Abronia to Aquilegia Arabis to Callirhoe Calochortus to Cymopterus Dalea to Echinocactus
Echinocereus to Eriogonum Eritrichium to Hymenoxys Iliamna to Melampodium Mertensia to Pelargonium
Penstemon Petrophyton to Primula Pulsatilla to Sophora Sphaeralcea to Zinnia
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Iliamna bakeri (Malvaceae) (100x85,Z5,P,SC,3:4w) ..................................................... 60 seeds / $3.50 10132.14 (W) Shasta Co., CA, 4000ft, 1220m. Shrublets festooned with maple-like leaves and hundreds of lavender globe flowers. Photo

Iliamna remota (Malvaceae) (140x85,Z4,P,SC,3:8w) ............................................... 90 seeds / $3.50 74336.06 A rather rare plant, originating from the Kankakee River in Illinois, it is now firmly established in cultivation. Rather tall plants covered with fine, short hairs bearing maple-like leaves and pale pink flowers about 2 inches across. Makes an unusual specimen for the back of the border.

Iliamna rivularis (120x90,Z3,P,SC,1) .................................................................................... 50 seeds / $3.00

 74570.17  (W) Teton Co., WY, 6800ft, 2075m.  Stately, imposing specimens for the back of the border or as a garden focal point, these Hollyhock-like bushes display multitudes of satin cups along each stem in rich pink to pearly white hues.

Impatiens textori (Balsamaceae) (60x25, A, C, 1) ................................................................. 16 seeds / $2.50

 78374.04    Bushy-looking plants with typical ovate leaves and broad, pink flowers.  Japanese species.

Incarvillea olgae (Bignoniaceae) (90x24,Z5,P,L,1) ........................................................ 50 seeds / $3.50 73432.02 (Cult.) Long pinnate leaves with panicles of beautiful rose-pink flowers. Blooms nearly all summer long. Central Asia. For best display, I recommend growing at least 5 or 6 plants spaced about 8 inches apart together in a clump.   Photo

Ipomoea cardiophylla (Convolvulaceae) (120x180,A,SC,1) ........................................ 40 seeds / $3.50 12155.21 (W) El Paso Co., TX, 5380ft, 1640m. Rambling vine with heart-shaped leaves bearing clouds of sky-blue flowers with a white and green throat.   Photo

Ipomoea leptophylla (Convolvulaceae) (100x120,Z4,P,SC,1) ...................................... 30 seeds / $4.00 54350.49 (W) Cheyenne Co., CO, 4625ft, 1410m. Heavy, trailing stems bear shiny, lanceolate leaves and beautiful, violet-magenta funnel-flowers with a darker throat. Roots become massive with age and seedlings resent transplanting -- sow singly in deep pots or directly into the garden.   Photo

Ipomopsis congesta (Polemoniaceae) (12x32,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ........................................ 60 seeds / $4.00 12738.16 (W) Mesa Co., CO, 4850ft, 1480m. Dozens of stems sprout from a central crown, each terminated by a globe of ivory-white flowers. Rather spectacular when you see a hundred plants in bloom on red sandstone.   Photo

Ipomopsis longiflora (22x16,Z5,B,L,3:6w) ............................................................................ 80 seeds / $3.00

 54738.16  (W) Santa Fe Co., NM, 6900ft, 2104m.   Numerous ghostly-blue flowers with long tubes.

Ipomopsis macombii (35x22,Z7,B,L,3:6w) ............................................................................ 60 seeds / $3.50

 56092.17  (W) Santa Cruz Co., AZ, 6500ft, 1982m.  Multiply-stemmed, glandular plants with linear leaves. The long-tubed flower trumpets are a beautiful shade of lavender-blue. In the wild, blooms in late summer.

Ipomopsis rubra (90x12,Z6,B,L,3:8w) ............................................................................ 60 seeds / $3.50 74890.39 (W) Palo Pinto Co., TX, 1065ft, 325m. Spikes of bright red flowers packed into stems with filiform leaves.   Photo

Iris bracteata (Iridaceae) (35x30,Z6,P,C,4:8w) ............................................................. 50 seeds / $4.00 10748.32 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 3100ft, 945m. Beautiful, large yellow flowers, veined maroon, over broad foliage. Endemic to a small area near Takilma in southern Oregon. Photo

Iris missouriensis (40x40,Z5,P,C,4:12w) ............................................................................. 100 seeds / $3.50

 56556.32  (W) Bernalillo Co., NM, 10000ft, 3049m.  A robust population with numerous blue-violet flowers.

