Perhaps the most desirable of the Pacific Coast Irises for rock gardens due to its diminuitive size. Grassy tufts bear several yellow flowers veined deep maroon on the falls. Blue/purple forms also exist but were not noted in this area. Photo Iris macrosiphon (15x30,Z6,P,C,4:8w) ........................................................................... 70 seeds / $4.00 56093.24 (W) Del Norte Co., CA, 2360ft, 720m. Saw only a few late flowers in this population which were in the blue and lavender shades with a few paler forms. The blossoms have long perianth tubes over wide tufts of narrow leaves. Iris missouriensis (32x30, Z5, P, L, 4:12w) ........................................................................... 90 seeds / $2.50 56556.10 (W) Mono Co., CA, 8200ft, 2500m. Pale blue standards / white falls heavily veined blue. Iris missouriensis (Iridaceae) (60x50,Z5,P,C,4:12w) .................................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 56556.43 (W) Pennington Co., SD, 6900ft, 2104m. An especially robust population here with large blue flowers. Photo Iris tenuissima (18x28,Z6,P,C,4:8w) ............................................................................. 30 seeds / $4.00 78338.24 (W) Trinity Co., CA, 4300ft, 1311m. The creamy flower parts are long and narrow with ruffled edges and a few purple veins. Photo Iris tenuissima (8x20,Z6,P,C,4:8w) .................................................................................. 25 seeds / $4.00 78338.18 (W) Shasta Co., CA, 3280ft, 1000m. A dainty, delicate plant with narrow, grayish foliage and flowers in creamy white, sometimes faintly veined with purple. Juno aucheri (Iridaceae) (20x14,Z5,P,C,4:8w) ....................................................................... 10 seeds / $4.00 09023.06 (=Iris aucheri.) Beautiful, fragrant flowers with blue standards and falls with a yellow crest. Keckiella corymbosa (40x30, Z6, P, RL, 3:6w) ……………………….…………….......... 100 seeds / $3.00 12764.14 (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 1600ft, 488m. From a woody base arch multiple stems, sleek with shiny, oblanceolate leaves, each terminating in compact panicles of hairy, deep red, lipped flowers. Kelseya uniflora (Rosaceae) (3x24,Z3,P,L,4:6w) ......................................................... 50 seeds / $6.00 85852.24 (W) Johnson Co., WY, 8200ft, 2500m. The classic cushion -- literally welds itself to limestone outcroppings, preferring shady, vertical, and seemingly the most inaccessible crevices. Domes of tight rosettes produce pale to rose-pink blossoms. Slow-growing, a challenge for the patient. Germination erratic, hold flats at least 2 years. Kelseya uniflora (Rosaceae) (3x24,Z3,P,L,4:6w) .............................................................. 40 seeds / $6.00 85852.13 (W) Butte Co., ID, 6650ft, 2027m. The classic cushion -- literally welds itself to limestone outcroppings, preferring shady, vertical, and seemingly the most inaccessible crevices. Domes of tight rosettes produce pale to rose-pink blossoms. Slow-growing, a challenge for the patient. Germination erratic, hold flats at least 2 years. Very limited amounts. Photo Kirengeshoma palmata (Saxifragaceae) (100x45,Z5,P,L,3:16w) ............................................ 45 seeds / $3.00 70144.08 Palmately-lobed leaves and cymes of showy, trumpet-shaped, yellow flowers. From Japan. Koeberlinia spinosa (Koeberliniaceae) (40x65, Z8, P, L, 2) ………...…………..............….. 25 seeds / $3.00 76721.14 (W) El Paso Co., TX, 5200ft, 1585m. A formidable tangle of thorns with hundreds of thick, spine-tipped stems branching in every direction. Tiny flowers are followed by black and red berries. Laserpitium siler (Apiaceae) (80x40,Z5,P,C,4:12w) ..................................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 76554.14 (W) Tyrol, Mt. Patscherkofel, 2000m., Austria. A robust perennial herb with bipinnate leaves and large umbels of white, stellate flowers. Lathyrus eucosmos (Fabaceae) (16x75,Z4,P,SC,3:6w) ............................................. 30 seeds / $4.00 28136.26 (W) Elbert Co., CO, 6200ft, 1890m. Showy racemes of lavender-magenta pea-flowers, the keels shading to white, on shin-high plants. Growing in the loam of wind-swept prairies. Photo Lepidium nanum (Brassicaceae) (2x16,Z4,P,L,1) ................................................................... 80 seeds / $4.00 58158.20 (W) Nye Co., NV, 5200ft, 1585m. Tiny sessile cream flowers stud rock-hard green cushions. On fine white ash deposits. Photo Lepidium ostleri (2x6, Z5, P, L, 2) ........................................................................................ 