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Pulsatilla patens (12x10,Z3,P,C,3:8w) ............................................................................... 80 seeds / $4.00 70219.49 (W) Big Horn Co., WY, 9750ft, 2973m. The beautiful "Pasqueflower." Cup-shaped, spring flowers of ice-blue are embellished with a boss of golden stamens arising from furry palmate leaves. This is the superb, dwarf alpine form. On SE-facing limestone slopes. Photo Purshia stansburyana (Rosaceae) (180x80,Z6,P,C,3:4w) .............................................. 40 seeds / $3.50 56434.33 (W) San Juan Co., UT, 7050ft, 2150m. Woody shrubs with small, deeply-lobed leaves and abundant white, fragrant, rose-like flowers which transform into feathery plumes. Photo Puya coerulea v. violacea (Bromeliaceae) (100x45, Z7, P, L, 3:6w) …………................... 100 seeds / $3.00 12641.11 (W) Amerillo, VII Reg., Chile, 3300ft, 1006m. Flesh-colored bracts and purple-black tubular flowers. Dasylirion-like rosettes of narrow, saw-tooth-edged leaves. Pyrola picta (Ericaceae) (20x12,Z5,P,L,3:8w) .............................................................. 100 seeds / $4.00 70555.13 (W) Kittitas Co., WA, 4300ft, 1311m. Thick, dark green, leathery leaves are attractively patterned with creamy veins. Racemes of creamy to pale-pink urns. Pyrrocoma uniflora (Asteraceae) (3x9,Z3,P,L,3:6w) ......................................................... 60 seeds / $4.00 85858.16 (W) Gunnison Co., CO, 12200ft, 3658m. Tight tufts of lanceolate leaves bear relatively large (3cm), solitary yellow flowers on short stems. An alpine gem which grows only on exposed mountain crests. Rabiea albipuncta (Aizoaceae) (5x10, Z8, P, L, 1) ………………………............……….... 75 seeds / $3.00 20410.00 Chunky whitish leaves bear large yellow flowers. Rabiea difformis (5x16,Z8,P,L,1) ......................................................................................... 60 seeds / $3.00 15580.09 Ex Craddock. Chunky gray tufts bear huge flowers of golden-yellow aging to orange. Ramonda myconi (Gesneriaceae) (10x16, Z5, P, L, 1) ……………………….................... 100 seeds / $2.50 56976.06 Clusters of violet to deep lilac, 5-petalled, open flowers with yellow centers. Ranunculus andersonii (Ranunculaceae) (10x8,Z4,P,RGL,3:12w) ........................................ 50 seeds / $4.00 20815.54 (W) Blaine Co., ID, 8900ft, 2713m. Basal tufts of glaucous, dissected leaves with white to pale pink cups very early in the spring, soon after snowmelt. Rubbing the seed will reveal the tiny, cone-shaped seed inside the green papery achenes. On W-facing, fine granite screes. Photo Rhodiolaintegrifolia (Crassulaceae) (15x4,Z3,P,L,1) ................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 60878.12 (W) Park Co., CO, 12700ft, 3872m. The "King's Crown" of the Rockies. Forms multi-stemmed stands, each fleshy stem topped with flattened deep rose-red heads. A thrilling show in full bloom. From slightly moist alpine meadows. Rhododendron ferrugineum (Ericaceae) (30x50,Z4,P,L,3:8w) .................................. 200 seeds / $4.00 30424.17 (W) Alpi della Zillertal, Italy, 6560ft, 2000m. "Alpenrose." Small shrubs with deep pink flowers opening from rose-red buds. Rhododendron macrophyllum (Ericaceae) (110x90,Z6,P,L,3:8w) ................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 76212.12 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 3320ft, 1012m. Large, elliptical, evergreen leaves bear masses of gorgeous pink flowers from very deep-pink buds. Photo Ribes aureum (Grossulariaceae) (110x100,Z4,P,C,3:12w) ............................................. 40 seeds / $4.00 08748.13 (W) Butte Co., ID, 6420ft, 1957m. Rather thick and leathery, maple-like leaves on short spineless bushes. Yellow flowers are followed by edible orange, black or red berries. This seed picked from orange-berried bushes. Ribes cereum (120x90,Z4,P,C,3:12w) ............................................................................. 