Iris setosa ssp. canadensis (Iridaceae) (40x40,Z3,P,C,3:8W) ..................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 76358.01 Plum-blue flowers with a white spot at the base of the falls, all veined dark violet. Prefers acid soil.

Iris X tenax (Iridaceae) (20x30,Z6,P,C,4:8w) .................................................................. 90 seeds / $3.50 78342.13 (W) Coos Co., OR, 2080ft, 634m. A small disjunct population with characteristics of I. tenax and I. innominata and/or I. chrysophylla. Flowers are like I. tenax with veined, blue-purple falls blushed yellow with somewhat paler standards. Whole plant is smaller than typical I. tenax, the leaves somewhat grassy, intermediate between I. innominata and I. tenax. There is a large population of I. chrysophylla about a mile away and huge populations of I. innominata to the south, however, the blooming time of this hybrid population is definitely later, at least two to three weeks, so it doesn't appear to be the blue form of I. innominata.

Jamesia americana (Saxifragaceae) (110x50,Z4,P,L,2) ..................................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 05636.43 (W) Boulder Co., CO, 8430ft, 2570m. An attractive, deciduous shrub with exfoliating bark and crenate leaves green above, gray-tomentose underneath. Showy white flower clusters at the ends of the branches. Prefers part shade and peaty soil.   Photo

Juglans microcarpa (Juglandaceae) (240x180,Z7,P,C,4:12w) ........................................... 30 seeds / $4.00 56503.33 (W) Eddy Co., NM, 3675ft, 1120m. Elegant little trees with bright green pinnate leaves up to two feet long. Drooping catkins very early in the spring are followed by small walnuts which are mostly hard shells with very little meat, not recommended for eating, Gently cracking the shells before stratifying may increase germination rates.   Photo1   Photo2

Juniperus deppeana (Cupressaceae) (550x300,Z6,P,SC,4:8w) ............................................. 30 seeds / $3.50

 15360.31  (W) Coconino Co., AZ, 7200ft, 2195m.  Alligator Juniper, so named because of its distinctive reptilian bark pattern.  This seed from one of the hardiest populations.

Juniperus pinchotii (110x140,Z7,P,SC,4:8w) .................................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 70548.13 (W) Eddy Co., NM, 5260ft, 1604m. Very attractive shrubs which I've admired in the Guadalupe Mountains for many years. Deep green foliage is presented in three dimensions as opposed to many Juniperus spp. where the branches present flattened foliage or in layers. Red-brown or sienna-colored berries develop late in the year on female plants.   Photo

Kalmia microphylla (Ericaceae) (3x25,Z3,P,C,3:8w) ...................................................... 1000 seeds / $4.00 56502.12 (W) Albany Co., WY, 10500ft, 3201m. Pendulous purple-pink flowers of porcelain are borne on low mats. Forms large colonies around boulders near glacial lakes.   Photo

Keckiella breviflora v. glabrisepala (Scrophulariaceae) (40x30, Z6, P, RL, 3:6w) .............. 100 seeds / $2.50

 10757.14  (W) Alpine Co., CA, 6600ft, 2012m.  A multi-stemmed subshrub with serrate leaves and panicles of bilabiate, whitish flowers, often pink to rose tinged.  On dry, rocky, SW-facing slopes.

Keckiella cordifolia (130x65,Z6,P,RL,3:8w) ....................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50

 12765.10  (W) San Diego Co., CA, 4700ft, 1433m. Arching sprays from a central woodstalk lined with cordate leaves and terminating in panicles of scarlet, bilabiate flowers.

Koeleria macrantha (Poaceae) (70x20,Z4,P,L,1) ..................................................... 100 seeds / $3.00 56102.09 Produces lovely silvery-green seedhead spikes in early summer.

