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Dalea bicolor v. argyraea (Fabaceae) (22x35, Z7, P, SC, 1) ................................................ 40 seeds / $3.50 10442.14 (W) Eddy Co., NM, 5750ft, 1753m. These silvery low shrublets bear attractive heads of bright purple in autumn. The small keels of the individual flowers are white, hence the epithet “bicolor.” Dalea candida (Fabaceae) (50x35,Z4,P,SC,1) .............................................................. 100 seeds / $3.00 12090.02 Essentially a white-flowered version of D. purpurea. Dalea fremontii (100x80,Z7,P,SC,1) ............................................................................ 30 seeds / $4.00 30745.20 (W) Washington Co., UT, 3660ft, 1116m. Resinous bushes with pinnate leaves and large racemes of beautiful indigo pea-flowers. Photo Dalea jamesii (Fabaceae) (6x15,Z4,P,SC,1) ................................................................ 20 seeds / $4.00 50086.45 (W) Fremont Co., CO, 5900ft, 1800m. Tufts of silvery-green, fingered foliage carry elongated balls of silver wool embedded with lemon yellow flowers. The whole plant is aromatic of lemons. Dalea ornata (38x22, Z6, P, SC, 1) ....................................................................................... 60 seeds / $3.00 70458.14 (W) Benton Co., WA, 350ft, 107m. Eye-catching fat spikes of bright violet. Columbia River Basin. Dalea pulchra (80x60, Z8, P, SC, 1) ..................................................................................... 75 seeds / $3.00 70884.11 (W) Pima Co., AZ, 4000ft, 1220m. Balls of purple flowers in early spring. Silvery shrublets. Dalea purpurea (50x35, Z4, P, SC, 1) ................................................................................. 100 seeds / $3.00 70905.12 Showy legume with purple cylindrical flower heads at the end of multiple branching stems. Dalea villosa (Fabaceae) (30x35,Z5,P,SC,1) ................................................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 90484.04 Attractive perennial on account of the hairy (villous) pinnate leaves and long (3" - 5") spikes packed with lavender flowers. Darlingtonia californica (Sarraceniaceae) (40x18,Z6,P,L,3:16w) ............................... 100 seeds / $3.50 12085.18 (W) Josephine Co., OR, 1700ft, 518m. A carnivorous dweller of alpine bogs with tubular, hooded pitchers flashing purplish, forked tongues to draw prey. Yellow-green, purple-veined, pendant flowers. Photo Darmera peltata (Saxifragaceae) (120x80,Z7,P,L,3:8w) ............................................ 100 seeds / $3.50 70284.36 (W) Tuolumne Co., CA, 3400ft, 1037m. If you have a wet site, this will make an impressive display of huge umbrella-like, toothed leaves, each up to 2 feet across, from thick rhizomes. Umbels of pink flowers on 3 to 4 foot scapes appear in early spring before the leaves unfurl. Photo Dasylirion leiophyllum (Agavaceae) (110x110,Z7,P,C,1) ......................................... 90 seeds / $3.50 54249.27 (W) Eddy Co., NM, 4425ft, 1350m. Globular rosettes of green, narrow leaves with sharp, retrorse teeth. Huge spikes of thousands of cream florets packed in multiple spirals. Dasylirion wheeleri (Agavaceae) (110x110,Z7,P,C,1) ................................................ 90 seeds / $3.50 92355.27 (W) Grant Co., NM, 6800ft, 2073m. Globular rosettes of narrow leaves covered with a bluish bloom, the sharp teeth forward-pointing and the tips frequently twist. Huge spikes of thousands of cream florets packed in multiple spirals, similar to D. leiophyllum. Delosperma congestum (Aizoaceae) (2x12,Z9,P,L,1) ........................................................ 30 seeds / $3.00 12691.09 Succulent cushions bearing bright yellow flowers jammed in between the leaves. Delosperma cooperi (Aizoaceae) (6x40, Z6, P, L, 1) ………………..................................... 90 seeds / $2.50 12670.14 Succulent, creeping stems of deep green covered with rosy-magenta flowers all summer. Delosperma esterhuyseniae (3x6, Z8, P, L, 1) ………………………………….......…….. 90 seeds / $3.00 30678.19 Green tufts bear white flowers all summer. Delosperma 'John Proffitt' (4x20, Z6, P, L, 1) ................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.00 50665.19 A vigorous mat-former with abundant magenta-pink flowers. Delosperma sp. (ruby stars) (5x24, Z?, P, L, 1) …………………………….......……...... 100 seeds / $2.50 76711.18 Abundant brilliant magenta-ruby flowers are about 3/4" across. Delosperma X dyeri (4x20,Z7,P,L,1) .............................................................................. 100 seeds / $4.00 15966.01 A small amount of seed set among my various D. dyeri and hybrid plants so I'm calling the whole mess D. X dyeri. All of the flowers are the iridescent red to orange typical of the species. The plants are also surprisingly hardy, coming back even after enduring snow cover and below zero temperatures. Delphinium andersonii (Ranunculaceae) (45x18,Z5,P,RL,3:8w) ………….............………... 80 seeds / $3.50 08815.35 (W) Mono Co., CA, 7835ft, 2389m. Spectacular, compact racemes of deep indigo blue over basal, fleshy, grayish-green, dissected leaves. In rocky, volcanic soil. Delphinium bicolor (16x7,Z3,P,L,3:12w) ................................................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 10415.18 (W) Big Horn Co., WY, 9400ft, 2866m. One of the dwarfest, only a few inches tall. However, in some of the shaded gullies, they’re over a foot. Attractive flowers of deep blue surrounding a white bee. Delphinium bicolor (16x7,Z3,P,L,3:12w) ...................................................