Erysimumamoenum (Brassicaceae) (12x8,Z3,P,L,1) ...................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 05666.13 (W) Gunnison Co., CO, 12000ft, 3658m. A dwarf violet to deep lavender alpine race of this ubiquitous species (as E. capitatum.) Tufts of narrow, dusky green leaves. On gravelly tundra.Photo Erysimum jugicola (Brassicaceae) (10x16,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ............................................ 70 seeds / $3.50 50872.00 Heads of bright yellow flowers over lance-shaped, toothed leaves. Erysimum pulchellum (Brassicaceae) (24x14,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ................................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 70896.08 Ex Ula Dag, Turkey, 2300m. Mustard-yellow flowers on stems about 12 inches tall. Erythrinaflabelliformis (Fabaceae) (90x40,Z7,P,SC,1) .............................................. 15 seeds / $5.00 70830.13 (W) Santa Cruz Co., AZ, 5000ft, 1524m. Small bushes with Poplar-like leaves in threes along spiny stems. Terminal racemes of bright red flowers are followed by long, Sophora-like pods containing red, orange or peach-colored seeds. The seed color is a genetic characteristic of a particular plant rather than plants having different-colored seeds. Photo shows the variation in seed colors.Photo Erythroniumgrandiflorum (mixed anthers) (18x16,Z4,P,L,3:16w) ........................... 80 seeds / $5.00 32748.42 (W) Garfield Co., CO, 9100ft, 2774m. An interesting population with apparently extensive hybridization between red- and yellow-anthered forms. I saw a wide variety of anther colors including gold, tan, brown, red, maroon and almost black. Photo Erythronium grandiflorum (22x20,Z4,P,L,3:16w) .................................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 32748.76 (W) Grand Co., CO, 9340ft, 2850m. Very robust population here, truly meriting the epithet 'grandiflorum'. All yellow anthers here on large plants carrying multiple golden flowers on one or two scapes. Photo Erythronium grandiflorum (12x10,Z3,P,L,3:16w) ............................................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 32748.22 (W) Albany Co., WY, 10560ft, 3220m. Golden yellow flowers / yellow anthers here. Erythronium grandiflorum (15x12,Z3,P,C,3:16w) ........................................................ 100 seeds / $4.00 32748.63 (W) Lewis and Clark Co., MT, 6350ft, 1936m. Flowers not seen here but are undoubtedly yellow. Anther color not known. Erythronium hendersonii (18x12,Z6,P,L,3:16w) .............................................................. 80 seeds / $6.00 35298.38 (W) Jackson Co., OR, 1570ft, 479m. Beautiful lavender-pink flowers with a deep purple throat. Growing on gentle N-facing slopes in a heavily-shaded woodland area.Photo Erythronium idahoense (16x12,Z4,P,L,3:16w) ............................................................... 100 seeds / $5.00 41507.58 (W) Benewah Co., ID, 2750ft, 838m. Carpets the northern forests of Idaho by the thousands early in the spring with beautiful nodding cream flowers with white anthers, shading to yellow in the throat, over unmottled leaves. Photo Erythronium multiscapoideum (10x10,Z6,P,L,3:16w) ................................................... 100 seeds / $6.00 56894.28 (W) Trinity Co., CA, 5250ft, 1600m. Solitary pale yellow flowers on short scapes, fading to pale violet. On the gravelly serpentine soils of a broad ridge with just a slight northern aspect and lightly shaded. Much hardier and dwarfer than the Feather River populations.Photo Erythronium oregonum ssp. leucandrum (16x16,Z7,P,L,3:16w) ............................... 100 seeds / $5.00 67427.18 (W) Douglas Co., OR, 1520ft, 463m. Nodding white flowers with white anthers, basally marked maroon to orangish-brown, mature to pink over mottled leaves. S-facing, but shaded, slopes. Photo Erythronium revolutum (20x16,Z6,P,L,3:16w) ............................................................. 