Kumlienia hystricula (Ranunculaceae) (10x12,Z7,P,L,3:8w) …………………............….... 100 seeds / $4.00

 35976.25  (W) Butte Co., CA, 1600ft, 488m.  Growing in near-vertical wet sheets of moss, this unusual Ranunculus relative has rosettes of lobed, rounded leaves and showy flowers consisting of white petaloid sepals and smaller yellowish sepals all surrounding a central cluster of stamens.

Langloisia setosissima (Polemoniaceae) (3x12,A,L,2) ................................................ 100 seeds / $3.50 76378.17 (W) San Diego Co., CA, 1250ft, 381m. Trumpet-shaped, pink-lavender flowers cover bristly tufts spreading horizontally across desert stone pavement.

Laserpitium halleri (Apiaceae) (40x25,Z5,P,C,3:8w) ..................................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 35154.11 (W) Valais, Switzerland, 6900ft, 2100m. Beautiful clumps of finely-pinnate foliage bear umbels of white flowers in summer.

Lavandula lanata (Lamiaceae) (80x75,Z9,P,L,3:8w) ..................................................... 70 seeds / $3.00 54158.03 "Woolly Lavender." A fun plant to grow -- has silvery-gray, woolly leaves and bears spikes of lilac flowers in late summer. Native to mountainous Spain.

Ledum glandulosum (Ericaceae) (45x75,Z4,P,L,3:8w) ......................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50

 32550.20  (W) Idaho Co., ID, 7400ft, 2256m.  Small shrubs with leathery, evergreen leaves fragrant of sandalwood. Terminal clusters of pure white flowers with protruding stamens.   Photo

Leptodactylon watsonii (Polemoniaceae) (6x15,Z4,P,GL,3:6w) ............................................ 70 seeds / $4.00 92178.13 (W) Butte Co., ID, 6600ft, 2012m. Forms delightful spiny clumps which cascade over rocky areas to perfection. Large cream blossoms open from tightly-spiralled buds in the evening. Plants have a faint curry fragrance.

Lesquerella alpina (Brassicaceae) (5x8,Z5,P,L,3:6w) …………………………............….... 50 seeds / $3.00

 15470.11  (W) Garfield Co., UT, 8000ft, 2439m.  Dense tufts of linear, silvery-white leaves bear broad umbel-like clusters of yellow. On limestone hills.

Lesquerella arizonica (2x7,Z5,P,L,2) .............................................................................. 100 seeds / $4.00 07440.23 (W) Coconino Co., AZ, 6500ft, 1982m. Very compact buns of gray linear leaves turn solid yellow in the spring. Growing on gravelly soil on ridges of limestone.

Lesquerella calcicola (6x8,Z5,P,L,3:6w) ......................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 12156.14 (W) Fremont Co., CO, 5500ft, 1677m. Tufts of narrow, silver-green leaves with dense racemes of yellow flowers. Found on calcareous substrates.

Lesquerella ovalifolia (6x8, Z5, P, L, 3:4w) .......................................................................... 90 seeds / $3.00

 69015.14  (W) Fremont Co., CO, 4800ft, 1465m.  Intensely silver, oval leaves and racemes of yellow.

Lesquerella subumbellata (2x3,Z4,P,L,3:6w) ....................................................................... 70 seeds / $3.50

 85587.17  (W) Uintah Co., UT, 7550ft, 2302m.  Tiny silver-gray tufts with very short scapes of yellow flowers.

Lewisia brachycalyx (Portulacaceae) (4x9,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ............................................ 80 seeds / $5.00 10770.26 (W) Coconino Co., AZ, 7200ft, 2195m. From flat rosettes of deep-green, spatulate leaves arise spectacular bouquets of bowl-shaped, sessile flowers. Normally pure white, there are some wonderful deep pink forms in this population. I've had two-year-old plants bloom but it takes up to 5 years to build a mature crown sporting dozens of blossoms. Summer dormant and deciduous.   Photo

Lewisia columbiana (Portulacaceae) (16x18,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50

 12750.20  (W) Chelan Co., WA, 5700ft, 1738m.  Rosettes of fleshy, oblanceolate leaves bear loose panicles of starry, pinkish-magenta flowers with darker stripes. On ridge crests of fractured basalt.    Photo

Lewisia columbiana ssp. rupicola (Portulacaceae) (10x10,Z5,P,L,3:8w) .................. 40 seeds / $4.00 12752.27 (W) Clatsop Co., OR, 2800ft, 854m. The deep rose-claret-flowered form.

