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Arabis alpina (Brassicaceae) (20x10, Z4, P, L, 3:6w) ……..........………………………....... 80 seeds / $3.00

 05474.13  Hummocks of toothed, obovate leaves produce racemes of white.

Arabis lemmonii (Brassicaceae) (7x12,Z4,P,L,3:6w) ................................................... 90 seeds / $4.00 54258.17 (W) Park Co., WY, 10780ft, 3286m. (= Boechera lemmonii.) "The pink Draba." Rosettes of thin, spatulate leaves bear short sprays of pink flowers. On very steep, S-facing granite screes.   Photo

Arbutus texana ((Ericaceae) (450x300, Z7, P, L, 1) ............................................................... 40 seeds / $3.50

 78294.21  (W) Eddy Co., NM, 5500ft, 1677m.  Distinctive trees with smooth, pinkish-cinnamon, exfoliating bark and shiny, elliptical leaves.  The white, urn-shaped flowers are followed by bright orange berries.

Arctomecon californica (Papaveraceae) (40x18,Z7,P,GL,4:6w) .............................. 100 seeds / $5.00 12050.24 (W) Clark Co., NV, 2080ft, 634m. Turquoise blue and green rosettes clothed with long, silky white hairs. Corymbs of golden poppies. A difficult genus, this species and A. merriamii are probably best suited for the alpine house. Photo1   Photo2

Arctostaphylos canescens (Ericaceae) (100x100,Z6,P,SC,4:8w) .............................. 100 seeds / $3.50 12060.22 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 3320ft, 1012m. New growth is silvery due to silky hairs on the ovate, blue-green leaves. Deep cinnamon-red, smooth bark and pendulous, tomentose, pink inflorescences, followed by clusters of red berries.

Arctostaphylos coloradensis (Ericaceae) (16x100,Z4,P,SC,4:8w) ......................................... 90 seeds / $4.00

 12654.18  (W) Mesa Co., CO, 8000ft, 2439m.  A handsome hybrid swarm of A. patula, A. nevadensis and A. uva-ursi.  This seed collected from the dwarfest colonies, but expect variable progeny.   Photo1   Photo2

Arctostaphylos columbiana (Ericaceae) (175x120, Z6, P, SC, 4:8w) ……......….................. 90 seeds / $2.50

 12655.14  (W) Humboldt Co., CA, 3000ft, 915m.  New stems and leaves are white-bristly before eventually sloughing off to reveal dark maroon, smooth bark.  White flowers are followed by maroon berries.

Arctostaphylos glauca (140x200,Z8,P,SC,4:8w) .............................................................. 30 seeds / $3.50 32545.24 (W) Riverside Co., CA, 3950ft, 1204m. Broad, beautiful shrubs of pale blue-green, glaucous leaves. White flowers from pink buds in the spring yield large berries with practically inseparable stones. On high desert slopes of fine granite. Photo

Arctostaphylos nevadensis (25x300,Z4,P,SC,4:8w) …………………………............….... 90 seeds / $4.00

 58290.15  (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 7100ft, 2165m.  Forms miniature foot-high thickets several meters across. Small ovate, blue-green leaves and masses of pendant pink flowers in late spring.

Arctostaphylos patula (60x120,Z4,P,SC,4:8w) ............................................................... 90 seeds / $4.00 70078.23 (W) Summit Co., UT, 7715ft, 2352m. Contorted branches with cinnamon-red bark and thick, leathery green leaves bear multitudes of pendant flower clusters of ericaceous pink.   Photo

Arctostaphylos pringlei (150x180,Z5,P,SC,4:8w) ........................................................... 90 seeds / $3.50 70749.24 (W) Graham Co., AZ, 6025ft, 1837m. These rounded schrubs of blue-green leaves and reddish bark form an arresting display when in full bloom. The inflorescences are apple-blossom pink and glandular-hairy. The dark red seed berries remain on the bushes for a long time after maturity and are also glandular-hairy.

Arctostaphylos pungens (180x120,Z5,P,SC,4:8w) .......................................................... 90 seeds / $3.50 70858.34 (W) Graham Co., AZ, 6200ft, 1890m. These tree-like shrubs of green leaves and reddish bark form an arresting display when in full bloom. Pink inflorescences appear in early spring and are followed by reddish-brown seed berries.   Photo

Arctostaphylos sp. (plum berries) (180x130, Z7, P, SC, 4:8w) ............................................ 90 seeds / $2.50

 56292.14  (W) Plumas Co., CA, 3300ft, 1006m.   Blue-green leaves with plum-red berries.