40 seeds / $4.00 77678.14 (W) Beaver Co., UT, 6740ft, 2055m. Green-black cushions of minute, incised leaves with tiny racemes of pure white. Endemic to the San Francisco Mtns in the Great Basin. A recollection of a super species introduced by us back in 1995. Leptodactylon californicum (Polemoniaceae) (90x55,Z6,P,L,2) ............................................. 50 seeds / $4.00 12154.10 (W) Santa Barbara Co., CA, 1350ft, 410m. Wiry stems of acicular leaves and masses of large, bright deep pink flowers with a white eye. Blooms in under a year from seed. Leptodactylon pungens (Polemoniaceae) (12x22,Z3,P,GL,3:8w) ............................. 100 seeds / $4.00 70958.21 (W) Fremont Co., WY, 8050ft, 2454m. Spiny bushlets covered with hundreds of delightfully fragrant, creamy flowers. Photo Leptodactylon watsonii (6x15,Z4,P,GL,3:6w) .................................................................... 70 seeds / $4.00 92178.18 (W) Custer Co., ID, 6600ft, 2012m. Forms delightful spiny clumps which cascade over rocky areas to perfection. Large cream blossoms open from tightly-spiralled buds in the evening. Lesquerella alpina ssp. parvula (4x9, Z3, P, L, 3:6w) .......................................................... 60 seeds / $3.00 15471.13 (W) Lake Co., CO, 9500ft, 2896m. Compact buns of thread-like leaves bear short scapes of yellow flowers. On subalpine, rocky slopes. Lesquerella intermedia (4x6,Z5,P,L,2) ……………………………………….........…….... 60 seeds / $3.50 55878.15 (W) Emery Co., UT, 7000ft, 2134m. Tufts of gray, long-spatulate leaves and yellow flowers. Leucocrinum montanum (Liliaceae) (5x16,Z4,P,SC,3:8w) ..................................................... 25 seeds / $4.00 56758.30 (W) Fremont Co., CO, 5425ft, 1654m. "Sand Lily." Long, strapping leaves arise from a deep rhizome in mid-spring, followed by clusters of ground-level, fragrant, white, star-shaped flowers. Photo Leucophyllum frutescens (Scrophulariaceae) (150x120,Z7,P,L,1) ............................ 100 seeds / $3.50 30758.17 (W) Doña Ana Co., NM, 4400ft, 1340m. Eye-catching, silver-gray bushes are nearly everblooming and are especially colorful after rains. The Penstemon-like blossoms are violet with white throats and gold speckles. Used extensively in Chihuahuan Desert landscaping. Leucophyllum minus (60x50, Z7, P, L, 1) ........................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.00 56558.14 (W) Culberson Co., TX, 3800ft, 1158m. Miniature shrubs covered with chalky blue leaves and blue Penstemon-like flowers in abundance. A spectacular native of the Trans-Pecos region. Lewisia brachycalyx (Portulacaceae) (4x9,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ........................................................ 80 seeds / $4.00 10750.90 (W) Washington Co., UT, 6150ft, 1875m. This population has pure white flowers only. Photo Lewisia cotyledon (15x20,Z6,P,L,3:8w) .............................................................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 12778.16 (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 5100ft, 1555m. The predominant form is white broadly striped deep pink. However, many variations prevail here from solid deep pink to red and orange hues. Lewisia cotyledon (Portulacaceae) (15x20,Z6,P,L,3:8w) ............................................. 100 seeds / $4.00 12778.24 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 6200ft, 1890m. The predominant form is white broadly striped deep pink. However, many variations prevail here from solid deep pink to red and orange hues. This population is near timberline and is found on S-facing volcanic outcrops as well as the N-facing slopes. Lewisia cotyledon v. heckneri (28x24,Z6,P,L,3:8w) ............................................................. 30 seeds / $5.00 12780.16 Ex cult. from original wild site Trinity Co., CA, 5380ft, 1640m. A superb form with rosettes of large, serrated leaves. Spectacular inflorescences of pink to rose-pink. Originally on W-facing ledges of crumbling schist. Hand-pollinated and protected to keep seed genetically pure. Lewisia cotyledon v. howellii (26x24,Z7,P,L,3:8w) ................................................. 100 seeds / $4.50 12781.11 (W) Shasta Co., CA, 3125ft, 953m. Luxurious plants with long, undulate-margined leaves and numerous flower clusters of soft pink. Photo Lewisia cotyledon v. purdyi (12x8,Z6,P,L,3:8w) ..................................................... 