90 seeds / $3.50 12424.34 (W) Jefferson Co., CO, 8100ft, 2470m. One of the few Ribes spp. without spines. Spicily-aromatic, flabellate foliage with deep pink flowers followed by red berries in the fall. Growing on a south-facing montane slope. Ribes leptanthum (140x120,Z4,P,C,3:12w) .................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 54420.14 (W) Teller Co., CO, 8380ft, 2555m. Very spiny bushes with white flowers in the spring followed by copious black berries. Ribes montigenum (75x80,Z3,P,C,3:12w) ...................................................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 56808.14 (W) Iron Co., UT, 11050ft, 3369m. Dense bushlets right at about timberline of stems bearing a trio of spines at every node. Pink, peach or coral flowers transform into a tasty crop of dark red berries covered with dark hairs. Always a treat to find while hiking in the mountains. Robinia neomexicana (Fabaceae) (250x140,Z4,P,SC,1) ................................................ 40 seeds / $3.50 58281.14 (W) Bernalillo Co., NM, 9000ft, 2744m. Small trees with thorns, pinnate leaves and clusters of pendant lavender flowers, followed by hirsute pods. This fast-growing, drought-resitant tree covers large swaths of forest land on montane slopes. Photo Romneya coulteri (Papaveraceae) (120x35, Z6, P, GL, 4:8w) …………..........………....... 100 seeds / $2.50 12700.15 (W) Ventura Co., CA, 4000ft, 1220m. "Matilija Poppy." Huge white poppy flowers up to 6". Rosa arkansana (Rosaceae) (30x24,Z4,P,C,4:12w) ....................................................... 50 seeds / $3.50 22452.13 (W) Elbert Co., CO, 6600ft, 2012m. Single, fragrant roses of pure white, pink, deep red and all shades in between, including bicolor combinations. Bright red hips in the fall. Rosa stellata ssp. mirifica (Rosaceae) (100x40,Z5,P,C,4:12w) .................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 76797.35 (W) Otero Co., NM, 7400ft, 2256m. "Sacramento Rose." Single rosy-purple flowers. Ruellia humilis (Acanthaceae) (16x12, Z5, P, C, 3:12w) …........…………………............... 40 seeds / $3.50 36006.00 "Wild Petunia." Delicate flowers of bluish-lavender, crinkled like a miniature Petunia. Salicornia utahensis (Chenopodiaceae) (15x40,Z5,P,L,2) ......................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 87819.71 (W) Utah Co., UT, 4520ft, 1378m. Bizarre succulent with knobby, jointed branching stems turning reddish with frosts. This halophyte dwells on alkaline mud flats which dry out late in summer. Three plants survived under ordinary soil conditions in Jeff Thompson's garden but they may do better by giving a good soak with weak saline every month while growing. Photo Salvia apiana (Lamiaceae) (100x100, Z7, P, L, 2) ............................................................... 100 seeds / $3.00 07056.15 Ventura Co., CA, 4900ft, 1494m. Imposing plants with lanceolate leaves appear ashy-gray due to dense, minute hairs. Multiple spikes with whorls of white/lavender flowers appear in summer. Salvia azurea (Lamiaceae) (70x90,Z5,P,C,1) ................................................................... 50 seeds / $3.50 09903.03 Plants can reach nearly 5 feet tall under ideal conditions but in Texas I have seen them peak out at 2 to 3 feet on the dry soils of the Edwards Plateau. Myriad spikes of azure blue flowers from mid-summer to fall, especially if spent spikes are cut. Tolerates drought and is a good butterfly attractor. Salvia dorrii v. dorrii (24x40,Z4,P,L,2) ....................................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 15834.13 (W) Beaver Co., UT, 6450ft, 1966m. Silvery-green, fragrant rounded leaves packed onto these dense subshrubs support showy spikes of purplish-blue bracts and blue flowers. This isolated colony growing on a steep, south-facing slope of black limestone. Photo Salvia eremostachya (Lamiaceae) (65x75,Z7,P,L,2) .................................................... 80 seeds / $4.00 27441.61 (W) Riverside Co., CA, 3600ft, 1100m. Rounded shrubs with narrow, resinous, rugose foliage. Lilac flowers surrounded by rosy-purplish bracts in small heads. Salvia kopetdaghensis (Lamiaceae) (90x40,Z5,P,L,3:8w) .............................................. 