Arctostaphylos sp. (black berries) (150x140,Z6,P,SC,4:8w) ……………............………... 90 seeds / $3.00

 56059.15  (W) Siskiyou Co., CA, 4750ft, 1448m.   Large shrubs with smooth, veined, green leaves and dark purple-black berries.

Arenaria hookeri v. desertorum (Caryophyllaceae) (2x20,Z4,P,L,2) ..................................... 90 seeds / $4.00

 35665.32  (W) Uintah Co., UT, 7550ft, 2302m.  Exceptionally tight green cushions with micro-fine needle (acerose) foliage.  Covered with dense, flat-topped cymes of white flowers in early summer.

Arenaria ledebouriana (Caryophyllaceae) (10x15,Z5,P,L,3:8w) .................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 54216.00 Silver-gray, evergreen hummocks with starry, white flowers in summer.

Arenaria nuttallii (7x28,Z5,P,L,3:6w) .................................................................................... 90 seeds / $3.50

 58878.18  (W) Malheur Co., OR, 3200ft, 976m.  Phlox-like cushions of ropy stems covered with acerose foliage and white, starry flowers.  On W-facing tuff-ash slopes.   Photo

Argemone hispida (Papaveraceae) (50x30,Z3,P,C,4:6w) ................................................ 70 seeds / $4.00 35476.18 (W) Albany Co., WY, 7100ft, 2165m. Far superior to the common A. polyanthemos. Has a compact habit with blue, bristly, dissected leaves and large, white, poppy-like flowers. In rocky, loamy soil. Photo

Argemone munita (60x60,Z8,TP,L,1) .............................................................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 56858.19 (W) Clark Co., NV, variable altitudes. =A. platyceras. Showy, white flowers about 4 inches in diameter covering very prickly plants of gray-green foliage. Fairly ubiquitous across the southwest deserts. Short-lived and tender perennial.

Argemone sanguinea (55x35,Z10,A/B/P,L,1) ..................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50

 76058.10  (W) Frio Co., TX, 550ft.  Very prickly plants with numerous flowers in rose, lavender, pink and all shades in between.

Armeria scabra ssp. sibirica (Plumbaginaceae) (10x4,Z3,P,C,3:6w) .......................... 40 seeds / $3.50 76120.15 (W) Summit Co., CO, 12300ft, 3750m. An alpine that looks like it should be growing along the seashore. Tufts of linear leaves sprout balls of pink flowers. On N-facing tundra.

Artemisia arctica ssp. saxicola (Asteraceae) (28x16,Z3,P,L,1) ........................................... 100 seeds / $3.00

 07412.29  (W) Boulder Co., CO, 10800ft, 3293m.  Dissected, hairy foliage unfurl nodding heads of yellow-green, the phyllaries (bracts) boldly dark-edged.

Artemisia campestris see Oligosporus pacificus.

Artemisia michauxiana (Asteraceae) (22x24,Z4,P,L,1) ........................................................ 100 seeds / $3.50

 56414.18  (W) Carbon Co., MT, 9200ft, 2805m.  Strongly-aromatic mats of irregularly-incised, emerald-green leaves. On high montane granite screes.

Artemisia pedunculosa (Asteraceae) (28x25,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ............................................ 70 seeds / $3.50 70217.14 (W) Mt. Fuji, 2000m., Japan. An interesting alpine species with loose tufts of dentate leaves and racemes of pale yellow button-flowers on long pedicels.

Artemisia umbelliformis (Asteraceae) (20x15,Z4,P,L,1) ............................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 85610.13 (W) Point de Parey, 2350m., Switzerland. "Alpine Wormwood." Clumps of finely-divided, silver foliage bear numerous stems with small, pale yellow flowers.

Asarum canadense (Aristolochiaceae) (14x60,Z5,P,C,5) .............................................. 40 seeds / $4.00 12063.00 Forms low carpets of deep green, heart-shaped, ginger-scented leaves in the pine duff of woodland areas. Basal reddish-brown or maroon flowers appear in early spring.

