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Mertensiaalpina (Boraginaceae) (5x20,Z3,P,C,3:8w) ....................................................... 60 seeds / $5.00 05472.14 (W) El Paso Co., CO, 13450ft, 4100m. Prostrate stems terminate in clusters of intense blue bell-flowers. One of the most exquisite of alpine flora, growing on pink granite screes. Photo Mertensia ciliata (Boraginaceae) (70x20,Z3,P,C,3:8w) .............................................. 30 seeds / $3.50 12564.43 (W) Mineral Co., CO, 10875ft, 3316m. One of the tallest Mertensias -- sometimes chest high, this population is barely hip-high. Wide, bluish-gray leaves, typical pendulous blue bells. Mertensia lanceolata (15x20,Z4,P,L,3:6w) ................................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 54168.23 (W) El Paso Co., CO, 7100ft, 2165m. A lovely bluebell found chiefly on the meadows and hillsides of the eastern Plains, often in pine duff. Glaucous blue, narrow leaves and blue/pink flowers with the occasional albino. Photo Mertensia oblongifolia (12x25,Z4,P,L,3:8w) ......................................................................... 40 seeds / $5.00 72054.24 (W) Blaine Co., ID, 6800ft, 2073m. Similar in habit to M. viridis with multiple stems from a branching caudex. The lance-elliptical leaves, however, are covered with strigose hairs, giving them a soft feel. Elongated flower heads of deep blue. On exposed, montane, granite alluvium. Photo Mertensia paniculata (40x40,Z4,P,C,3:8w) .................................................................. 50 seeds / $4.00 70168.14 (W) Cassia Co., ID, 6200ft, 1890m. Robust plants, bearing a multitude of stems lined with oblanceolate leaves topped with pale blue to pink flower clusters. On north-facing montane slopes of vernally-moist, dense loamy soil. Photo Mimulus aurantiacus v. pubescens (Scrophulariaceae) (40x30,Z8,P,L,1) ............... 100 seeds / $3.00 08753.15 (W) Ventura Co., CA, 1800ft, 550m. Flowers not seen, probably in the orange range. Herbarium records seem to indicate this variety is prevalent here. Mimulus bigelovii v. cuspidata (10x14,A,L,3:6w) …………………………..........…….... 100 seeds / $3.00 10543.25 (W) Esmeralda Co., NV, 7200ft, 2195m. Squat, glandular plants with cuspidate, overlapping leaves. Deep magenta flowers with gold-speckled, white-bearded throats protrude from every axil. Mimulus cardinalis (80x20, Z6, P, L, 1) ............................................................................. 100 seeds / $3.00 12184.10 (W) Butte Co., CA, 1600ft, 488m. Sticky foliage bears intense red blossoms in every axil. Mimulus cusickii (15x12, A, L, 3:4w) ................................................................................. 100 seeds / $3.00 12986.15 (W) Wheeler Co., OR, 3300ft, 1006m. Globes of sticky foliage, flowers of luminous rose-pink. Mimulus eastwoodiae (Scrophulariaceae) (8x60,Z5,P,L,1) ............................................ 100 seeds / $4.00 21867.22 (W) Delta Co., CO, 6050ft, 1845m. Grows on vertical and overhanging walls of sandstone seeps. Glandular, dentate foliage produces large, sumptuous, pendant scarlet flowers. Rare endemic. Photo Mimulus guttatus (Scrophulariaceae) (12x20,Z3,P,L,1) ................................................ 100 seeds / $3.50 32988.24 (W) Gunnison Co., CO, 10500ft, 3201m. Bright yellow flowers with orange spots in the throat, very floriferous. Along the margins of and in the stream from an alpine lake spillway. Mimulus lewisii (60x28,Z3,P,L,1) .................................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 54402.18 (W) Carbon Co., WY, 9750ft, 2973m. Bicolored flowers of magenta to rose with yellow throats. Mimulus luteus (50x20, Z6, P, L, 1) ................................