Lewisia columbiana v. wallowensis (8x12,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ................................................ 100 seeds / $4.00 12753.12 (W) Idaho Co., ID, 7600ft, 2317m. A much dwarfer form here. Small rosettes bear myriad branching stems with hundreds of pale pink flowers. On metamorphic volcanic ridges near timberline.

Lewisia oppositifolia (12x15,Z6,P,L,3:8w) ................................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 77070.48 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 2400ft, 732m. From thick root-stumps sprout blunt-tipped, lance-shaped leaves and several 4"-6" stalks bearing numerous white, frilly flowers. In W-facing, serpentine soils.    Photo

Lewisia rediviva (5x9,Z3,P,L,3:8w) ................................................................................. 80 seeds / $5.00 74316.79 (W) Carbon Co., WY, 8875ft, 2706m. A high elevation population here with large, deep pink blossoms growing on gentle W-facing slopes.   Photo

Lewisia rediviva v. minor (3x5,Z5,P,L,3:8w) …………………………………............….... 90 seeds / $3.50

 74315.45  (W) Mono Co., CA, 8000ft, 2439m.  Dwarfer than the Nevada population but perhaps only because of the higher altitude.

Liatris punctata (Asteraceae) (18x12,Z5,P,C,1) ........................................................... 40 seeds / $3.00 70959.23 (W) Elbert Co., CO, 6650ft, 2027m. Ubiquitous Prairie native with upright feathery spikes of purple-pink in late summer.

Ligularia holmii (Asteraceae) (9x12,Z3,P,L,1) ............................................................... 90 seeds / $4.00 35754.25 (W) Park Co., CO, 12460ft, 3798m. Essentially a more robust version of L. soldanella with larger yellow flowers and sparsely-dentate, leathery leaves, the reverse beet-purple.

Ligularia soldanella (5x12,Z3,P,L,1) .............................................................................. 40 seeds / $5.00 76754.32 (W) Summit Co., CO, 12600ft, 3841m. One of the best in the genus with succulent, dark beet-red to nearly black leaves. Short-scaped flowers with wide yellow petals. W-facing steep screes. Photo

Lilium formosanum (Liliaceae) (160x30,Z6,P,EC,5) ................................................... 80 seeds / $4.00 30773.03 This "giant form" bears several white lilies up to 10 inches long atop tall stems clothed in linear leaves. Easy from seed, can bloom within 1-2 years of sowing.

Linanthastrum nuttallii (Polemoniaceae) (14x18,Z3,P,L,3:6w) .................................. 90 seeds / $3.50 58978.26 (W) Grand Co., CO, 9340ft, 2848m. From a central rootstalk arises scores of stems covered with needled leaves in whorls at intervals. White, tubular flowers emanate from every node. Somewhat fragrant like curry.

Linaria purpurea (Scrophulariaceae) (40x18, Z5, P, L, 1) ………………………................ 100 seeds / $2.50

 70974.03  From clumps of linear, glaucous leaves erupt dense racemes of innumerable purple-violet flowers with curved spurs.

Linum kingii (Linaceae) (7x12,Z5,P,GL,3:6w) ............................................................ 80 seeds / $4.00 52558.46 (W) Cache Co., UT, 9000ft, 2745m. Highly ornamental, powder-blue, spiraling foliage sprouts heads of lemon yellow flowers with helicopter-like petals. Loves calcareous soils.

Linum rigidum (Linaceae) (10x12,A,C,3:6w) ....................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.00

 74532.27  (W) Baca Co., CO, 5100ft, 1555m.  Attractive and long-blooming annuals which appeared by the millions in southeast Colorado in the spring of 2007, turning whole fields apricot.   Photo

Lobivia aurea ssp. leucomalla (Cactaceae) (14x8,Z5b,P,L,2) ................................... 30 seeds / $3.00 08752.05 Thompson cult., ex Argentina. TC041 Single stems with fine white, hair-like stems. Giant bright yellow flowers.