40 seeds / $3.50 52830.04 I have little information on this species but photos from the web indicate numerous spikes of blue-purple flowers. Cult. seed from Austria. Salvia lemmonii (40x40,Z7,P,C,1) ................................................................................... 45 seeds / $5.00 54416.24 (W) Santa Cruz Co., AZ, 6210ft, 1893m. (= S. microphylla v. wislizeni). Diminuitive woody subshrubs with fragrant leaves burst into color in summer with spikes of brilliant fuchsia. North-facing mountain slopes. Salvia pachyphylla (60x50,Z5,P,C,2) ................................................................................. 50 seeds / $5.00 70172.14 (W) Tulare Co., CA, 6100ft, 1859m. Plants bear multitudes of stems clothed in undulating fragrant leaves terminating in spectacular showy 4" to 6" ovate flower spikes of rosy-purple bracts surrounding blue trumpets. Photo Salvia texana (18x14,Z8,P,L,1) ............................................................................................. 40 seeds / $3.00 78454.19 (W) Hill Co., TX, 1200ft, 366m. Hirsute plants sporting many gaping, blue flowers with white patches near the throat. Photo Sambucus racemosa v. microbotrys (Caprifoliaceae) (110x100,Z5,P,C,4:12w) ................ 100 seeds / $3.50 74172.13 (W) San Juan Co., UT, 9200ft, 2805m. Small bushes with broad, pinnately-compound, serrated leaves. White pyramidal inflorescences in the spring are followed by attractive clusters of bright red berries in the fall. Photo Sanguinariacanadensis (Papaveraceae) (16x10,Z3,P,C,4:12w) ........................................ 30 seeds / $3.50 12222.04 "Bloodroot." Beautiful white flowers emerge early in the spring as its single, palmate gray-green leaf unfurls. Slowly spreads to form colonies on the forest floor. Difficult from seed, requires oscillating temperatures or "outdoor" treatment for best germination. Seed refrigerated, sow immediately upon receipt. Saponaria caespitosa (Caryophyllaceae) (10x15,Z4,P,L,3:8w) .............................................. 40 seeds / $3.00 12048.06 Dense and tight succulent tufts with showy heads of rosy-pink flowers. Saponaria X sündermannii (Carophyllaceae) (8x25,Z4,P,L,3:8w) ................................. 40 seeds / $3.50 94963.01 A hybrid between S. bellidifolia and S. caespitosa which retains the compact habit of the former and heads of rose flowers of the latter. Saxifraga aizoides (Saxifragaceae) (7x40,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ................................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 05002.13 (W) Tyrol, Obernberg, 1800m., Austria. Forms extensive mats of small rosettes of linear leaves which are covered with myriad scapes of yellow, orange-dotted flowers. Saxifraga bryoides (6x10,Z4,P,L,3:8w) .......................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 10768.13 (W) Tyrol, Mt. Patscherkofel, 2200m., Austria. Mossy, flat cushions with creamy-white flowers on short scapes. Resents lime. Saxifraga chrysantha (4x9,Z3,P,L,3:6w) ...................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 12373.14 (W) El Paso Co., CO, 13450ft, 4100m. Tiny rubbery rosettes bear clear yellow flowers. On open alpine tundra of fine granite soils. Photo Saxifraga mertensiana (12x10,Z5,P,L,3:10w) .............................................................. 100 seeds / $4.00 56435.12 (W) Whatcom Co., WA, 5100ft, 1555m. The leaves might be the most attractive feature -- ruffled, pleated and toothed foliage with short sprays of tiny pale pink flowers. On NW-facing, wet volcanic rocks. Saxifraga oppositifolia (Saxifragaceae) (2x40,Z3,P,L,4:8w) ............................................ 100 seeds / $4.00 83070.17 (W) Park Co., WY, 10450ft, 3186m. Dense rubbery cushions display sessile, deep rose-purple blossoms. On steep, N-facing cliffs of igneous origin. Saxifraga paniculata (25x25,Z3,P,L,3:8w) .......................