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.00 54988.11 (W) Farellones, Reg. Metro., Chile, 6400ft, 1951m. Large yellow flowers sporting a prominent red blotch on the lower lip. Mimulus ringens (65x25,Z4,P,L,1) ...................................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.00 74568.06 Robust plants with smooth stems and toothed leaves produce hundreds of blue to lavender flowers for weeks in late summer. Mimulus tricolor (2x7,A,L,3:6w) .................................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 78764.44 (W) Shasta Co., CA, 3550ft, 1082m. Tiny tufts of clammy foliage bear numerous pink, magenta and yellow flowers. Sandy volcanic soil in vernally-moist depressions. Photo Minuartia laricifolia (Caryophyllaceae) (12x20,Z5,P,L,1) ............................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 54184.01 Mats of acerose leaves bear starry white flowers in spring. Good for crevices. Mirabilis longiflora v. wrightiana (Nyctaginaceae) (60x70,Z6,P,C,3:8w) ................ 30 seeds / $4.00 54769.24 (W) Grant Co., NM, 6800ft, 2073m. If you like weird plants, this one is for you. Small bushlets with lanceolate leaves and scads of 4" to 5" long tubular white flowers. Mohavea confertiflora (Scrophulariaceae) (12x8,A,RL,2) ........................................ 100 seeds / $3.50 12768.77 (W) Yuma Co., AZ, 2150ft, 656m. "Ghost Flower." Lovely desert annuals of tufts with velvety, lance-shaped leaves and pale, creamy-yellow flowers liberally flecked with maroon spots.Photo Monarda bradburiana (Lamiaceae) (50x20,Z4,P,L,3:8w) ............................................. 100 seeds / $3.00 10771.06 A wonderful, minty, dwarf Bee Balm with heads of pink flowers from late spring deep into summer. Monarda pectinata (16x10, A, L, 1) ……………………………………...........……….... 100 seeds / $2.50 70322.21 (W) Harding Co., NM, 4500ft, 1372m. Skewered cream, pale pink or pale lavender heads. Monardella odoratissima (Lamiaceae) (20x24,Z5,P,L,3:12w) ............................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 61578.58 (W) Beaver Co., UT, 10600ft, 3232m. Bright lavender to violet heads over very minty fragrant foliage. On S-facing volcanic slopes. Photo Morina longifolia (Morinaceae) (100x25,Z6,P,C,3:8w) ......................................................... 20 seeds / $4.00 54772.07 An odd plant from alpine regions in Bhutan with spiny leaves in whorls and heads of numerous pink and white flowers in interrupted whorls. Musineon tenuifolium (Apiaceae) (10x12,Z4,P,C,4:8w) ..................................................... 80 seeds / $3.50 78368.13 (W) Weld Co., CO, 5200ft, 1585m. Stiff, dark-green, aromatic, finely-dissected, almost plastic-looking foliage bears heads of bright yellow. On N-facing, sandy clay slopes. Photo Nama lobbii (Hydrophyllaceae) (8x20,Z6,P,GL,3:4w) ..................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 54730.24 (W) Shasta Co., CA, 4150ft, 1265m. Deep lavender to purple, tubular flowers are borne in both axillary and terminal clusters along the hispid stems and leaves as they gradually creep to form colonies. Photo Nama rothrockii (12x60,Z6,P,L,3:4w) ............................................................................ 100 seeds / $3.50 74798.14 (W) Tulare Co., CA, 7000ft, 2134m. A groundcover with hairy, cuneate leaves and golfball-sized bristly globes of violet flowers. Slowly forms nice colonies rhizomatously. Photo Narthecium californicum (Liliaceae) (30x12,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 12174.20 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 1700ft, 518m. Clumps of grass-like foliage bear racemes of greenish-yellow, starry flowers with woolly stamens. Neolloydia conoidea (8x12,Z7,P,GL,2) ................................................................................. 