75 seeds / $6.00 74330.38 (W) Clatsop Co., OR, 2900ft, 884m. Bright pink tepals and bright yellow anthers over lightly-mottled leaves. On N-facing, heavily-forested mountain slopes.Photo Erythronium taylorii (28x18,Z5,P,L,3:16w) .................................................................. 50 seeds / $6.00 78100.13 (W) Tuolumne Co., CA, 4400ft, 1340m. Exquisitely beautiful, fragrant flowers, several per scape, in pink-lavender shades with a wide golden throat and white anthers over bright, solid-green leaves. On N-facing volcanic cliffs surrounded by conifers and poison oak, making this one of the most treacherous to collect. Photo Erythronium tuolumnense (15x16,Z6,P,L,3:16w) ......................................................... 75 seeds / $5.00 78869.33 (W) Tuolumne Co., CA, 3400ft, 1037m. Bright yellow flowers are borne two or more per scape over green leaves with undulate margins. Prefers the deep shade of deciduous woodlands. Eschscholzia mexicana (Papaveraceae) (10x12,A,L,1) .............................................. 100 seeds / $3.00 56334.27 (W) Luna Co., NM, 4450ft, 1357m. A ubiquitous little annual, seen throughout the Chihuahuan Desert early in the spring. Besides the usual yellow form, this population includes some nice cream-colored individuals. Cute but fast, dead-heading prolongs bloom.Photo Escobaria missouriensis(Cactaceae) (5x12,Z5,P,L,3:4w) ............................................. 25 seeds / $4.00 56516.42 (W) Mesa Co., CO, 4700ft, 1433m. Multi-clumping type bearing creamy-yellow flowers with midline stripes. Growing on red, sandy clay with Yucca angustissima. Photo Escobaria missouriensis (Cactaceae) (9x24,Z5,P,L,3:4w) .......................................... 25 seeds / $4.00 56516.35 (W) Sedgewick Co., KS, 2500ft. JRT3122 Multi-clumping type with straw-yellow flowers and dark mid-line stripes. Escobaria missouriensis v. similis (5x8,Z5b,P,L,3:4w) ................................................. 25 seeds / $4.00 56523.16 (W) Nolan Co., TX. JRT4142 A larger, more robust form with usually single stems, clumping with age. Light to dark gold flowers often with a hint of pink. Escobariaorcuttii v. koenigii (12x10,Z6,P,GL,2) ......................................................... 35 seeds / $3.50 71412.20 Ex Doña Ana Co., NM. TC028 Semi-clumping stems with thick, white, short bristly spines, the plants looking like little snowballs. Pinkish-salmon to light brownish flowers from the crown.Photo Escobaria tuberculosa (17x19,Z6,P,GL,3:4w) ................................................................ 50 seeds / $3.00 78850.33 (W) Pecos Co., TX, 4100ft, 1250m. JRT4141 Cylindric, multi-clumping, grayish-spined stems. Nice white flowers with a hint of pink. Escobaria tuberculosa v. varicolor (15x5,Z6,P,GL,2) ................................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 78853.13 Ex Brewster Co., TX, (Thompson.) TC029 Single cylindric stems with semi-coarse, grayish-white spines. Flowers white with a hint of pink in rings at the top of the stem. Bright red fruits. Escobaria vivipara (red spine form) (10x5,Z5,P,L,3:4w) ............................................ 40 seeds / $3.50 90510.35 (W) Fremont Co., CO, 5700ft, 1738m. JRT1114 Single to semi-clumping stems with prominent dark-red spines. Nice hot pink flowers in the crown. Escobaria vivipara (15x5,Z5,P,L,3:4w) ......................................................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 90510.43 (W) Terrell Co., TX, 4200ft, 1280m. JRT4114 Cylindric stems with white-brown spines tipped red. Dark pink flowers. Escobaria vivipara (8x12,Z6,P,L,3:4w) .............................................................................. 40 seeds / $3.00 90510.51 (W) Maricopa Co., AZ, 5050ft, 1540m. Multiheaded clumps densely covered with white spines and a few black ones. Photo Escobaria vivipara (7x12,Z6,P,L,3:4w) ............................................................................ 70 seeds / $3.50 90510.63 (W) Coconino Co., AZ, 6500ft, 1982m. Single barrels to multiheaded clumps bear bright lavender-pink flowers. On gravelly limestone ledges. Escobaria vivipara (6x6,Z4,P,L,3:4w) ................................................................................ 