Asarum marmoratum (10x30,Z6,P,L,4:12w) ................................................................ 40 seeds / $5.00 56075.28 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 3500ft, 1067m. For Cyclamen lovers, this "Wild Ginger" is a must. The evergreen leaves are generously marbled with paler green and silver and are fragrant of ginger spice. The reddish-brown, basal flowers have long, tapering lobes. On steep, E-facing, serpentine slopes.Photo1   Photo2   Photo3

Asclepias arenaria (Asclepiadaceae) (40x16,Z5,P,C,3:6w) ......................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 07426.03 Leathery, oblong leaves with yellow and green flowers. Often found on sandy dunes on the eastern Plains.

Asclepias cryptoceras (Asclepiadaceae) (10x16,Z4,P,SCE,4:6w) ................................ 30 seeds / $5.00 12749.33 (W) Sanpete Co., UT, 5700ft, 1738m. Large, striking flowers of purplish-maroon coronas and reflexed cream petals in pendant cymes. Found on badlands of clay soil.   Photo

Asclepias erosa (80x18,P,Z7,C,3:4w) ........................................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 27467.13 (W) San Bernadino Co., CA, 1800ft, 550m. "Desert Milkweed." Rather tall plants bearing dark green, white-veined stiff leaves. Numerous umbels of white to greenish-yellow flowers appear atop each stem. Very drought resistant.

Asclepias speciosa (110x20,Z4,P,C,3:4w) .................................................................... 45 seeds / $3.50 76702.09 Superficially similar to A. syriaca (common milkweed) in leaf structure and plant height until it blooms. Large pink stars from rosy buds in clusters of 20 or so.

Asclepias sullivantii (70x24,Z4,P,C,3:6w) .................................................................. 40 seeds / $3.50 76854.03 A mid-western species found on prairies from Oklahoma to Minnesota. Stems with wide, oblong leaves hold clusters of purplish-rose flowers.

Asclepias tuberosa (cult.) (50x30,Z5,P,C,3:6w) ......................................................... 50 seeds / $3.50 78811.43 Brilliant yellow-orange to orange flower heads on plants cultivated on the mid-western Plains.   Photo

Aster alpigenus v. haydenii (Asteraceae) (6x7,Z3,P,C,1) ......................................... 60 seeds / $3.50 05475.37 (W) Big Horn Co., WY, 9800ft, 2990m. Very narrow, thready foliage from a central rootstalk. Striking deep lavender-blue daisies in mid-summer. Growing on fractured limestone rock.   Photo

Aster alpinus v. vierhapperi (Asteraceae) (6x8,Z3,P,C,1) ........................................ 100 seeds / $4.00 05471.13 (W) Gilpin Co., CO, 11360ft, 3463m. Hairy rosettes produce nice deep-lavender flowers.

Aster coloradoensis (Asteraceae) (4x9,Z3,P,L,1) .......................................................... 50 seeds / $4.00 12656.12 (W) Park Co., CO, 9250ft, 2820m. Low tufts of serrated leaves produce luminous pink flowers. Photo

Aster ericoides (30x24,Z4,P,L,2) ................................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 27442.12 (W) Elbert Co., CO, 6650ft, 2027m. (=Symphotrichum ericoides.) Also called Heath Aster. Rarely exceeding a foot in height here on the Plains, these multi-stemmed plants with tiny leaves reminiscent of a heath explode with hundreds of snow-white flowers in late summer. Reminds me of a miniature version of the Viburnum cultivar "Snow in Summer", looking just like snow covering all of the branches.

Astragalus alopecurus (Fabaceae) (45x30,Z5,P,SC,1) .......................................................... 40 seeds / $3.00

 05467.17  (W) V. Urtier, SW Alps, 1900m.  Pale yellow, ovoid flower heads over very hairy, long leaves comprised of dozens of leaflets.

Astragalus alpinus (10x18,Z3,P,SC,1) .................................................................................. 40 seeds / $3.50

 05476.18  (W) Big Horn Co., WY, 9500ft, 2896m.  Small carpets of green, pinnate leaves bear lax spikes of white/pale lavender flowers. On fractured limestone.

Astragalus amphioxys v. amphioxys (8x10,Z5,P,SC,1) ..................................................... 90 seeds / $3.50 05669.18 (W) Emery Co., UT, 4850ft, 1479m. Purple-pink flowers borne on short, erect stems which recline as the pods mature. The flowers are slightly smaller than in the variety vespertinus but are more numerous. Tufts of silver-hairy, pinnate leaves.