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.00 70222.06 Spreading cushions of gray-green leaves. Densely-branched inflorescences of white flowers. Saxifraga scardica (8x16,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ........................................................................ 100 seeds / $4.00 76138.13 (W) Korab Mtns, 1400m., Albania. Hard domes of spiny rosettes bear thick scapes of large white flowers, often aging to deep pink. A decorative but challenging plant. Saxifraga tolmiei (6x20,Z4,P,L,3:10w) .......................................................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 78814.12 (W) Whatcom Co., WA, 5000ft, 1524m. Mats of tiny, succulent, shiny, bright green leaves bear numerous 1"-2" scapes of starry white flowers. On volcanic alpine slopes. Saxifraga tricuspidata (8x55,Z3,P,L,3:8w) .......................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.00 78760.06 (W) Ex Anchorage, AK, 100ft. Forms broad mats of stiff, prickly rosettes. Clouds of white flowers on short scapes, the petals intricately patterned with tiny burgundy and chestnut spots. Sclerocactus parviflorus (Cactaceae) (20x9,Z6,P,GL,3:4w) .............................................. 50 seeds / $4.00 70235.10 (W) Grand Co., UT, 4135ft, 1261m. Mostly solitary barrels here, taller than the Mesa Co., CO population, occasionally multi-headed, the central, hooked spine usually light-colored, surrounded by black spines. Typical purple to lavender flowers. Sclerocactus parviflorus (20x9,Z6,P,GL,3:4w) ................................................................... 50 seeds / $4.00 70235.40 (W) San Juan Co., UT, 5280ft, 1610m. Essentially identical to the Grand Co., UT population. Mostly solitary barrels here, occasionally multi-headed, the central, hooked spine usually light-colored, surrounded by black spines. Typical purple to lavender flowers. Sclerocactus parviflorus (12x8,Z6,P,GL,3:4w) ................................................................... 60 seeds / $3.50 70235.50 (W) Mesa Co., CO, 5050ft, 1540m. Mostly single, solitary barrels here, the central, hooked spine usually black. Typical purple to lavender flowers. Sclerocactus terrae-canyonae (9x15,Z6,P,GL,3:4w) ......................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 78434.10 (W) San Juan Co., UT, 6450ft, 1966m. Low, multi-stemmed barrels here, rarely solitary. The central, hooked spine is usually light-colored, surrounded by dark spines. Unfortunately, I did not see this population in bloom so I don't know if it has light yellow flowers or purple flowers. Sclerocactus species (6x6,Z6,P,GL,3:4w) .......................................................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 78434.20 (W) San Juan Co., UT, 4575ft, 1395m. Small barrels which seem to me to resemble S. terrae-canyonae but herbarium records for this population only list it as S. "species." Scrophularia macrantha (Scrophulariaceae) (60x18,Z5,P,L,1) ............................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 56172.02 This great New Mexican native displays long wands of puckered scarlet blossoms nearly all summer. Scutellaria alpina (Lamiaceae) (12x16, Z4, P, L, 1) ……………………………........…...... 75 seeds / $2.00 05481.07 Bicolored flowers of cream and light indigo festoon this classic European alpine. Scutellaria baicalensis (Lamiaceae) (40x26,Z4,P,L,1) ................................................. 50 seeds / $3.50 10057.03 Upright grower with long glossy leaves and intense cobalt-blue flowers in late summer. Siberian native. Photo Scutellaria resinosa (Lamiaceae) (16x16,Z4,P,L,2) ....................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 74436.00 Blue-purple flowers with two prominent white guidelines on the flaring lower lip. Photo Sedum debile (Crassulaceae) (10x12,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 15370.18 (W) Lander Co., NV, 8600ft, 2622m. Clusters of small, grayish-green to pale green, roundish leaves. The yellowish flowers are most attractive in masses. Sedum divergens (Crassulaceae) (5x8,Z5,P,L,3:8w) .................................................. 