Lomatium grayi (Apiaceae) (15x15,Z5,P,C,4:8w) .......................................................... 30 seeds / $3.50 32750.52 (W) Lincoln Co., ID, 4800ft, 1463m. Very finely dissected, aromatic foliage, with the finest segments lying in different planes, giving rise to a three-dimensional effect. Yellow umbels. Photo

Lomatium latilobum (22x20,Z5,P,RC,4:8w) ................................................................... 80 seeds / $4.00 54178.18 (W) Grand Co., UT, 5200ft, 1585m. Glossy, dissected, aromatic leaves form a large tuft over which spring numerous heads of yellow flowers as soon as the weather warms up. Globular heads of seed clusters form about a month later. Prefers E-facing exposures at the base of sandy cliffs. Photo shows seed heads forming right after the yellow flowers have disappeared. Photo

Lomatium macrocarpum (Apiaceae) (12x14,Z6,P,C,4:8w) ............................................ 40 seeds / $3.50 56113.23 (W) Chelan Co., WA, 5700ft, 1738m. Large white umbels over finely pinnate gray leaves.

Lomatium parryi (9x18,P,Z5,C,4:8w) .............................................................................. 30 seeds / $3.50 70178.13 (W) San Juan Co., UT, 7050ft, 2150m. Large heads of bright yellow flowers over mounding tufts of juniper-like foliage very early in the spring. Even in mid-April at 7000ft elevation, the photos show the flowers are already fading.   Photo1   Photo2

Luetkea pectinata (Rosaceae) (9x60,Z6,P,L,1) .............................................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 70312.43 (W) Yakima Co., WA, 5500ft, 1677m. The mossy-looking rosettes form extensive, bright-green carpets on the forest floor up to 30 feet across. Short spikes of creamy-yellow flowers.

Lupinus caespitosus (Fabaceae) (7x10,Z4,P,SC,1) ........................................................... 40 seeds / $4.00 12049.14 (W) Grand Co., CO, 8775ft, 2675m. (=L. lepidus ssp. caespitosus.) Very short spikes of sky-blue flowers on compact plants. On S-facing embankments of granite gravel.

Lychnis alpina (Caryophyllaceae) (14x16,Z4,P,L,3:4w) ......................................................... 40 seeds / $3.00

 15472.06    Ex Austria.   Leafy tufts bear many compact heads of deep pink to purple-pink flowers.

Lygodesmiagrandiflora (Asteraceae) (12x10,Z5,P,C,3:6w) .............................................. 25 seeds / $3.50 32775.13 (W) Mesa Co., CO, 5080ft, 1549m. Large pink flowers with notched petal tips over skeleton foliage. Photo

Macronema discoideum (Asteraceae) (35x35,Z3,P,C,2) ....................................................... 40 seeds / $3.00

 15586.27  (W) Lake Co., CO, 10800ft, 3293m.  Small shrubs of fragrant foliage (faintly of cinnamon) are topped with creamy heads resembling shaving brushes in late summer.

Mahonia fremontii (Berberidaceae) (150x90,Z5,P,C,2) ............................................. 40 seeds / $3.50 30755.36 (W) Grand Co., UT, 4134ft, 1260m. Attractive bushes covered with blue-green, holly-like leaves. Yellow flower clusters are followed by drooping, purplish to reddish, papery fruits. Bases of sandstone cliffs.

Malacothamnus fremontii (Malvaceae) (80x40,Z6,P,SC,1) ............................................ 60 seeds / $3.50 30753.24 (W) Tulare Co., CA, 6500ft, 1982m. A deciduous subshrub with ovate, white-felted leaves, giving an overall gray-green cast to the plants. Hundreds of pale purple to pink flowers line the stems.

Mammillaria dioica (Cactaceae) (10x7,Z7,P,L,2) ............................................................. 25 seeds / $3.50 15475.13 (W) Riverside Co., CA, 4000ft, 1220m. Small barrels with white spines and a central, hooked, darker spine from each tubercle. White-yellowish flowers with mid-line stripes. Bright red finger-like fruits are the most decorative feature.