Astragalus amphioxys v. vespertinus (Fabaceae) (8x10,Z5,P,SC,1) .................................... 40 seeds / $4.00

 05670.28  (W) Mesa Co., CO, 4800ft, 1463m.  Several large, purple-pink flowers are borne on short, erect stems which recline as the pods mature. Tufts of silver-hairy, pinnate leaves. On sandy clay.   Photo

Astragalus argophyllus (4x14,Z4,P,SC,1) ............................................................................ 60 seeds / $4.00 07434.22 (W) Uintah Co., UT, 8075ft, 2462m. Mats of silvery, pinnate leaves with pink-purple flowers. On gentle SW-facing slopes of loam derived from quartzite.

Astragalus asclepiadoides (16x10,Z5,P,SC,1) ...................................................................... 50 seeds / $3.50

 07612.10  (W) Mesa Co., CO, 5030ft, 1534m.  Intriguing, more like an Asclepiad than Astragalus. Fleshy, broad leaves clasp the stems, diminishing in size up to the apical purplish-pink flower clusters. Large, erect, mottled seed pods.

Astragalus barrii (8x20,Z4,P,SC,1) ....................................................................................... 50 seeds / $4.00

 10075.14  (W) Johnson Co., WY, 4690ft, 1430m.  Cushions of three-fingered, silvery leaves with two-toned rosy-pink flowers. One of the best in the genus.

Astragalus calycosus (3x16,Z4,P,SC,1) ................................................................... 50 seeds / $4.00 12054.42 (W) San Juan Co., UT, 6100ft, 1860m. Dozens of purple flowers with white keels splayed around loose hummocks of chalky, pinnate foliage. Growing on sandy soils.   Photo

Astragalus castaneiformis (7x15,Z5,P,SC,2) ............................................................ 70 seeds / $4.00 12077.13 (W) Coconino Co., AZ, 6500ft, 1982m. Vigorous tufts of silvery-green, pinnate foliage bear racemes of white flowers with a bright pink to magenta keel. Found on limestone ridges under pinyon pines with Lesquerella arizonica.

Astragalus chamaeleuce (4x7,Z5,P,SC,1) ................................................................ 50 seeds / $4.00 12351.50 (W) Rio Blanco Co., CO, 6000ft, 1829m. Small tufts of silver-gray, pinnate foliage and purple-pink flowers with a white splotch on the banner. The dry pods are "spongy."

Astragalus chloodes (Fabaceae) (16x20,Z5,P,SC,1) ............................................... 50 seeds / $3.50 12355.21 (W) Uintah Co., UT, 5300ft, 1616m. A most unusual Astragalus with magenta racemes over stiff clumps of grassy foliage. On sandstone ridges.

Astragalus coccineus (Fabaceae) (9x9,Z7,P,SC,1) .................................................... 30 seeds / $5.00 12610.83 (W) Riverside Co., CA, 4000ft, 1220m. Fabulous racemes of scarlet.  The pinnatifid leaves and the large horned pods are covered with short, white, velvety hairs. On dolomite outcroppings.   Photo1   Photo2

Astragalus crassicarpus (20x30,Z4,P,SC,1) ................................................................ 40 seeds / $3.50 12860.03 "Groundplum milkvetch." Loose mounds of silky, pinnate foliage bear numerous lavender-and-white flowers with purple keels in the spring. The seed pods look like dark red miniature "plums" in the fall.

Astragalus desperatus (8x14,Z6,P,SC,1) .......................................................................... 80 seeds / $3.50 15277.14 (W) San Juan Co., UT, 4575ft, 1395m. Tufts of pinnatifid, silvery-green leaves with short racemes of bicolor flowers, the keels pink and the banners deep lavender. Rows of hirsute, curved pods line the flower stalks at maturity.

Astragalus detritalis (12x10, Z4, P, SC, 1) ........................................................................... 40 seeds / $3.00

 15278.13  (W) Duchesne Co., UT, 5400ft, 1645m.  Racemes of magenta arise from tufts of silver-gray foliage.


Astragalus flavus (9x12,Z4,P,SC,1) .............................................................................. 60 seeds / $3.50 30542.10 (W) Mesa Co., CO, 4940ft, 1506m. Thick tufts of ladder-like, stiff leaves and myriad dense racemes of whitish or pale yellowish flowers. It certainly is different.