100 seeds / $4.00 15650.24 (W) Jefferson Co., WA, 5000ft, 1524m. Lining the short, decumbent stems are leaves like small, flattened spheres and colored green with dark red highlights. Flat-topped heads of yellow, starry flowers. On S-facing volcanic ledges and screes. This population from the dry (west) side of the Olympic Peninsula. Sedum kamtschaticum (Crassulaceae) (14x100,Z5,P,L,3:8w) .......................................... 100 seeds / $3.00 52216.01 A great ground cover of evergreen, toothed, succulent foliage covered with yellow star-like flowers in spring and summer. Sedum lanceolatum (8x5,Z4,P,L,3:8w) ............................................................................ 100 seeds / $3.50 54218.32 (W) Uintah Co., UT, 8075ft, 2462m. The ubiquitous Sedum throughout the Rocky Mountains with bright yellow flowers and tightly-packed, lanceolate leaves. A dwarf form here. Sedum lanceolatum (10x8,Z4,P,L,3:8w) .......................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 54218.23 (W) Lewis and Clark Co., MT, 6350ft, 1936m. Extra robust form here with large clusters of bright yellow flowers over chunky stems. Sedum niveum (Crassulaceae) (7x22,Z6,P,L,3:8w) ........................................................ 100 seeds / $3.50 58650.15 (W) Riverside Co., CA, 7825ft, 2386m. Short stacks of small, dark-green, triangular leaves carpet N-facing granite ledges. An uncommon species with large white flowers. Sedum oreganum (10x25,Z7,P,L,2) ................................................................................ 100 seeds / $3.50 67424.12 (W) Tillamook Co., OR, 1630ft, 497m. Rosettes of small obovate leaves bearing inflorescences of yellow, the petals long-acuminate. Leaves and flowering stems often turn various shades of red to orange depending on light intensity and cold exposure. Photo1 Photo2 Sedum oregonense (10x25,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ........................................................................ 100 seeds / $3.50 67440.42 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 5425ft, 1654m. Mats of thick, glaucous blue leaves, similar to S. obtusatum. Creamy-yellow urceolate flowers in compact panicles. On a N-facing serpentine outcrop. Sedum spathulifolium (Crassulaceae) (6x16,Z6,P,L,3:8w) ........................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 76724.34 (W) Lane Co., OR, 5600ft, 1707m. Glaucous bluish-white rosettes with starry yellow flowers. On E-facing volcanic ledges. Sedum valens (10x8,Z5,B,L,3:8w) ............................................................................. 100 seeds / $4.50 90214.23 (W) Idaho Co., ID, 2000ft, 609m. Beautiful, tightly-packed rosettes of glaucous gray-green surrounded by a ring of maroon leaves. Flat heads of bright yellow flowers. On W-facing cliffs of basalt rock. Photo Senecio incanus (Asteraceae) (10x20,Z4,P,L,3:8w) ........................................................ 100 seeds / $3.50 61812.14 (W) Alps. Tufts of silver, deeply-lobed foliage bear myriad heads of yellow to orangish-yellow flowers. This seed is a mix from numerous populations across the European Alps. Shepherdia argentea (Elaeagnaceae) (160x100,Z3,P,C,3:12w) …………………................ 55 seeds / $3.00 23432.25 (W) Uintah Co., UT, 5580ft, 1701m. "Silver Buffaloberry." Silver-gray, dioecious shrubs bear orange berries by late summer (female plants). Good bird attractor often used as "living fences." Sidalcea oregana (Malvaceae) (90x28,Z4,P,SC,3:8w) ...................................................... 70 seeds / $4.00 67441.13 (W) Cassia Co., ID, 6200ft, 1890m. Racemes of pretty rosy-pink flowers rise above lobed or palmate leaves much like a miniature hollyhock. Silene delavayi (15x15,Z5,P,L,3:6w) .................................................................................... 60 seeds / $3.50 15414.08 Magenta flowers over mounds of blue-green, velvety-textured foliage. Yunnan. Silene jenissensis (Caryophyllaceae) (30x25,Z4,P,L,1) ...................................................... 