40 seeds / $3.50 12775.19 (W) Pecos Co., TX, 5800ft, 1768m. JRT4175 Cylindric, semi-clumping small barrels with short, black centrals, woolly towards the apex. Wide-petaled, magenta flowers. Neolloydia johnsonii (Cactaceae) (12x10,Z7,P,GL,3:6w) ......................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 50754.21 (W) Clark Co., NV, 1900ft, 580m. Large, iridescent-violet to pink blossoms on robust barrels. On limestone hills. Photo Neolloydia johnsonii v. lutescens (Cactaceae) (13x9,Z8,P,GL,2) .......................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 50755.18 (W) Yavapai Co., AZ, 3000ft, 915m. Solitary barrels covered with dense, thick, gray-purple spines. Chartreuse flowers with red throats. Photo Nicotiana glauca (Solanaceae) (250x120,Z8,P,L,1) ..................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 32552.25 (W) Riverside Co., CA, 2000ft, 610m. Small trees with ovate glaucous-blue leaves and clusters of primrose-yellow tubular flowers. Nolina bigelovii (Agavaceae) (150x90,Z7,P,C,1) ............................................................ 90 seeds / $3.50 10552.11 (W) Mohave Co., AZ, 3280ft, 1000m. Magnificent cream spires over globes of narrow, sharp leaves. The leaf margins are smooth and adorned with curly filaments. One of the best and most drought-resistant members of the Sonoran Desert. Nolina greenei (Agavaceae) (110x135,Z5,P,C,1) ........................................................ 100 seeds / $4.00 32776.35 (W) San Miguel Co., NM, 5875ft, 1791m. Populations of Nolina texana located in north-central New Mexico and southern Colorado have been reclassified as N. greenei due to genetic differences from true N. texana. All seed offered by us as Nolina texana in the past should be relabeled as N. greenei. Short inflorescences of creamy flowers over grassy clumps. Photo Nolina microcarpa (150x100,Z6,P,C,1) ................................................................................ 75 seeds / $3.50 56532.29 (W) Coconino Co., AZ, 6400ft, 1951m. Long panicles of creamy flowers soar over coarse clumps of grass-like foliage. Nolina parryi (360x180,Z8,P,C,2) ........................................................................................ 70 seeds / $4.00 70196.60 (W) San Bernardino Co., CA 3800ft, 1160m. Huge, thick, thatched trunks bear globose heads of long, thin, non-serrated green leaves. Old specimens may have 2 or 3 heads. Gigantic inflorescences at least as tall as the plants bear thousands of whitish florets. Photo Nolina parryi (260x100,Z7,P,C,2) ................................................................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 70196.94 (W) Riverside Co., CA, 6010ft, 1832m. Thick trunks smaller than the San Bernadino Co. population bear globose heads of long, thin, non-serrated green leaves. Inflorescences about 9 to 10 feet tall here bearing the usual thousands of whitish florets. Nothochelone nemarosa (Scrophulariaceae) (42x24,Z6,P,RL,4:12w) ………….........…….. 50 seeds / $3.00 58376.25 (W) Lane Co., OR, 5600ft, 1707m. A Penstemon cousin with flattened, violet-blue flowers in a panicle over coarsely-serrated leaves. The lower flower lip is often paler, such as lavender. Oenothera caespitosa v. navajoensis (7x14,Z5,P,L,2) ..................................................100 seeds / $3.50 12046.30 (W) Wayne Co., UT, 4515ft, 1377m. This compact form has short-tubed flowers that are only a bit smaller than the typical O. caespitosa. The scarcely-dentate leaves are covered with short hairs but are not as hairy as O. caespitosa v. crinita. The flowers fade to a deep pink. On caliche. Photo Oenothera howardii (Onagraceae) (12x15,Z5,P,L,4:8w) .................................................. 