80 seeds / $4.00 12782.11 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 4700ft, 1433m. This form has rather tight rosettes of short, broadly obovate leaves, earning it the name "button rockrose." Deep pink to butter-yellow flowers. Photo Lewisia leana (pink) (18x16,Z6,P,L,3:8w) ................................................................ 50 seeds / $4.00 54230.21 (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 6050ft, 1845m. Acid-green rosettes of erect, quill-shaped leaves bear panicles of numerous small deep pink flowers. On N-facing outcrops of serpentine. Photo Lewisia pygmaea (2x6,Z2,P,L,3:8w) .............................................................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 70973.29 (W) El Paso Co., CO, 13500ft, 4116m. Tiny tufts of rounded succulent leaves bear basal clusters of deep pink flowers. On a W-facing granite bench which stays moist until mid-summer. Lewisia rediviva (4x10, Z3, P, L, 3:8w) ................................................................................ 90 seeds / $3.50 74316.24 (W) Custer Co., ID, 7500ft, 2286m. Clusters of breathtaking satiny-rose flowers, 4 to 6 cm across. After a dry summer rest, succulent, quill-like rosettes sprout from the long, forked taproot. Photo Lewisia rediviva (Portulacaceae) (5x9,Z3,P,L,3:8w) ....................................................... 80 seeds / $4.00 74316.63 (W) Fremont Co., WY, 6500ft, 1982m. Wyoming has some of the best forms of this widespread taxon. Large, deep pink blossoms growing in pine duff over deep red sandstone. Photo Lewisia rediviva (Mariposa form) (4x10,Z6,P,L,3:8w) ........................................... 100 seeds / $5.00 74316.87 (W) Mariposa Co., CA, 2100ft, 640m. Unusual form of dense tufts of slender leaves with a tendency to curl somewhat. Prolific, sumptuous pink flowers. Photo Lewisia rediviva v. minor (4x6,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ........................................................................ 80 seeds / $4.00 74315.50 (W) Sevier Co., UT, 5450ft, 1661m. Large, sumptuous flowers of white. In white shale. Photo Lewisia rediviva v. minor (Portulacaceae) (5x7,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ..................................... 80 seeds / $4.00 74315.61 (W) Lander Co., NV, 7730ft, 2357m. A robust, isolated population growing on S-facing, fractured rhyolite. The photo shows a cluster of seed pods. Photo Lewisia stebbinsii (4x16,Z6,P,L,3:8w) ...................................................................... 30 seeds / $5.00 76792.11 (W) Mendocino Co., CA, 6400ft, 1951m. Rosettes of succulent, lanceolate leaves bear numerous prostrate stems each with several white-throated, rose-pink flowers. An unusual and distinctive Lewisia growing on serpentine. Photo Lewisia tweedyi (20x20,Z6,P,L,4:8w) ............................................................................ 40 seeds / $5.00 78932.88 (W) Chelan Co., WA, 1900ft, 580m. Considered the finest Lewisia. Some botanists regard this sp. worthy of its own genus given seed differences and its refusal to cross with other Lewisia spp. Broad, wavy, obovate leaves bear handfuls of pale pink, apricot or peach flowers, suffused with yellow, each over 2" in diameter. Germination erratic: hold flats at least 2 years. Photo Lilium bolanderi (Liliaceae) (35x15,Z6,P,C,5) .............................................................. 20 seeds / $5.00 10756.18 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 3250ft, 991m. One of the most regal of all lilies with several trumpets deep reddish-orange to reddish-purple, heavily speckled, atop 1 to 2 foot stems, whorled with thick, textured leaves. Very choice. Photo Lilium X bolanderi (115x24,Z6,P,C,5) ........................................................................ 50 seeds / $5.00 10776.18 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 3500ft, 1067m. I believe this small population of a dozen plants or so to be a hybrid swarm between L. bolanderi (farther up this mountain) and perhaps L. rubescens or possibly L. washingtonianum, both of which are reported on nearby mountain slopes. Flowers not seen but 3 of the plants are tall with numerous flowers and there are several plants of intermediate size, ranging down to the size of pure L. bolanderi. The germination code reflects the larger plants. Lilium canadense (Liliaceae) (120x30,Z6,P,C,5) .......................................................... 45 seeds / $4.00 12158.04 Lovely pendant , yellow flowers with maroon-speckled petals and orange-flushed reverses. Photo Lilium columbianum (Liliaceae) (50x18,Z5,P,C,5) .......................................