90 seeds / $3.00 50418.11 (W) Altai, Russia, 7220ft, 2200m. Tufts of narrow leaves bear several stems with white to pink, bifid flowers. Little-known plant from Russian mountain-steppe belt. Silene nivea (30x20,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ....................................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 58651.00 Snow-white flowers adorn the numerous axils of this bushy-leaved plant, now rather rare over much of its original range in the northeastern part of the U.S. I have a good amount of cultivated seed. Silene petersonii (10x8, Z4, P, L, 1) ..................................................................................... 100 seeds / $5.00 70438.10 (W) Sanpete Co., UT, 10800ft, 3290m. From thick, gray-green leaves sprout short scapes bearing deeply-laciniated, pinkish-purple blossoms late in the summer. Slowly spreads rhizomatously through its native limestone scree. Considered one of the best in the genus. Photo Silene regia (90x20,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ........................................................................................ 70 seeds / $3.50 74392.00 Crimson-red flowers adorn sticky stems in mid to late summer. Great hummingbird plant. Silene sendtneri (Caryophyllaceae) (?x?,Z?,P?,L,1) ........................................................ 90 seeds / $3.00 76419.14 (W) Mt. Kom Kucki, 2400m., Montenegro. The only information I have on this one is that the flowers are white with long, twisting styles. Simmondsia chinensis (Buxaceae) (90x100,Z9,SC,1) ...................................................... 15 seeds / $3.50 12377.16 (W) Yuma Co., AZ, 2375ft, 724m. "Jojoba." Dioecious shrubs with olive-green, evergreen, ovoid leaves. Yellow-green, petal-less flowers are followed by nuts from which Jojoba oil is expressed. Soaking the seeds in warm water overnight recommended prior to sowing. Sisyrinchium angustifolium (Iridaceae) (16x12,Z4,P,L,2) ...................................................... 70 seeds / $3.50 21832.18 (W) Custer Co., ID, 6400ft, 1951m. Dwarf, Iris-like plants with several six-petaled, purple-blue, star-like flowers terminating each stem. Originally annotated as S. idahoense v. occidentalis. Photo Sisyrinchium bellum (Iridaceae) (16x14,Z6,P,C,3:6w) ............................................... 70 seeds / $3.50 10416.13 (W) Lake Co., CA, 2950ft, 900m. Blue-purple flowers over grassy tufts. Smilacina racemosa (Liliaceae) (22x10,Z3,P,C,4:12w) .................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 74173.13 (W) San Juan Co., UT, 9200ft, 2805m. "False Solomon's Seal." Long stems clothed with oblong-lanceolate, conspicuously-veined leaves bear feathery racemes of starry white flowers in the spring and are followed by bright pink to deep red berries. On north-facing, montane ravines in very humusy soil. Solidago virgaurea ssp. minuta (Asteraceae) (25x15,Z5,P,L,1) ........................................ 80 seeds / $3.50 90635.11 (W) Tyrol, Mt. Patcherkofel, Austria, 6560ft, 2000m. "Alpine Goldenrod." Lanceolate leaves, myriad small yellow daisies from every axil on the upper stems. Sophora arizonica (Fabaceae) (100x100,Z8,P,SC,1) ........................................................ 30 seeds / $5.00 07466.16 (W) Graham Co., AZ, 4450ft, 1357m. A handsome shrub with evergreen, leathery, pinnate leaves and bouquets of lilac flowers in terminal racemes early in the spring. Photo1 Photo2 Sophora secundiflora (Fabaceae) (100x80,Z7,P,SC,1) ..................................................... 25 seeds / $3.50 76372.35 (W) Eddy Co., NM, 4450ft, 1357m. Deep evergreen glossy pinnate leaves. Beautiful dense clusters of violet-blue to lavender flowers followed by silvery chained pods containing large red to orange, round seeds. Sorbus sitchensis (Rosaceae) (180x180,Z4,P,C,3:12w) .............................................. 60 seeds / $3.50 76638.13 (W) Yakima Co., WA, 5475ft, 1669m. Beautiful bushes with pinnate, serrated leaves which bear clusters of white flowers in the spring followed by bright, red-orange berries. |
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