20 seeds / $4.00 35822.33 (W) Kane Co., UT, 5700ft, 1738m. Enormous yellow flowers from erect blue-green tufts of oval leaves. This population growing on W-facing slopes of sandy clay. Very limited amounts. Photo Oenothera macrocarpa (14x18,Z6,P,L,3:6w) ....................................................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 56142.27 (W) Hill Co., TX, 1200ft, 366m. Large bright yellow flowers arising from the base, followed by huge winged fruits. Oligosporus pacificus (Asteraceae) (30x10,Z4,B,L,1) ........................................................ 100 seeds / $2.50 70142.16 (W) Elbert Co., CO, 6650ft, 2027m. (=Artemisia campestris.) Tufted clumps of finely-cut, velvety-pubescent, blue-gray leaves. Dense spikes of insignificant flowers. This taxon was split into O. caudatus which is plain green, and O. pacificus which has by far the more attractive foliage. Opuntia aurea X polyacantha (Cactaceae) (15x26,Z4,P,C,3:6w) ................................ 30 seeds / $3.50 08755.16 (W) Piute Co., UT, 8500ft, 2591m. JRT610 Round pads about 3.5" diameter with growth habit like O. polyacantha and lack of spines somewhat like O. aurea. Thickened brown areoles with glochids throughout the pads which turn a beautiful dark purple color in winter. Light pink flowers. Opuntia basilaris (Cactaceae) (15x25,Z7,P,C,2) ……..…………………...........………..... 30 seeds / $3.00 10206.25 (W) Clark Co., NV, 2500ft, 762m. Ice-blue pads bear no spines save for the glochids. Violet to magenta flowers. This population growing on old lava flows. Photo Opuntia basilaris v. heilii (Cactaceae) (12x30,Z5,P,C,2) ................................................. 35 seeds / $3.50 10207.25 (W) Wayne Co., UT, 4515ft, 1377m. Spineless pads except for the glochids, flowers in the pink to magenta range. Photo Opuntia clavata (8x40,Z6,P,C,2) ....................................................................................... 60 seeds / $3.50 12553.14 (W) Socorro Co., NM, 5000ft, 1524m. Silver-gray mats of globose stems covered with dagger-like spines with reddish banding. Yellow flowers in early summer. Opuntia cyclodes (40x120,Z6b,P,C,2) ............................................................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 12978.15 (W) San Miguel Co., NM. JRT5900 Giant, O. englemannii-type plants with beautiful, thick, light-green-blue-tinted pads covered with golden-yellow spines and glochids. Large, solid-yellow flowers with fruits that turn a dark purplish-red when mature. Opuntia heacockiae (Cactaceae) (10x30,Z4,P,C,2) ...................................................... 50 seeds / $4.00 35214.24 (W) Chaffee Co., CO, 8680ft, 2646m. A localized dwarf variety of O. polyacantha, slowly sprouting pads along horizontal root runners. Yellow flowers. Opuntia humifusa X inermis (9x28,Z4b,P,C,2) ................................................................ 25 seeds / $3.50 35987.06 Ex cult. Thompson. TC0101 Mother plant is a completely spineless form from West Virginia crossed with different tetraploid varieties with red, orange and bicolored flowers. Opuntia hystricina (20x60,Z5b,P,C,2) ............................................................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 35988.17 (W) Navajo Co., AZ, 6000ft, 1830m. JRT8950 The long white spines are so thickly clumped as to obscure the stems. Flowers not seen but are usually yellow. Opuntia phaeacantha X macrorhiza (Cactaceae) (45x60,Z5,P,C,2) .................................. 25 seeds / $3.50 70362.16 (W) Baca Co., CO, 4400ft, 1341m. DB Vigorous plants with pure yellow flowers, growing on sandstone. Opuntia phaeacantha X macrorhiza (Cactaceae) (45x90,Z6,P,C,2) ................................. 