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 12755.22 (W) Jefferson Co., WA, 5375ft, 1638m. A dwarf form with reflexed, nodding orange flowers, speckled reddish, as full-sized as on the normal (taller) forms. Lilium concolor v. strictum (Liliaceae) (60x20,Z6,P,C,5) ...................................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 12761.07 This beautiful dwarf Chinese lily has star-like, glossy, vermilion flowers. Lilium formosanum v. pricei (Liliaceae) (35x20,Z5,P,C,5) ............................................. 40 seeds / $5.00 30774.01 Grass-like clumps with several 6" violet-streaked, white trumpets, spicily fragrant. Wonderful native of alpine Taiwan. Lilium humboldtii ssp. ocellatum (120x24,Z6,P,CE,5) ......................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 35957.20 (W) San Diego Co., CA, 4600ft, 1402m. Large, maroon-spotted, yellow-orange lilies with reflexed petals. Each slender plant supports up to a dozen flowers. Shaded slopes of granite. Lilium japonicum (80x26, Z6, P, C, 5) ……..................………..............…….….................. 40 seeds / $3.50 50170.14 (W) Hida Reg., Japan, 850m. Nerved, dark green foliage and rose-pink trumpets 6” long. Lilium pardalinum ssp. pardalinum (120x25,Z6,P,C,5) .......................................... 50 seeds / $4.00 70175.18 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 1700ft, 518m. Orange, spotted flowers with strongly recurved tepals shaded red at the tips. Streamside location. Lilium pardalinum ssp. vollmeri (120x25,Z6,P,C,5) ...................................................... 90 seeds / $3.50 70174.12 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 2100ft, 640m. Orange, spotted flowers with strongly recurved tepals shaded red into the throat. Serpentine seep. Lilium pumilum (40x15,Z6,P,C,5) .......................................................................................... 30 seeds / $4.00 70956.06 Pendant, orange-red to vermilion flowers with a glossy sheen. Very narrow leaves. Lilium rubescens (110x24,Z6,P,C,5) ........................................................................... 40 seeds / $5.00 74910.10 (W) Solano Co., CA, 1150ft, 350m. Also known as the redwood lily, this beautiful perennial sports clusters of white flowers at the top of the stems. Each flower is speckled with dark maroon and fade to pink as they age. Lilium washingtonianum (120x30,Z5,P,C,5) …….............................…………………….... 40 seeds / $4.00 92176.15 (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 4750ft, 1448m. Magnificent long and narrow white trumpets of heavy substance and powerful fragrance. On S-facing, dry volcanic slopes. Photo Lilium washingtonianum ssp. purpurascens (120x30,Z5,P,C,5) ................................ 40 seeds / $4.00 92177.14 (W) Lane Co., OR, 3025ft, 922m. Distinguished from the typical form by a distinct tendency for the flowers to turn pinkish-purple shades as they fade. Linanthastrum nuttallii (Polemoniaceae) (14x18, Z3, P, L, 3:6w) ……….................……..... 45 seeds / $2.50 58978.14 (W) Lake Co., CO, 11300ft, 3445m. From a central rootstalk arise scores of stems covered with needled leaves in whorls at intervals. White, tubular flowers emanate from every node. Linum kingii (Linaceae) (7x10,Z5,P,GL,3:6w) ....................................................................... 50 seeds / $4.00 52558.38 (W) Fremont Co., WY, 6700ft, 2042m. Highly ornamental, powder-blue, spiraling foliage sprouts heads of lemon yellow flowers with helicopter-like petals. Loves calcareous soils. Linum viscosum (20x15,Z4,P,C,1) …………………………………………........................ 45 seeds / $3.00 90576.06 Whorled, viscid leaves on upright stems bedecked with saucers of deep lavender-pink. Photo Lithospermum incisum (Boraginaceae) (10x16,Z5,P,C,3:8w) ................................................ 25 seeds / $3.50 55812.39 (W) Daggett Co., UT, 7400ft, 2256m. Clusters of bright, golden-yellow, tubular flowers with frilly margins sprout from clumps of rough, hairy foliage. Photo Loasa nana (Loasaceae) (6x22, Z6, P, C, 2) .......................................................................... 55 seeds / $3.50 58159.03 Mats of three-dimensional, pinnatifid ovate leaves beset with glochids. Odd flowers of lemon yellow with a white center, the petals widely spaced. Lobelia anatina (Lobeliaceae) (34x24, Z4, P, L, 1) …………………..........…………….... 100 seeds / $2.50 05817.05 Leafy green clumps produce lots of violet flowers around mid-summer. Lobelia tupa (Lobeliaceae) (140x25, Z8, P, L, 1) ………..................