40 seeds / $3.50 90510.73 (W) Elbert Co., CO, 6650ft, 2027m. Numerous barrels bloomed profusely on our property this summer. I've seen a plant or two in previous years but this time I found 14 plants. Nice magenta-pink blossoms, usually several per barrel. Photo Escobaria vivipara (10x9,Z4,P,L,3:4w) …………………………………...........………….. 40 seeds / $3.00 90530.13 (W) Pueblo Co., CO, 4800ft, 1463m. JRT1111 Robust stems with an array of spines in red and white. Bright, frilly pink flowers in rings. Escobariavivipara (Cactaceae) (30x10,Z4,P,L,3:4w) ................................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 90530.23 (W) Fremont Co., CO, 5300ft, 1616m. JRT1112 Giant stems with mostly white spines. Medium pink, frilly flowers. Escobaria vivipara (Cactaceae) (12x14,Z4,P,L,3:4w) ................................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 90530.31 (W) Mohave Co., AZ, 4500ft, 1372m. JRT8101 Giant cylindric stems with white, black-tipped spines. Bright, clear purple flowers in rings. Escobaria vivipara (7x6,Z5,P,L,3:4w) ................................................................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 90530.48 (W) Otero Co., NM, 6500ft, 1982m. JRT5170 Single stems with white, semi-shaggy spines, faintly red-tipped. Nice frilly pink flowers. Escobaria vivipara (Cactaceae) (18x5,Z5,P,L,3:4w) ........................................................ 40 seeds / $3.00 90530.88 (W) Pecos Co., TX. JRT4113 Tall cylindric stem with semi-tight brownish-red and white spines. Magenta-pink flowers. Escobaria vivipara (15x25,Z5b,P,GL,3:4w) ...................................................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 90530.91 Ex Coconino Co., AZ. TC0108 Clumping stems covered with white and metallic-red spines. Flowers range from light pink to almost white. Photo Esobaria vivipara v. arizonica (6x8,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ……….......…………….…..............…... 70 seeds / $3.00 90512.15 (W) Millard Co., UT, 6100ft, 1860m. Bright deep lavender-violet flowers on white-spined barrels, the central spines tipped black. On S-facing hills of limestone. Escobaria vivipara v. bisbeeana (10x12,Z7,P,L,2) ........................................................ 75 seeds / $2.50 10496.17 (W) Cochise Co., AZ, 4800ft, 1463m. Sumptuous flowers of deep pink shading to white in the throat. Escobaria vivipara v. buoflama (Cactaceae) (10x10,Z7,P,L,3:4w) ................................ 40 seeds / $3.50 90511.01 Ex Yavapai Co., AZ. TC048 Mainly single stem plants with whitish spines. Medium sized flowers from the crown in dark yellow tones with hints of red in the throats. Photo Eustoma grandiflorum (Gentianaceae) (26x14,Z4,B,L,2) ................................................... 1000 seeds / $3.50 32753.27 (W) Fremont Co., CO, 5150ft, 1570m. One of our most spectacular wildflowers. Scores of vivid lavender-blue flowers with dark eyes on multiple stems bearing glaucous-blue leaves. Late- and long-blooming, may act as short-lived perennial if kept dead-headed. Can also bloom the first year if started early (treated as annual.) Photo Fendlera rupicola (Saxifragaceae) (110x80,Z6,P,L,3:8w) ............................................ 100 seeds / $3.50 74920.38 (W) Grand Co., UT, 4250ft, 1300m. Pure snow-white flowers with spoon-shaped petals emit a delightfully intense fragrance. These small xeric shrubs, clothed with linear leaves, are among the earliest spring bloomers. Photo Fenestraria rhopalophylla (Aizoaceae) (4x10,Z9,P,L,1) ................................................. 50 seeds / $3.50 74361.02 Ex Thompson. Spreading mats of grayish-blue "baby toes" with semi-translucent windows. Inch-diameter flowers in yellow or white. Ferocactus acanthodes ssp. lecontei (Cactaceae) ((90x40,Z6b,P,GL,2) ..................... 40 seeds / $3.00 01210.12 (W) Mohave CO., AZ, 3000ft, 915m. JRT8701 Stems 1½ ft. round by 3½ ft. tall. Flat, vivid, pinkish-red, yellow and white spines in different combinations. Dark yellow flowers in rings. Ferocactus acanthodes X wislizenii (60x50,Z7,P,GL,2) ............................