Astragalus iodanthus (10x30,Z4,P,SC,1) .............................................................................. 40 seeds / $3.50

 46150.19  (W) Eureka Co., NV, 6600ft, 2012m.  Ample, green, pinnate leaves spread from a central crown and bear heads of dark violet to lavender blossoms, each with a white patch on the banner.   Photo

Astragalus iodopetalus (Fabaceae) (8x16,Z5,P,SC,1) .................................................. 40 seeds / $4.00 46156.22 (W) Archuleta Co., CO, 6560ft, 2000m. Lavender flowers with a prominent white blotch on the banner fade to iodine-stained blue. Luxurious, arching, pinnate leaves.

Astragalusloanus (Fabaceae) (4x8,Z5,P,SC,1) ............................................................. 30 seeds / $5.00 54605.13 (W) Sevier Co., UT, 6500ft, 1982m. Creamy-yellow and lavender flowers are followed by hairy, inflated pods. Tufts of silver, trifoliate leaves. An elegant plant on W-facing, shale slopes. Photo1 Photo2

Astragalus mollissimus v. thompsoniae (12x15,Z5,P,SC,1) ................................................. 40 seeds / $3.50

 56654.68  (W) San Juan Co., UT, 5250ft, 1600m.  Long racemes of deep purple flowers, shading lighter on inside of banner. Felty-hairy, long-pinnate leaves.  In deep, pink, sandy soils.

Astragalus musiniensis (8x8,Z4,P,SC,1) .............................................................................. 40 seeds / $3.00

 56876.13  (W) Carbon Co., UT, 5630ft, 1715m.  Tufts of wide, gray, lanceolate leaves in threes with pink-purple flower clusters around the base of the plants. Big, pubescent, papery pods.

Astragalus naturitensis (12x18,Z5,P,SC,1) .......................................................................... 40 seeds / $3.50

 58078.17  (W) San Miguel Co., CO, 6000ft, 1829m.  An uncommon sp. with tufts of pinnate leaves and spikes of small flowers, the banners cream and the wings and keel lavender. In sandy soil.

Astragalus neglectus (Fabaceae) (80x50,Z4,P,SC,1) .................................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 58232.02 A shrubby Astragalus with creamy-white blossoms over pinnate foliage. Native to the northern midwestern states, from the Dakotas to Wisconsin.

Astragalus newberryi (7x15,Z4,P,SC,1) ................................................................................ 40 seeds / $3.50

 58293.60  (W) Elko Co., NV, 6300ft, 1921m.  Large purple-pink to magenta flowers with white lines inside the banner over woolly, silvery-white cushions. On stony loam of sagebrush meadows.

Astragalus penduliflorus (40x20,Z5,P,SC,1) ........................................................................ 40 seeds / $3.00

 70258.07    Bright yellow flower clusters on long stalks with bright green, pinnate leaves. The inflated fruit is densely covered with black hairs.

Astragalus purshii v. lectulus (5x20,Z5,P,SC,1) …………………..…..........……………... 40 seeds / $3.50

 70874.25  Mono Co., CA, 6900ft, 2104m.  Spectacular short racemes of purple-lilac are crowded over matted silvery tufts, followed by little cotton seed pod balls. On rocky granite soil.

Astragalus purshii v. tinctus (6x12,Z5,P,SC,1) ....................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 70875.36 (W) Ventura Co., CA, 7500ft, 2287m. Purple-pink flowers in sessile umbels borne on tight mats of woolly, blue-silver leaves are followed by woolly, white pods.

Astragalus saurinus (Fabaceae) (40x30,Z4,P,SC,1) .............................................................. 30 seeds / $4.00

 76087.18  (W) Uintah Co., UT, 5550ft, 1692m.  Succulent shrublets, large racemes of magenta and white blossoms.  On W-facing, crumbling, red sandstone slopes.   Photo

Astragalus succumbens (9x24, Z6, P, SC, 1) ........................................................................ 45 seeds / $3.00

 76812.10  (W) Grant Co., WA, 700ft, 213m.  Prostrate stems end in a spectacular pink and lavender inflorescence.  Grows in sand over lava outcrops.