30 seeds / $3.50 70362.26 (W) Kane Co., UT. DB Similar to the preceding but with red flowers on somewhat larger plants. Opuntia phaeacantha X macrorhiza "woodsii" (Cactaceae) (60x120,Z7,P,C,2) ................ 30 seeds / $3.50 70363.16 (W) Washington Co., UT, 4200ft, 1280m. DB Very large plants with pink to red flowers. Opuntia phaeacantha X macrorhiza "woodsii" (Cactaceae) (30x45,Z5,P,C,2) ................ 30 seeds / $3.50 70363.26 (W) Kane Co., UT, 6000ft, 1830m. DB Smaller plants than the preceding with similar range of pink to red flowers. Photo Opuntia phaeacantha X polyacantha (55x110,Z5,P,C,2) ............................................. 35 seeds / $3.50 70364.16 (W) Baca Co., CO, 4400ft, 1341m. DB Round, shiny pads with long, straight brown central spines bear banana yellow flowers with red filaments. Opuntia X phaeacantha (30x90,Z5b,P,C,2) ................................................................. 30 seeds / $3.50 70361.25 (W) Socorro Co., NM. JRT5901 Giant bluish-green-tinted pads with nice black spines contrast with the red-centered, bright yellow flowers. Dark red fruits in late summer. Opuntia X phaeacantha "Winter Rainbow" (17x42,Z5,P,C,2) .................................. 30 seeds / $3.50 70361.16 (W) Cimarron Co., OK, 4000ft, 1220m. JRT2902 Thick, light-green pads with long, red-based spines with white ends. Large bundles of golden glochids. Medium-sized, yellow flowers with red patterns in the throat. Bright red fruits. Opuntia polyacantha (12x60,Z5,P,C,2) …………………………….........………………... 40 seeds / $3.50 70784.25 (W) Uintah Co., UT, 5300ft, 1616m. Similar to my 1998 Rio Blanco Co., CO collection with beautiful strawberry-red flowers. There is some variation from deep pink to magenta. Opuntia polyacantha (Cactaceae) (20x80,Z5,P,C,2) ...................................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 70784.36 (W) Pueblo Co., CO 4800ft, 1463m. DB A diverse population with flowers red, magenta, orange, yellow, white and all shades in between. Shaggy to short spines, individual pads can reach 8"-10" across and plants can reach 3 feet wide. Photo1 Photo2 Opuntia X tortispina (Cactaceae) (60x90,Z5,P,C,2) .................................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 78804.16 (W) Fremont Co., CO, 6000ft, 1830m. DB Large plants with pads up to 10" across bearing twisted and angled spines and yellow flowers. Opuntia ursina (40x40,Z7,P,C,2) ………………………………………………........…...... 30 seeds / $3.00 00476.15 (W) Inyo Co., CA, 6800ft, 2073m. Covered in long, white, flexible spines. Yellow flowers. Orbexilum pedunculatum (Fabaceae) (50x60,Z5,P,SC,3:2w) ........................................ 40 seeds / $3.50 70345.00 Lavender flowers in dense clusters are held on long peduncles over narrow, lanceolate leaves in threes. Found on mesic to dry prairie meadows in full to partly sunny areas. Oreoxis aff. bakeri (Apiaceae) (12x5,Z3,P,C,4:12w) ..................................................... 80 seeds / $4.00 10182.16 (W) Iron Co., UT, 11200ft, 3415m. Does not key out in the Utah Flora. Thought was Oreoxis bakeri but no records are from my locality. A somewhat more robust version of O. alpina with larger tufts and capitate flower clusters on the ends of long peduncles, up to 3"-4" long, arching back onto the ground. The O. bakeri records I consulted do not have such long peduncles, although they are longer than O. alpina. The flowers are bright yellow when fresh, aging to orangey-brown. On gently-sloping volcanic tundra. Photo Origanum calcaratum (Lamiaceae) (35x30,Z9,P,L,1) ............................................................ 