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 01212.01 Thompson cult. JRT040 Cross performed by Jeff Thompson in 2011. Progeny expected to have intermediate characteristics. Ferocactus emoryi X wislizenii (120X36,Z7,P,GL,2) ..................................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 25672.06 TC094 Large, single-stemmed "Candy Barrels" with narrow, rounded, partially-hooked spines and long, hairy, radial spines like F. wislizenii. Prolific bloomer with bright red flowers like F. emoryi. Ferocactus hamatacanthus (40x30,Z8,P,GL,2) .................................................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 35097.17 (W) Pecos Co., TX, 4300ft, 1311m. JRT4401 Large barrels with about 15 ribs wrapped in very long, gray spines, the centrals recurved at the tip. Spines are reddish near the apex where large yellow, fragrant flowers are borne. Ferocactus wislizenii (40x60,Z8,P,GL,2) .............................................................................. 40 seeds / $3.50 92526.19 (W) Gila Co., AZ, 4600ft, 1402m. JRT8705 Massive, squat barrels with heavy spines and hooked centrals. Large yellow flowers. Ferocactus wislizenii (Cactaceae) (90x24,Z8,P,GL,2) ................................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 92526.27 (W) Santa Cruz Co., AZ, 5000ft, 1524m. Massive, tall barrels with heavy spines and hooked centrals. Large yellow flowers in rings around the apex. Forestiera pubescens (Oleaceae) (180x150,Z5,P,C,3:8w) ............................................ 40 seeds / $3.50 70860.13 (W) Grand Co., UT, 4015ft, 1224m. Ornamental shrubs with grayish-green, elliptical leaves and dark bluish-black fruits by the thousands on mature bushes. Yields a very hard wood. Photo Fouquieria splendens (Fouquieriaceae) (220x130,Z8,P,C,1) ........................................ 100 seeds / $4.00 76715.15 (W) Sierra Co., NM, 5600ft, 1707m. The scarlet-orange, tubular flowers set the deserts ablaze in May. The oblong leaves drop after extended drought and reappear soon after rains. This Chihuahuan population may be hardier than plants from the Sonoran Desert given that the Chihuahuan Desert experiences winter temperatures much lower than the Sonoran Desert on occasion (below 0°F. (<-18°C.)) Photo Frasera fastigiata (Gentianaceae) (100x35,Z5,B,GL,4:12w) ........................................... 70 seeds / $3.50 30126.13 (W) Idaho Co., ID, 4800ft, 1463m. Columns of deep blue flowers over felted rosettes. Frasera speciosa (135x30,Z3,B,L,4:12w) ............................................................................ 100 seeds / $3.00 76707.38 (W) Park Co., WY, 9500ft, 2896m. Large rosettes of soft-green, furrowed leaves may take several years to reach flowering size but when they do, the enormous columns of hundreds of cream and green, fringed blossoms may stand four to six feet high. Monocarpic. Fraxinus anomala (Oleaceae) (200x150,Z5,P,C,4:8w) .................................................... 80 seeds / $3.50 05870.43 (W) Grand Co., UT, 4000ft, 1220m. "Singleleaf Ash." Attractive, much-branched small tree with Ginkgo-like leaves.Photo Fritillaria affinis (Liliaceae) (30x14,Z6,P,C,3:12w) .......................................................... 50 seeds / $5.00 08030.28 (W) Clatsop Co., OR, 2200ft, 671m. A very different color form here in northern Oregon, compared to the Napa Co., CA population. The flowers are chocolate with speckles of greenish-yellow. The plants are also rather shorter here, on a steep south-facing slope of eroded basalt, frequently foggy but open.Photo Fritillaria atropurpurea (22x6,Z4,P,C,4:12w) ................................................................ 50 seeds / $5.00 12874.62 (W) Cassia Co., ID, 6750ft, 2058m. Flowers not seen but should be typically pendant, dark and speckled over a few whorls of leaves. On heavy loam derived from volcanic substrates. Photo of a nearby population in Utah.Photo Fritillaria lanceolata (Liliaceae) (28x14,Z5,P,C,3:12w) .................