………...........…….... 100 seeds / $3.50 78970.11 (W) E of Concepción, VIII Reg., Chile, 1000ft, 305m. Mullein-like rosettes erupt into spires packed with bilaterally-symmetric tubular flowers. covered in red velvet. Blooms nearly all summer. Photo Loeseliastrum matthewsii (Polemoniaceae) (4x10, A, L, 3:6w) ….............……………….. 100 seeds / $2.00 56178.15 (W) Inyo Co., CA, 4600ft, 1400m. Lavender-pink fls with white bands / maroon splotches. Lomatium columbianum (Apiaceae) (90x50,Z7,P,C,3:8w) ............................................ 30 seeds / $4.00 12756.43 (W) Klickitat Co., WA, 400ft, 122m. Huge mounds of blue, dissected, glaucous foliage carry umbels of red to deep pink flowers very early in the spring, followed by enormous fruit. On basalt. Photo Lomatium dissectum v. multifidum (Apiaceae)(100x65,Z4,P,C,4:8w) ................................. 30 seeds / $3.00 15591.46 (W) Custer Co., ID, 6000ft, 1829m. Impressive plants with expansive, feathery, emerald-green leaves and broad umbels of deep purplish flowers. This is the hardiest population yet found. Lomatium macdougalii (12x9, Z5, P, C, 4:8w) …………………............………………….. 45 seeds / $3.50 56112.13 (W) Yavapai Co., AZ, 5900ft, 1800m. One is immediately struck by the exceptionally beautiful leaves of fine filigree covered with downy hairs. One of the tiniest Lomatium species, with yellowish flowers often tinged purple. Lomatium mohavense (Apiaceae) (10x10,Z6,P,RC,4:8w) ......................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 56735.17 (W) San Bernadino Co., CA, 6150ft, 1875m. Hairy, dissected foliage sports short-stemmed umbels of blackish flowers.Photo Lotus mearnsii (Fabaceae) (5x24,Z5,P,SC,1) ........................................................................ 40 seeds / $4.00 56217.10 (W) Navajo Co., AZ, 6200ft, 1890m. Endemic to a restricted area of Arizona is this outstanding silver mat-former. Gorgeous masses of butter yellow and peach-pink pea-flowers cover the plants in late spring. Luetkea pectinata (Rosaceae) (9x60,Z6,P,L,1) ……………………………….......……... 100 seeds / $3.00 70312.35 (W) Deschutes Co., OR, 6900ft, 2104m. The mossy-looking rosettes form extensive, bright-green carpets on the forest floor up to 30 feet across. Short spikes of creamy-yellow flowers. Lupinus aridus ssp. ashlandensis (Fabaceae) (16x9,Z6,P,SC,1) ............................... 20 seeds / $4.00 07451.11 (W) Jackson Co., OR, 7400ft, 2256m. Silvery, caespitose cushions bear dense inflorescences of deep blue flowers. On open granite screes. Lupinus arizonicus (45x20,A,SC,1) ......................................................................... 70 seeds / $3.00 07459.10 (W) San Diego Co., CA, 650ft, 198m. This annual produces several stems of pink to magenta flowers over semi-succulent foliage. Photo Lupinus breweri (5x20,Z5,P,SC,1) ........................................................................... 15 seeds / $4.00 10752.11 (W) Jackson Co., OR, 7100ft, 2165m. Silky, silvery mats of tiny, fingered foliage bear caespitose spikes of blue and white. On gentle, N-facing, volcanic slopes. One of the best Lupines. Photo Lupinus breweri ssp. bryoides (3x20,Z4,P,SC,1) ........................................................ 8 seeds / $4.00 10773.11 (W) Mono Co., CA, 10400ft, 3170m. Wonderful silver mats of tiny, fingered leaflets bear caespitose spikes of blue and white. The best miniature Lupines. Only a few packets available. Lupinus lepidus v. aridus (Fabaceae) (25x30,Z6,P,SC,1) ……............................................. 40 seeds / $3.50 54371.26 (W) Yakima Co., WA, 3300ft, 1006m. Compact, dense racemes of deep royal blue, the large banners snow white, over mounds of hairy, gray leaves. On volcanic loam derived from basalt. Photo Lupinus leucophyllus v. belliae (70x40,Z4,P,SC,1) …………………………...................... 10 seeds / $3.50 54291.16 (W) Blaine Co., ID, 4700ft, 1433m. Vigorous plants unfurl dense racemes of cream to very pale lilac flowers over silvery-green, hairy leaves. Great for the specimen area of the garden. Lupinus obtusilobus (Fabaceae) (35x35,Z6,P,SC,1) .............................................................. 30 seeds / $3.50 71078.16 (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 3500ft, 1067m. Small, palmate leaves, densely silky-hairy on both sides. Spikes of blue flowers. Lychnis miqueliana (55x25, Z5, P, L, 3:6w) ….............................……………............…..... 