Astragalus utahensis (10x14, Z4, P, SC, 1) .......................................................................... 40 seeds / $3.50

 87803.39  (W) Juab Co., UT, 4865ft, 1483m.  Cottony mounds of pinnatifid leaves produce dense racemes of large rosy-pink to rosy-purple flowers followed by cotton-ball seed pods.  One of the best.   Photo

Astragalus waterfallii (7x16,Z7,P,SC,1) ......................................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 92078.13 (W) Eddy Co., NM, 4700ft, 1433m. Bright pink-purple flowers by the hundreds over mounds of silvery-green, pinnate foliage. A stunning Chihuahuan Desert native growing in fractured sandy lime soils.   Photo

Astragalus whitneyi v. confusus (10x25,Z3,P,SC,1) .................................................... 60 seeds / $4.00 92391.14 (W) Blaine Co., ID, 8900ft, 2715m. Stiff, upright tufts of pinnatifid, silvery-green leaves bear pale pinkish-lavender flowers which transform into spectacular clusters of mottled pods, like birds' eggs. On W-facing volcanic screes. Photo

Atriplex hymenelytra (Chenopodiaceae) (60x100,Z7,P,C,3:6w) .............................. 80 seeds / $3.50 35965.24 (W) Clark Co., NV, 2400ft, 732m. "Desert Holly." Dioecious, glistening shrubs due to the crystalline-like, silvery-green, holly-shaped leaves. Very early bloomer with pendant chains of papery seed pods by early May. Photo1 Photo2

Azaleastrum albiflorum (Ericaceae) (150x100,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ................................................ 100 seeds / $3.50

 05410.30  (W) Chelan Co., WA, 5700ft, 1738m.  Short shrubs of deciduous elliptical foliage bear many shallowly campanulate white flowers nearly an inch wide in axillary clusters.    Photo

Baileya multiradiata (Asteraceae) (30x16,A,L,1) ............................................................... 50 seeds / $3.00 56864.18 (W) Washington Co., UT, 3700ft, 1125m. Ubiquitous daisy found throughout the desert southwest, especially along roadsides. Bright yellow daisies above felted foliage.

Balsamorhiza hispidula (Asteraceae) (35x22,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ................................................... 55 seeds / $3.00

 35486.48  (W) Gooding Co., ID, 3800ft, 1158m.  (= B. hookeri v. hispidula.)  A somewhat larger form of B. hookeri with stiff hairs on the leaves.  On loam derived from basalt.

Balsamorhiza hookeri v. lagocephala (Asteraceae) (25x20,Z6,P,L,3:6w) .................. 55 seeds / $3.50 35666.23 (W) Kittitas Co., WA, 4100ft, 1250m. Deeply dissected leaves and solitary yellow flowers over smaller plants than the typical B. hookeri.

Balsamorhiza sagittata (60x75,Z3,P,L,3:6w) ................................................................. 50 seeds / $3.50 76042.33 (W) Summit Co., CO, 9375ft, 2858m. The ubiquitous yellow daisy found on mountain slopes and meadows. Luxurious rosettes of large, apple-green, arrow-shaped leaves, felted white underneath, bear numerous scapes in late spring. Extremely long-lived once established.    Photo

Balsamorhiza sericea (Asteraceae) (20x24,Z6,P,L,3:6w) ......................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 76284.11 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 1500ft, 457m. Deeply-dissected leaves with tiny adpressed hairs give a satiny sheen to the upper surfaces. Yellow flowers are borne on variable-length stems.

Baptisia australis (Fabaceae) (90x80, Z3, P, SC, 1) ............................................................  20 seeds / $3.00

 08867.14  A classic plant with rich indigo-blue racemes nearly a foot long over blue-green foliage.

Baptisia bracteata (Fabaceae) (65x65,Z4,P,SC,1) ....................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 10741.14 Magnificent clusters of rich, creamy-yellow flowers in early summer. Long-lived plant.

Baptisia lactea (120x80, Z4, P, SC, 1) .................................................................................  35 seeds / $3.00

 54022.13  Large, white pea-flowers over semi-waxy, blue-green foliage.

Baptisia minor (Fabaceae) (80x50,Z4,P,SC,1) .............................................................. 40 seeds / $4.00 56468.04 A dwarf form of B. australis with deep blue flowers on small shrublets.

Baptisia sphaerocarpa (Fabaceae) (80x50,Z5,P,SC,1) .............................................. 30 seeds / $3.50 76708.06 Beautiful large yellow blossoms carried high above the foliage in early summer.

Baptisia tinctoria (50x30,Z4,P,SC,1) .............................................................................. 40 seeds / $3.50 78468.02 Numerous racemes of small yellow flowers later than the other Baptisias.