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 54108.23 (W) Benewah Co., ID, 2950ft, 900m. A larger form here with the usual mottled flowers in various shades of green and purple. Smooth, green, narrow leaves. Grows here in open coniferous forests with Erythronium idahoense. Fritillaria pudica (10x8,Z4,P,C,3:12w) ........................................................................ 50 seeds / $5.00 70865.52 (W) Cassia Co., ID, 6150ft, 1875m. Butterscotch-yellow flowers with brownish bases hang pendant over a few strips of narrow folded leaves. On N-facing loam derived from volcanic substrates. Photo Gaillardia aristata (Asteraceae) (12x10,Z4,P,C,1) ................................................... 60 seeds / $3.50 07453.16 (W) Rio Blanco Co., CO, 8500ft, 2691m. Tufts of rough oblanceolate leaves bear numerous yellow flowers with deeply-notched petals and orange centers. On white oil shale. Probably dwarfed here by the extreme conditions, my guess is that these plants will grow considerably larger under garden conditions. Gaillardia pulchella (Asteraceae) (40x25,A,C,1) ............................................................. 60 seeds / $3.00 70914.22 (W) Grand Co., UT, 4150ft, 1265m. A very colorful and long-blooming annual with large flowers of cherry maroon at the center shading to orange and finally yellow at the notched tips. Garrya flavescens (Garryaceae) (160x110,Z6,P,C,4:12w) .................................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 30547.19 (W) Washington Co., UT, 6100ft, 1860m. Drought-tolerant, dioecious shrubs of leathery, blue-gray leaves bear catkins in mid-winter followed by (on females) grape-like clusters of purplish berries covered in silky hairs. Photo Garrya wrightii (Garryaceae) (180x130,Z6,P,C,3:12w) .............................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 92750.17 (W) Cochise Co., AZ, 5650ft, 1723m. Light, greenish-gray, evergreen, leathery leaves on shrubs which can easily exceed a person's height. Attractive pendant clusters of dark purplish-blue, almost black, berries. Gaultheria humifusa (Ericaceae) (4x25,Z3,P,L,3:10w) .............................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 35916.13 (W) Idaho Co., ID, 7430ft, 2265m. Attractive creeping mats of leathery, evergreen, ovate leaves with white urn flowers followed by red berries. Photo Gentiana affinis (Gentianaceae) (12x10, Z3, P, GL, 3:8w) ................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 09030.22 (W) Park Co., CO, 9900ft, 3018m. A robust and erect form with very deep blue flowers held high, as many as 20 to 30 per plant. Gentianaalgida (Gentianaceae) (6x8,Z3,P,L,4:8w) ..................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 11432.32 (W) Park Co., CO, 12800ft, 3902m. (= Gentianodes algida.) Light green leaves with creamy, translucent trumpets vertically striped dark purple. Late bloomer, just before the first snows. Gentiana andrewsii (Gentianaceae) (40x30,Z4,P,L,4:8w) ........................................ 100 seeds / $3.00 11815.16 Brilliant blue, bottle-like blossoms in whorls. Gentiana asclepiadea (50x24,Z5,P,GL,3:8w) ................................................................ 100 seeds / $3.50 13612.02 Robust plants with lanceolate leaves and clusters of sessile deep blue flowers in the upper axils. Gentiana asclepiadea f. alba (50x24,Z5,P,GL,3:8w) ................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 13613.02 Robust plants with lanceolate leaves and clusters of sessile cream to white flowers in the upper axils. Gentiana asclepiadea f. rosea (50x24,Z5,P,GL,3:8w) ................................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 13614.02 Robust plants with lanceolate leaves and clusters of sessile rose to pink flowers in the upper axils. Gentiana calycosa (Gentianaceae) (7x12,Z3,P,L,3:8w) ................................................. 100 seeds / $4.00 13056.22 (W) Uintah Co., UT, 11000ft, 3354m. A decumbent, creeping form with ovate leaves and deep-blue flowers with a creamy, speckled throat. On vernally moist alpine tundra at timberline.Photo Gentiana lutea (110x65,Z5,P,L,3:8w) .............................................................