40 seeds / $3.00 56572.14 Plants bear several stems clothed in ovate leaves and heads of numerous apricot flowers. Lychnis wilfordii (Caryophyllaceae) (40x20,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ........................................... 45 seeds / $3.50 92554.00 One of the most attractive Lychnis, from Japan. Spidery, laciniate, blood-red flowers over ovate, light green foliage. Rare and beautiful. Lysichiton americanum (Araceae) (65x70,Z6,P,C,3:6w) ............................................. 30 seeds / $3.50 05637.22 (W) Clackamas Co., OR, 1700ft, 518m. Huge obovate leaves arranged like a "Bird's Nest fern" with lemon yellow spathes enclosing an ill-smelling spadix of yellow-green flowers. Found in or near boggy areas. Maihuenia poeppigii (Cactaceae) (6x60, Z6, P, GL, 4:6w) ……………………............….... 50 seeds / $4.00 70638.11 (W) Volcán Antuco, VIII Reg., Chile, 5500ft, 1677m. Prickly mats with white spines and small finger-like, terete leaves. Yellow flowers appear in summer and are followed by egg-like capsules. Maihuenia poeppigii (Cactaceae) (6x60,Z6,P,GL,4:6w) ............................................. 40 seeds / $4.00 70638.07 Prickly mats with white spines and small finger-like, terete leaves. Yellow flowers appear in summer and are followed by egg-like capsules. Expertly cultivated by one of my customers in Utah. Mammillaria grahamii (Cactaceae) (7x4, Z7, P, GL, 2) ………………..….…..................... 50 seeds / $3.00 32751.14 (W) Douglas, AZ. Well-spined bodies with hooked centrals bear nice pink flowers. Mammillaria grahamii v. oliviae (5x3, Z7, P, GL, 2) ………………………....................... 40 seeds / $3.00 32752.13 White-spined bodies bear attractive flowers of magenta with broad white tips. Mammillaria heyderi (Cactaceae) (6x10,Z6,P,L,2) ............................................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 35308.29 (W) Mitchell Co., TX. JRT4184 Golden-yellow spines in this population. Mammillaria heyderi v. bullingtoniana (2x7, Z6, P, L, 2) .................................................... 45 seeds / $2.50 35307.14 Flat bodies only 2” or 3” across with thickly-spined tubercles and cream to pink flowers. Mammillaria heyderi v. nova (Cactaceae) (4x6,Z6,P,L,2) ........................................ 40 seeds / $4.00 35309.13 (W) Wichita Co., TX, 1000ft, 305m. JRT4182 Flat stems only 3" or less in diameter but with much longer spines than usual. The radials are 7/16" long and the centrals are 5/16" long, in a wine-red color. Creamy white, pink-tinged flowers with mid-stripes. Likely a new variant. Mammillaria lasiacantha (6x5,Z7,P,GL,3:4w) .................................................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 54187.12 (W) Terrell Co., TX, 4300ft, 1311m. JRT4183 Single stems with white, soft, feathery spines. Pinkish-white, candy-striped flowers in rings. Mammillaria meiacantha (2x15, Z6, P, L, 2) ........................................................................ 90 seeds / $3.00 56251.10 (W) Eddy Co., NM, 5750ft, 1753m. Flat bodies with prominent tubercles bearing pink flowers followed by red fruits. Mammillaria meridiorosei (8x4, Z7, P, L, 2) ........................................................................ 45 seeds / $3.00 56384.14 (W) Eddy Co., NM, 5500ft, 1676m. Densely-spined, small barrels / nice pink to purple flowers. Mammillaria meridiorosei (Cactaceae) (8x4,Z7,P,L,2) ......................................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 56384.29 Ex Hidalgo Co., NM, (Thompson). DC531 Densely-spined, small barrels / nice pink to purple flowers. Mammillaria wrightii (3x8, Z5, P, L, 2) …………………………...……….............……..... 30 seeds / $3.50 92755.24 Ex Manzano Mtns. Non-clustering stems, fine hooked brown spines, large magenta flowers. Mammillaria wrightii (3x8,Z5,P,L,2) ..................................................................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 92755.14 (W) Santa Fe Co., NM, 6900ft Non-clustering stems, fine hooked brown spines, large magenta flowers. Mammillaria wrightii (Cactaceae) (12x8,Z5,P,L,2) ..................................................... 30 seeds / $4.00 92755.35 (W) San Miguel Co., NM, 4000ft, 1220m. JRT5195 Broad, sphaerical stems with some wool in the crown. White inner blackish-tipped spines with central hooks. Large purple flowers with greenish, purple-tinted fruits. Robust northeastern form. Maurandya acerifolia (Scrophulariaceae) (2x24, Z8, P, L, 1) …………...............………..... 