Begonia grandis ssp. evansiana (Begoniaceae) (40x50,Z8,P,L,1) ....................................... 200 seeds / $3.50

 32771.08    "Hardy Begonia."  A tuberous species with loads of pendant, fragrant pink flowers most of the summer and fall.  May survive to Zone 7 with protection.

Bergeranthus jamesii (Aizoaceae) (8x12,Z7,P,L,1) ........................................................ 60 seeds / $3.50 50066.02 Ex Thompson. Dense tufts of narrow leaves sprout unending yellow flowers.

Berkheya cirsiifolia (Asteraceae) (60x60,Z8,P,L,1) ................................................. 50 seeds / $3.50 12484.00 Wickedly spiny rosettes bear white daisy flowers with yellow centers.

Berlandiera lyrata (Asteraceae) (30x40,Z5,P,C,1) ....................................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 54968.35 (W) Cimarron Co., OK, 4350ft, 1326m. "Chocolate Flower." Clumps of lobed foliage and yellow daisies fragrant of chocolate. Found occasionally on dry plains from Kansas to Arizona.   Photo

Besseya alpina (Scrophulariaceae) (10x8,Z3,P,L,3:8w) ............................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 06470.14 (W) Park Co., CO, 12750ft, 3887m. Short spikes of deep violet-purple above basal, crenulate rosettes. Sparse on steep alpine screes.

Besseya wyomingensis (Scrophulariaceae) (12x7,Z3,P,L,3:8w) ................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 92967.54 (W) Teton Co., MT, 7700ft, 2348m. Erect spikes of white wool turn pinkish in early spring. On a rather steep, E-facing limestone slope at timberline.

Buddleia utahensis (Loganiaceae) (20x20,Z7,P,L,1) ............................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 87805.21 (W) Washington Co., UT, 3700ft, 1125m. Crenulate leaves and skewered flower balls, several to each stem. Each fuzzy ball bears several florets, creamy yellow to purplish.

Caesalpinia gilliesii (Fabaceae) (150x90,Z7,P,SC,1) ............................................................. 15 seeds / $3.00

 32475.10  (W) Grant Co., NM, 5700ft, 1738m.  This Argentinian native has naturalized itself in some areas of the southwestern U.S. Pyramidal racemes of yellow have super long red stamens. Thornless Acacia-like growth.

Caesalpinia repens (Fabaceae) (9x18,Z5,P,SC,1) ..................................................... 30 seeds / $4.00 74290.26 (W) Emery Co., UT, 4850ft, 1478m. Tapered racemes of rich yellow and blotched orange grace clumps of bluish-green, Mimosa-like leaves. Powerful, heavenly fragrance. Endemic to the pink sands of the San Rafael Desert.   Photo1   Photo2

Calendula officinalis (Asteraceae) (20x16,A,C,1) ......................................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 65030.01 Tongue-like leaves with copius golden yellow daisies all summer, surviving through even mild frosts. With limited watering, these annuals stay dwarf. Fun and easy to grow.

Calliandra eriophylla (Fabaceae) (30x55,Z8,P,SC,1) ............................................................ 30 seeds / $4.00

 27449.23  (W) Yavapai Co., AZ, 3000ft, 915m.  "Fairy Duster."  Very pretty shrubs with Acacia-like foliage and pink to rosy-pink, powder-puff flower balls. In full bloom, shrubs appear as pink mist.  The gray pods gradually turn erect as the seed matures.   Photo

Callirhoe bushii (Malvaceae) (50x100,Z5,P,SC,4:6w) .................................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 10896.02 Magenta to pink flowers on plants which initially grow erect but eventually spread more sideways.

Callirhoe digitata (Malvaceae) (80x36,Z4,P,SC,4:6w) ............................................... 50 seeds / $3.50 15452.09 An upright, bushy plant compared to the sprawling habit of C. involucrata, this long-blooming perennial is loaded with pink to magenta flowers for most of the summer.

Callirhoe involucrata (Malvaceae) (16x120,Z4,P,SC,4:6w) ........................................ 60 seeds / $3.50 47890.04 Cupped flowers of shimmering claret unfurl along runners of deep-green, fingered leaves.

Callirhoe triangulata (Malvaceae) (12x50,Z5,P,SC,3:6w) ....................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 78746.00 Velvety, triangular, crenulate leaves on compact trailing stems terminate in deep magenta Hollyhock-like flower clusters. Long blooming from mid-summer until autumn.

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