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 54938.02 Large leafy clumps erupt into several spikes densely covered with yellow flower clusters. Gentiana parryi (18x12,Z3,P,L,3:8w) ....................................................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 70135.41 (W) Mesa Co., CO, 10300ft, 3140m. Extra robust form here on the Grand Mesa with multiple stems bearing terminal clusters of large deep blue flowers. Gentiana puberulenta (24x12,Z5,P,L,4:8w) .................................................................. 100 seeds / $4.00 70870.00 "Downy Gentian" or "Prairie Gentian." Clusters of caerulean-blue to dark blue flowers atop smooth, green leaves with a mid-vein. Each flower sports fringes between the corolla lobes. Gentiana setigera (Gentianaceae) (12x7,Z6,P,L,3:8w) .................................................... 90 seeds / $4.00 76338.12 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 1850ft, 564m. A serpentine bog endemic forming prostrate, green-yellow rosettes. The deep blue, white-throated flowers are 4 cm long, with a few curly fimbrillae. Photo Gentiana triflora v. montana f. alba (35x28,Z5,P,GL,3:8w) ...................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 78773.02 Tufts of lanceolate leaves from creeping rhizomes produce several stems with interrupted whorls of deep blue tubular flowers. Siberia. Gentianopsis detonsa v. elegans (15x7,Z4,B/P,L,3:8w) ............................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 15339.12 (W) Park Co., WY, 6600ft, 2012m. Somewhat dwarfer than G. thermalis and exhibits lighter colored flowers of blue to deep lavender shades. Edges of marshlands. Gentianopsis thermalis (Gentianaceae) (18x8,Z4,B/P,L,3:8w) ............................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 78360.17 (W) Mineral Co., CO, 9650ft, 2942m. Beautiful dark blue, deeply-fringed flowers on long peduncles. Geranium viscosissimum (Geraniaceae) (35x30,Z4,P,SC,1) ......................................... 50 seeds / $3.50 90536.34 (W) Park Co., CO, 10200ft, 3110m. Slightly viscid plants with partially divided leaves and clusters of large magenta flowers, often conspicuously veined. Photo Gilia aggregata (pink) (Polemoniaceae) (50x24, Z3, B, L, 3:6w) ……................................. 100 seeds / $3.00 09234.23 (W) Park Co., CO, 9800ft, 2988m. Trumpets of pale to deep pink, including salmon-pink. Gilia aggregata (red) (30x12,Z3,B,L,3:6w) ....................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 09232.22 (W) Mesa Co., CO, 10575ft, 3224m. The beautiful red form growing by the thousands on top of the Grand Mesa in mid-summer. Photo Gilia aggregata (white) (Polemoniaceae) (45x12,Z4,B,L,3:6w) ................................... 90 seeds / $3.50 09236.23 (W) Boulder Co., CO, 8525ft, 2600m. White to pale pink flowers in this population. Gilia aggregata v. macrosiphon (40x14, Z3, B, L, 3:6w) .................................................... 100 seeds / $3.00 09237.10 (W) Carbon Co., WY, 9000ft, 2744m. Extra long corolla tubes in lovely pale orchid-pinks. Gilia subnuda (Polemoniaceae) (20x15,Z6,B,L,3:6w) .............................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 76870.50 (W) Garfield Co., UT, 6175ft, 1883m. Viscid rosettes with maroon undersides erupt into busy panicles of hundreds of bright carmine-red, tubular flowers. Sandy canyon hillsides. Photo Goodyera oblongifolia (Orchidaceae) (20x14,Z4,P,L,7) ........................................... 1000 seeds / $3.50 67054.13 (W) Kittitas Co., WA, 4300ft, 1311m. Oblong leaves attractively patterned with white or gray-green veins. Spikes of small white flowers. Grahamia coahuilensis (Portulacaceae) (5x12,Z10,P,L,1) ..................................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 12609.08 (W) ex Mex. A caudex-forming species with succulent, oblanceolate leaves and deep pink flowers. Of easiest culture, nearly everblooming. Grayia spinosa (Chenopodiaceae) (90x90,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ................................................ 