80 seeds / $3.00 01238.11 (W) Maricopa Co., AZ, 2900ft, 884m. Scalloped, hairy, maple-shaped leaves bear 3/4” long, tubular white flowers, shading to pale yellow in the throat. On E-facing cliffs of rhyolite. Mentzelia multicaulis (10x12,Z4,P,L,3:8w) ................................................................. 20 seeds / $4.00 56965.16 (W) Rio Blanco Co., CO, 8500ft, 2591m. Strange even for this genus. Twisting, sinuous, tortuous white stems interweaving into each other bear small bright yellow flowers. On white oil shale. Seed limited. Mertensia arizonica (45x40,Z4,P,L,3:8w) ............................................................................. 20 seeds / $4.00 07460.20 (W) Iron Co., UT, 11050ft, 3368m. From a crown sprout twenty to thirty stems bearing ovate leaves and large pendant clusters of blue and pink flowers. Similar to a dwarf M. ciliata. Mertensia bakeri (9x15,Z3,P,L,3:6w) ................................................................................... 50 seeds / $4.00 10162.28 (W) Gunnison Co., CO, 11600ft, 3536m. An alpine species akin to M. lanceolata with narrow, sericeous leaves. Highly variable population, you may obtain some plants with wider, greener leaves. Mertensia brevistyla ((Boraginaceae) (14x18,Z3,P,L,3:8w) ................................................. 40 seeds / $5.00 30986.18 (W) Mesa Co., CO, 9100ft, 2774m. A choice dwarf species with silvery leaves covered with stiff hairs on the upper surface and tightly-packed, nodding clusters of long, bright blue trumpets. W-facing, subalpine slopes of gravelly loam. Mertensia campanulata (Boraginaceae) (60x25,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ....................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 12166.14 (W) Blaine Co., ID, 6700ft, 2042m. Vigorous plants with multiple stems clothed in glaucous, gray-green foliage bearing hundreds of pendant, long-tubed, blue bell-flowers. Photo Mertensia ciliata (Boraginaceae) (90x40,Z3,P,L,3:8w) .................................................. 30 seeds / $3.50 12564.24 (W) Gunnison Co., CO, 9980ft, 3043m. One of the tallest Mertensias -- this population is about hip-high. Wide, bluish-gray leaves, typical pendulous blue bells. Mertensia longiflora (12x14,Z6,P,L,3:8w) ............................................................................ 20 seeds / $4.00 54771.16 (W) Kittitas Co., WA, 3200ft, 975m. A delicate plant with several stems of elliptical, blue-gray leaves and terminal clusters of tubular, deep blue flowers. On N-facing slopes of volcanic loam. Mertensia macdougalii (Boraginaceae) (15x12,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ........................................ 20 seeds / $5.00 56122.13 (W) Coconino Co., AZ, 7050ft, 2150m. Glaucous, gray-green, widely-ovate foliage bears compact nodding clusters of bluebells. Distinctive and beautiful endemic of pine forests in northern AZ. Photo Mertensia viridis (18x28,Z3,P,C,3:6w) ....................................................................... 30 seeds / $4.00 90584.33 (W) Carbon Co., WY, 7650ft, 2332m. This robust population displays nodding clusters of beautiful, deep blue to pink bells terminating stems clothed in a few lanceolate, glabrous, green leaves. Mertensia viridis (velvet form) (12x15,Z4,P,L,3:6w) ........................................................... 50 seeds / $5.00 90584.48 (W) Park Co., WY, 7700ft, 2348m. Robust population with wonderfully-hairy leaves on both sides, like velvet. Nodding blue flower bells. On gravelly loam over limestone substrate. Mertensia viridis (Uintah form) (12x16,Z3,P,C,3:6w) ....................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 90584.59 (W) Uintah Co., UT, 11900ft, 3628m. A great form of robust clumps with wide, almost obovate leaves, smooth and hairless with a slightly rubbery texture. Floriferous nodding blue bells. Michauxiacampanuloides (Campanulaceae) (120x35,Z5,B,L,1) ............................. 100 seeds / $4.00 12167.14 (W) Anamur to Alanya, Turkey. From a rosette of bristly, toothed, lanceolate leaves erupts a stout raceme bearing myriad pendant white flowers with reflexed petals tinged purple on the reverse. A showstopper in full bloom. Mimulus aurantiacus (Scrophulariaceae) (45x30, Z8, P, L, 1) …………………..........…... 100 seeds / $2.50 08751.14 (W) Monterey Co., CA, 2100ft, 640m. A compact pop. with orange to copper flowers. Mimulus cupreus (25x20, Z6, P, L, 1) ................................................................................ 100 seeds / $3.00 12980.13 (W) Paso Pino Machado, Argentina, 5100m. Numerous scarlet to copper-orange flowers. Mimulus guttatus (12x10, Z3, P, L, 1) ................................................................................ 