30 seeds / $4.00 12185.07 (W) ex Little shrubs of grayish-white, woolly leaves and lots of pink flowers. Origanum laevigatum (25x25,Z7,P,L,1) ............................................................................... 70 seeds / $3.50 54042.07 Showy heads of red-purple bracts with long-tubed pink flowers. Burgundy leaves. Osteospermum ecklonis (Asteraceae) (12x30,Z9,P,C,1) ............................................. 35 seeds / $3.50 34252.06 (W) Calaveras Co., CA, 1550ft, 473m. Showy half-hardy perennial with evergreen foliage and bright purple flowers most of the summer. Collected from one of the gardens in Angel's Camp, California. Photo Oxytropis besseyi v. ventosa (Fabaceae) 6x8,Z3,P,SC,1) .................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 10406.17 (W) Park Co., WY, 8000ft, 2439m. Capitate, brilliant rose-pink flowers on very short stems over silvery tufts. On N-facing limestone slopes. Photo Oxytropis campanulata (Fabaceae) (18x16,Z4,P,SC,1) ................................................ 60 seeds / $3.00 12187.01 Tightly-packed, erect heads of magenta-purple over pinnate, green plants. A Russian native. Oxytropis campestris v. cusickii (10x12,Z3,P,SC,1) ........................................................... 50 seeds / $3.00 12186.14 (W) Lake Co., CO, 12050ft, 3675m. Silvery, pinnate foliage and short racemes of creamy yellow from black, woolly buds. Oxytropis lambertii (24x12,Z3,SC,1) ............................................................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 54186.33 (W) Clear Creek Co., CO, 9270ft, 2826m. A vigorous montane population of this magenta to purple-flowering perennial. I counted dozens of spikes on the largest plants, some still blooming in October. Photo Oxytropis X lambertii (24x20,Z4,P,SC,1) ........................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.00 54186.29 (W) Summit Co., CO, 9100ft, 2774m. An apparent hybrid with O. sericea, this population displays an amazing assortment of colors: blue, lavender, magenta, pink and all shades in between. Photo Oxytropis megalantha (18x9, Z5, P, SC, 1) ......................................................................... 30 seeds / $2.50 56362.04 Whitish hairy tufts bear scapes of bluish-purple to reddish-violet. Rare Hokkaido native. Oxytropis multiceps (Fabaceae) (4x12,Z4,P,SC,1) ...................................................... 75 seeds / $4.00 56984.30 (W) Albany Co., WY, 7560ft, 2305m. Low cushions of silver bear small pink pea-flowers followed by fat, fuzzy seeds pods in early spring. A cute xeric. Photo Oxytropis nana (10x12, Z3, P, SC, 1) .................................................................................. 30 seeds / $3.50 58188.13 (W) Carbon Co., WY, 6400ft, 1950m. Large-flowered racemes from rosy-purple to white flushed pink over matted, woolly tufts. Great Wyoming endemic. Oxytropis parryi (10x12,Z3,P,SC,1) ..................................................................................... 50 seeds / $3.00 70204.15 (W) Park Co., CO, 12250ft, 3735m. Tufts of silvery, pinnatifid leaves. Compact spikes of lavender-purple. Oxytropis podocarpa (Fabaceae) (3x12,Z3,P,SC,1) .......................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 70745.15 (W) Summit Co., CO, 12500ft, 3810m. Mats of rhizomatic stems with pinnatifid leaves bear lavender-purple flowers. Growing on steep, N-facing alpine tundra. Photo Oxytropis sericea (15x15,Z4,P,SC,1) ................................................................................... 90 seeds / $3.00 76404.49 (W) Daggett Co., UT, 7450ft, 2271m. Dwarf plants at this locality with large racemes of pure white, fragrant flowers. Oxytropis splendens (Fabaceae) (16x12,Z3,P,SC,1) ........................................................ 