100 seeds / $3.50 76712.20 (W) Utah. Small bushes with linear leaves and persistant woody spines. The tiny flowers appear in mid-spring and are surrounded by large reddish bracts. Gymnocalycinumbruchii (Cactaceae) (4x9,Z5b,P,GL,3:4w) ........................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 10765.05 Ex Cordova,, Argentina. TC069 Low, dark-green, flat-topped, multi-clumping stems with few soft, white spines. Light pink flowers on top crown in rings.Photo Haplopappus acaulis (Asteraceae) (6x12,Z4,P,C,3:6w) ................................................. 80 seeds / $4.00 01217.42 (W) Uintah Co., UT, 8080ft, 2463m. Prickly mats of sharp-tipped leaves produce many golden daisies on short stems in late spring. This population growing on gentle, NW-facing slopes of loam derived from quartzite. Photo Haplopappus macronema (Asteraceae) (24x35,Z3,P,C,3:6w) ....................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 56082.21 (W) Beaver Co., UT, 11100ft, 3384m. (=Ericameria discoidea.) A twiggy, alpine shrublet with narrow, crinkled leaves lining the white, tomentose stems. Bright yellow, rayless flowers terminate each stem late in the season. The entire plant has a fruity fragrance like pineapple. Photo Haplopappus stenophyllus (Asteraceae) (8x14,Z6,P,L,2) .............................................. 40 seeds / $3.50 76789.32 (W) Yakima Co., WA, 3550ft, 1082m. Acicular gray-green leaves and myriad yellow flowers. On basalt scablands. Haplopappus cf. glutinosus (24x45,Z6,P,L,2) ....................................................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 32563.17 Ex Chile. Low shrubs with spatulate, toothed leaves bear 1" yellow daisy-flowers on long peduncles all summer until frost. Hedysarumboreale (Fabaceae) (30x20,Z5,P,SC,1) .......................................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 10774.19 (W) Mesa Co., CO, 6665ft, 2032m. Resembles a brightly-colored Astragalus when seen from a distance. Racemes of magenta flowers over tufts of pinnate leaves, followed by chains of flattened pods. Helenium autumnale v. montanum (Asteraceae) (45x18,Z3,P,C,1) ................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 08795.12 (W) Mesa Co., CO, 10130ft, 3088m. Large flowers of reflexed yellow petals and oversized central heads of stamens. This dwarf montane variety caps its height at about a foot and a half. Photo Helianthus maximiliani (Asteraceae) (175x90,Z5,P,C,3:4w) ............................................. 100 seeds / $3.00 56164.00 Practically a shrub with its numerous tall stems and seemingly thousands of sunflowers. This native of the prairies is best for the back-of-the-border garden where its spread can be restricted. Very showy in full bloom. Hereroa calycina (Aizoaceae) (7x18,Z6,P,L,1) ...................................................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 12124.09 A vigorous grower forming mats of hatchet-shaped leaves. The nocturnal, yellow flowers are held over the foliage on 3" stems. Hesperaloe parviflora (Agavaceae) (120x70,Z8,P,C,2) ................................................. 40 seeds / $3.50 70145.01 Ex Bernalillo, NM landscape plantings, 5050ft, 1540m. Fleshy, pendant, tubular flowers of coral-red on branching spikes from clumps of narrow, Yucca-like foliage. Hesperocallis undulata (Liliaceae) (45x26,Z9,P,EC,2) ................................................. 70 seeds / $4.00 92815.37 (W) San Bernadino Co., CA, 1800ft, 550m. With sufficient rainfall, racemes bearing numerous silvery-white, 6-petalled flowers pop out of the sand dunes of its native habitat by the thousands. By early summer, the bluish, undulate, basal foliage dies back, leaving a few capsules containing flat black seeds on the dry stalks. Photo Heuchera hallii (Saxifragaceae) (20x20,Z4,P,L,1) ............................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 35124.28 (W) El Paso Co., CO, 9025ft, 2752m. Scalloped leaves in a dense mass of rosettes bear campanulate cream flowers on several racemes. A most elegant plant. Found on west-facing granitic ledges and cliffs. Heuchera pulchella (15x20,Z4,P,L,1) .................................................................................. 