100 seeds / $2.00 32988.14 (W) Ouray Co., CO, 9700ft, 2955m. Bright yellow, spotted flowers, very floriferous. Mimulus jungermannioides (Scrophulariaceae) (6x24,Z6,P,L,1) ......................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 50968.10 (W) Sherman Co., OR, 250ft, 76m. Viscid herbage bearing multitudes of small yellow, orange-speckled flowers. Creeps up and down vertical basalt walls. Mimulus longiflorus (12x20,Z7,P,L,1) …………………………..........………………….. 100 seeds / $3.50 54770.15 (W) Tulare Co., CA, 5050ft, 1540m. Pale peachy-yellow flowers on cascading shrublets. Mimulus palmeri (8x5,A,L,1) ......................................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.00 70164.17 (W) Kern Co., CA, 3000ft, 915m. Masses of deep pink flowers suspended on 1"-2" long pedicels, shading to purple on the upper throat with the lower throat yellow. Mimulus primuloides ssp. linearifolius (7x20, Z5, P, L, 1) ................................................ 100 seeds / $3.00 70755.14 (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 6100ft, 1860m. Mats of hundreds of yellow, orange-blotched flowers. Mimulus pulchellus (2x3,A,L,3:6w) ……….……………………………………….......... 100 seeds / $3.50 70964.35 (W) Tuolumne Co., CA, 3500ft, 1067m. The tiniest tufts bearing several gorgeous flowers of lower yellow petals, upper lavender petals and maroon throats. On loamy soils derived from basalt. Photo Mimulus rupicola (6x7,Z7,P,L,2) ........................................................................................... 50 seeds / $5.00 74980.20 (W) Inyo Co., CA, 5100ft, 1555m. Breathtakingly beautiful blossoms of cream blushed pink with a yellow throat and deep maroon stripes are borne on viscid tufts sprouting from limestone crevices. Extremely drought-tolerant and nearly everblooming under garden conditions but must be sharply drained and kept on the dry side. Most populations occur within Death Valley N.P. but this seed from a population I discovered outside the Park. Photo Minuartia pestalozzae (6x18, Z5, P, L, 1) ............................................................................ 55 seeds / $2.50 70386.03 Ex Dedegol Dag, Turkey, 2000m. Hard, Acantholimon-like cushions bearing white flowers. Mirabilis alipes (Nyctaginaceae) (35x30,Z5,P,C,3:8w) ……………………..........……….... 25 seeds / $4.00 05458.15 (W) Duchesne Co., UT, 6050ft, 1845m. An odd cousin of the more common M. multiflora with very glaucous, blue-gray leaves and pendant heads of pale pink. A Uintah Basin endemic. Mirabilis multiflora (Nyctaginaceae) (45x80,Z4,P,C,2) ......................................................... 25 seeds / $3.50 56964.19 (W) Chaffee Co., CO, 7600ft, 2317m. Huge mounds of thick cordate leaves bearing brilliant deep violet to magenta funnel-flowers. Usually found solitary or in isolated clumps. On S-facing slopes of very rocky loam. Photo Mirabilis multiflora (Nyctaginaceae) (45x80,Z4,P,C,2) ................................................. 25 seeds / $3.50 56964.31 (W) Santa Fe Co., NM, 6800ft, 2073m. Essentially identical population (compared to our Chaffee Co., CO, population, 56964.19, above) here under pinyons. Mirabilis multiflora (Nyctaginaceae) (45x80,Z4,P,C,2) .................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 56964.49 (W) Mesa Co., CO, 6725ft, 2050m. Huge mounds of thick cordate leaves bearing brilliant deep violet to magenta funnel-flowers. Usually found solitary or in isolated clumps. On east-facing slopes of very rocky loam. Photo Monarda austromontana (Lamiaceae) (35x25, Z5, B, L, 1) …………………..........…...... 100 seeds / $2.50 09867.08 Handsome plants with hairy foliage and whorled stems of pink flowers. Monardella nana v. arida (Lamiaceae) (4x18,Z6,P,L,1) ............................................. 20 seeds / $4.00 58168.21 (W) Riverside Co., CA, 4000ft, 1220m. White pin-cushion flowers on green-white bracted heads from pink buds. Broad cushions of cinereous leaves on dolomite outcroppings. Monardella purpurea(Lamiaceae) (12x24,Z5,P,L,3:6w) .................................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 70985.22 (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 5200ft, 1585m. Aromatic plants of deep green, oblong, leathery leaves and globose heads of deep lavender. Monardella villosa (26x32, Z6, P, L, 3:8w) ........................................................................ 100 seeds / $3.00 90564.10 (W) Shasta Co., CA, 3000ft, 915m. Multiple stems with heads of deep lavender. |
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