Mammillaria heyderi (Cactaceae) (6x10,Z6,P,L,2) ……….....................................……...... 40 seeds / $3.00

 35308.15  (W) Kent Co., TX, 1800ft, 550m. JRT4181  Flat stems about 4" round. Short, typical yellow or red spines with dark tips. Creamy, pink-tinted flowers in rings with mid-stripes, followed by bright red fruits.

Mammillaria meiacantha (15x8,Z6,P,L,2) ………………………………………................ 40 seeds / $3.00

 56251.25  (W) Pecos Co., TX, 3200ft, 976m. JRT4191  Giant stems over 6" in diameter by 3" tall. Metallic-hued flowers often in double rings, white with tannish mid-stripes, followed by reddish-purple fruits.

Mammillaria meiacantha (4x8,Z6,P,L,2) ……………………………….............………..... 40 seeds / $3.00

 56251.35  (W) San Miguel Co., NM, 4000ft, 1220m. JRT5191  Nice blue-green-tinted stems about 4" in diameter. Flowers and fruits like 56251.25.

Mammillaria mystax (Cactaceae) (20x10,Z8,P,GL,2) ................................................. 40 seeds / $3.00 56978.02 Thompson cult., ex Hidalgo, MX. JRT042 Sphaerical stems elongating in time with white, brown-tipped spines. Very woolly inner stem and crown. Purplish-pink flowers in rings with red fruits.

Mammillaria spinosissima (30x12,Z8,P,GL,2) ............................................................. 40 seeds / $3.00 76733.02 Thompson cult., ex Hidalgo, MX. JRT043 "Big Red." Columnar, dark bluish-green stems with dark red spines. Small reddish-pink to purple flowers in rings with green to pinkish fruit.

Maurandya wislizenii (100x60, Z7, P, L, 3:6w) …………………………………................ 40 seeds / $3.00

 92586.14  (W) Socorro Co., NM, 4800ft, 1463m.  Vines with sagittate leaves, striking 1” soft blue flowers.

Meconopsis aff. horridula (Papaveraceae) (40x25,Z4,B,L,1) ..................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 35783.13 (W) Waha Mtn., China. Bristly rosettes bolt in summer displaying racemes of dark blue poppy-flowers.

Melampodiumleucanthum (Asteraceae) (14x22,Z5,P,C,1) .......................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 54292.24 (W) Fremont Co., CO, 5500ft, 1677m. "Blackfoot Daisy." Pure white Zinnia-like blossoms on symmetrical mounds nearly all summer. Excellent for hot, dry sites. Enjoys limey soils. Photo

Menodora scabra (Oleaceae) (16x20,Z5,P,C,1) ............................................................. 40 seeds / $3.50 76121.21 (W) Fremont Co., CO, 5175ft, 1578m. Thin wands of very narrow, rough-textured leaves carry yellow, flax-like flowers. Decorative, bubble-like, spongy fruits. An unusual xeric native of the Olive family.

Mentzelia decapetala (Loasaceae) (70x16,Z5,P,L,3:4w) ........................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 15322.16 (W) Fremont Co., CO, 5765ft, 1758m. Large, satin-white flowers with ten slender petals and numerous long stamens give a starburst effect, opening in the evening. Coarse ripply foliage with a sandpaper texture on single stout stems.   Photo

Mentzelia involucrata (Loasaceae) (9x15,A,L,1) .................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 56890.17 (W) San Diego Co., CA, 1300ft, 396m. Squat desert annuals with bristly leaves and large, pearly flowers of ghostly beauty. The flowers are delicately veined orangish-brown and the leaves are scarcely toothed.Photo

Mentzelia jonesii (12x12,A,L,1) ............................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 50768.17 (W) Kern Co., CA, 2850ft, 870m. Scores of bright golden-yellow flowers on this unusual desert annual.Photo

Mentzelia tricuspis (10x20,A,L,1) .............................................................................. 80 seeds / $3.50 78765.17 (W) Clark Co., NV, 1700ft, 518m. Similar to M. involucrata, although flowers that are just opening have a definite yellow throat which fades to snow white as the flower ages. The leaves also tend to be more deeply toothed than M. involucrata.Photo



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