100 seeds / $4.00 70924.37 (W) Bernalillo Co., NM, 10400ft Dwarf rhizomes creep through limestone cracks and bear short spikes of pink to burgundy-colored, hairy bells. Heuchera sanguinea v. pulchra (20x12,Z7,P,L,1) .............................................................. 100 seeds / $4.00 76131.10 (W) Cochise Co., AZ, 6800ft, 2073m. Hairy leaves in multiple rosettes grow hanging in crevices on N-facing granite cliffs. Startling racemes of brilliant fuchsia-pink to carmine. Super! Photo Hibiscus laevis (Malvaceae) (140x80,Z5,P,SC,3:8w) ........................................................ 40 seeds / $3.50 54036.00 Beautiful pink flowers with a darker, rosy-pink throat borne on numerous stems from a central crown. Hibiscus moscheutos (Malvaceae) (130x60,Z5,P,SC,3:8w) ............................................... 50 seeds / $3.50 56746.09 Multiple stems from a crown in the spring bearing briliiant white flowers with a ruby throat and a boss of white stamens. Hydrophyllum captitatum (Hydrophyllaceae) (10x10,Z5,P,L,4:8w) .................................... 50 seeds / $4.00 12140.34 (W) Cassia Co., ID, 6200ft, 1890m. Basal heads of deep to pale lavender flowers with greatly-exserted stamens under a canopy of several pinnate leaves. One of our earliest blooming wildflowers. Photo Hymenoxys acaulis (Asteraceae) (9x15,Z4,P,L,1) ……………...........…………….............. 40 seeds / $3.00 01214.11 (W) Elbert Co., CO, 6650ft, 2027m. The typical form predominates on the Plains with yellow daisies on 2 to 3 inch scapes from tufts of green, spatulate leaves, somewhat woolly basally. Hymenoxys acaulis v. caespitosa (Asteraceae) (3x8,Z3,P,C,1) ............................................ 30 seeds / $4.00 01215.34 (W) Albany Co., WY, 6950ft, 2119m. Superb form with sessile yellow flowers on tight, multi-headed, silver rosettes. Almost as compact as H. lapidicola. On windswept chalky knolls. Photo Hymenoxys acaulis v. ivesiana (26x14,Z5,P,L,1) ................................................................. 45 seeds / $3.50 01216.27 (W) Montezuma Co., CO, 5900ft, 1800m. Leafy tufts produce branching scapes bearing large yellow daisy flowers. Hymenoxys argentea (10x12,Z5,P,C,1) …………………………………….......………..... 40 seeds / $3.00 14432.15 (W) Torrance Co., NM, 6500ft Mats of spoon-shaped silver leaves erupt with yellow flowers. Hymenoxys grandiflora (14x9,Z3,P,C,1) ......................................................................... 70 seeds / $3.50 32747.47 (W) Big Horn Co., WY, 9800ft, 2990m. Woolly, dissected leaves and huge yellow heads. Photo Hymenoxys subintegra (25x12,Z5,B,L,1) …………………………………………............. 50 seeds / $3.00 76880.23 (W) Coconino Co., AZ, 6500ft, 1982m. Intensely-silver, dissected rosettes of long, narrow leaves bear hundreds of yellow daisies on a multiply-branched inflorescence. On limestone gravels. Hymenoxystorreyana (8x12,Z4,P,L,1) ........................................................................ 40 seeds / $4.00 78744.12 (W) Uintah Co., UT, 7550ft, 2302m. Dome-like, woolly cushions are covered with huge yellow daisies in early spring. A recollection of one of our best introductions, back in 1994. Photo Hypericum cerastoides (Guttiferae) (10x30,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ............................................ 60 seeds / $4.00 12344.16 (W) Pirin, 6230ft, 1900m, Bulgaria. (= H. rhodoppeum.) Mat forming perennial of gray, pubescent, ovate leaves bears a profusion of inch-wide yellow flowers during the summer. Found on acid soils. Hyptis emoryi (Lamiaceae) (120x120,Z8,P,L,2) ......................................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 25674.17 (W) San Diego Co., CA, 1780ft, 543m. Attractive, silvery-looking bushes on account of the soft, fine hairs covering the toothed leaves. Covered with spikes of small silvery-blue flowers after periods of rain, usually in the spring. Whole plant emits a resinous-lavender odor. |
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