100 seeds / $3.50 76722.25 (W) Park Co., CO, 10925ft, 3362m. Whorled, silvery leaves with woolly heads of pink. Papaver kluanense (Papaveraceae) (10x8,Z3,P,L,3:4w) .................................................. 100 seeds / $4.00 52562.15 (W) Summit Co., CO, 12475ft, 3803m. Pale yellow to yellow-orange poppies grace hairy, cut foliage tufts. An attractive alpine dweller for the cooler side of your rock garden. Parkinsonia aculeata (Fabaceae) (360x350,Z8,P,SC,1) .................................................. 30 seeds / $4.00 01302.19 (W) Brewster Co., TX, 4475ft, 1364m. Common name Retama. Small trees with long, linear leaves adorned with tiny leaflets along the sides. Clusters of bright yellow flowers in the spring, with one petal turning orange as each flower ages. By late summer, clusters of chained seed pods hang from the trees. A very attractive, extremely drought-tolerant denizen of the Chihuahuan Desert. Pedicularis crenulata (Scrophulariaceae) (18x9,Z4,P,C,3:12w) .................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 12763.16 (W) Chaffee Co., CO, 11250ft, 3430m. Mounds of finely-divided leaves sprout spikes of rosy-pink to rosy-purple flowers. Wet road embankment near timberline. Pediocactus simpsonii (Cactaceae) (5x7,Z4,P,GL,3:4w) ..................................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 76597.54 (W) Sevier Co., UT, 7640ft, 2329m. Small barrels here with mostly reddish-black spines, flowers not seen but are probably pink. Growing on a gently-sloping, E-facing, dry montane meadow. Pediocactus simpsonii (snowball) (Cactaceae) (7x8,Z4,P,GL,3:4w) .................................. 40 seeds / $4.00 76597.42 (W) Jefferson Co., CO, 6700ft, 2043m. These barrels are so densely spined with short white spines that the plants look like little snowballs. Pink flowers. Photo Pediocactus simpsonii (dark pink fls) (4x8,Z4,P,GL,3:4w) .................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 76597.72 (W) Douglas Co., CO, 6650ft, 2027m. Small solitary barrels with bright, deep pink flowers. Very nice form here on sandy rimrock. It was a cold day in late April, 2015 when I found this barrel just coming into bloom. Pediocactus simpsonii (pink fls) (Cactaceae) (5x10,Z4,P,GL,3:4w) ................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 76597.82 (W) Albany Co., WY, 7880ft, 2402m. Small barrels with some red-brown spines here, the centrals often curved. Pink flowers. Pediocactus simpsonii (white fls) (Cactaceae) (8x9,Z4,P,GL,3:4w) ....................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 76598.10 (W) Uintah Co., UT, 8000ft, 2439m. This population growing on limestone outcrops has creamy white flowers shading to a pale yellow throat. Photo Pediocactus simpsonii v. indranus (Cactaceae) (3x6,Z5,P,GL,3:8w) .......................... 40 seeds / $4.00 76595.12 (W) Custer Co., ID, 6375ft, 1944m. Small, flat barrels, often multi-headed, with pale pink flowers, on limestone alluvium. Pediocactus simpsonii v. minor (3x7,Z5,P,GL,3:4w) ..................................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 76599.00 (W) El Paso Co., CO. Collected by a friend, no other data. Pelargonium endlicherianum (Geraniaceae) (20x24,Z5,P,SC,1) ...................................... 8 seeds / $5.00 39815.04 Caudex-former with numerous scapes of deep rosy-pink flowers hovering like butterflies. Photo Pennisetum setaceum (Poaceae) (110x45,Z6,P,L,1) ............................................................. 40 seeds / $3.00 76418.19 (W) Gila Co., AZ, 2100ft, 640m. "Fountain Grass." Naturalized along some roads in Arizona, this beautiful grass has nodding, foot-long, hairy spikes which emerge purplish and age paler as they extend.
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