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 10415.28 (W) Park Co., WY, 7650ft, 2332m. Another population here in the Absaroka Mountains. Delphinium burkei (40x12,Z6,P,L,3:6w) ............................................................................... 60 seeds / $3.50 10904.19 (W) Klickitat Co., WA, 300ft, 91m. Dark-blue flowers spikes over tufts of gray, finely-dissected leaves held upright. Growing in clay soils on basalt terraces. Delphinium carolinianum ssp. virescens (60x15, Z4, P, L, 3:8w) ........................................ 90 seeds / $3.00 12104.14 (W) Fremont Co., CO, 5350ft, 1630m. Beautiful spikes of white flowers with darker markings around the bee. A dryland species which aestivates during the summer. Dissected basal foliage. Delphinium geyeri (Ranunculaceae) (50x25,Z4,P,L,3:8w) ........................................... 60 seeds / $4.00 32299.15 (W) Boulder Co., CO, 5700ft, 1738m. Grayish-green, incised, basal foliage sprouts in early summer bold racemes of pink flowers which turn blue as they age, giving a nice two-tone effect. Photo Delphinium glaucum (160x25, Z5, P, L, 5) .......................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 32543.15 (W) Jackson Co., OR, 6600ft, 2012m. Dense spikes of blue-purple over glaucous blue-green foliage. Delphinium gypsophilum (60x20,Z8,P,RL,3:6w) ……………………............……………... 90 seeds / $3.50 32970.15 (W) Fresno Co., CA, 600ft, 183m. Pale pink, pale lavender and ethereal blue shades here. Delphinium hansenii (100x25,Z7,P,RL,3:8w) ………………………………...........……..... 70 seeds / $3.50 35088.25 (W) Kern Co., CA, 1600ft, 488m. Hairy stems and leaves with flowers of white to pale purple. Delphinium menziesii (16x10,Z4,P,L,3:8w) ............................................................. 60 seeds / $3.50 56288.11 (W) Linn Co., OR, 5200ft, 1585m. Similar to D. nuttallianum with short racemes of dark blue flowers. On volcanic tufa and breccia. Delphinium novomexicanum (120x26,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ........................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 58720.17 (W) Lincoln Co., NM, 10100ft, 3079m. Imposing plants with luxurious, cut, basal foliage and stout stems bearing up to 100 or more purplish-blue to lavender flowers. Delphinium occidentale (Ranunculaceae) (125x26,Z3,P,L,3:8w) .......................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 64212.38 (W) Park Co., WY, 9350ft, 2851m. Dense spikes of pale blue to cream-colored flowers with a darker blue bee. Delphinium parishii (48x18,Z7,P,RL,3:8w) …………………………………..............…….. 70 seeds / $3.50 70104.45 (W) Clark Co., NV, 2300ft, 701m. The rains in southern Nevada in late 2004 prompted a mass bloom of this Delphinium. The dense racemes bear downy flowers in a pale azure-blue with a white bee, almost luminescent by moonlight. Delphinium parishii (35x12,Z7,P,RL,3:8w) …………………………….............………...... 70 seeds / $3.50 70104.55 (W) Inyo Co., CA, 4500ft, 1372m. Dwarfer form here on granite hills. Same azure blue flowers. Delphinium parryi ssp. purpureum (90x14,Z6,P,RL,3:8w) ....................................... 90 seeds / $4.00 70185.46 (W) Ventura Co., CA, 5080ft, 1550m. Racemes of pale violet-blue flowers with deeper purple-pink sepals. Plants are generally taller and more robust than D. parishii, which it closely resembles. Growing in clayey volcanic ash. Photo Delphinium uliginosum (35x12,Z7,P,L,3:8w) ......................................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 85446.11 (W) Lake Co., CA, 2300ft, 701m. An unusual delphinium with semi-succulent, yellow-green, lobed, basal foliage and spikes of purple-blue, long-spurred flowers. Photo Delphinium variegatum (40x12,Z7,P,RL,3:8w) ...................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 90104.41 (W) Mariposa Co., CA, 2375ft, 724m. Spikes of very dark blue flowers. Photo Delphinium virescens v. wootonii (Ranunculaceae) (28x12,Z5,P,L,3:5w) .................. 70 seeds / $4.00 90505.55 (W) Grant Co., NM, 4750ft, 1448m. Pale lavender-pink flowers with darker spurs are emblazoned with large, snowy-white bees covered with long hairs. Photo Delphinium viridescens (120x20,Z5,P,L,3:8w) .................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 90506.10 (W) Chelan Co., WA, 3300ft, 1006m. Narrow, dense spikes of pubescent greenish-brown flowers. More odd than beautiful. In vernally wet meadows with a basalt substrate. Delphinium xantholeucum (50x14,Z6,P,L,3:8w) ................................................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 94088.26 (W) Chelan Co., WA, 3500ft, 1067m. Creamy-white flowers, sometimes with a pale yellowish cast, in a stout raceme over palmately-dissected leaves. There are green or blue markings near the bee. On volcanic loam. Desmanthus illinoiensis (Fabaceae) (90x24,Z5,P,SC,1) ....................................................... 60 seeds / $3.00 48454.17 (W) Bent Co., CO, 4800ft, 1463m. Erect plants looking very much like a small Mimosa with pinnate leaves and small clusters of white flowers which transform into attractive seedpod balls. Dicentra chrysantha (Fumariaceae) (100x35,Z6,P,L,4:8w) ...................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 12376.16 (W) Ventura Co., CA, 5800ft, 1770m. Bushlets of thrice-cut blue-gray foliage bear panicles of yellow flowers, the outer petals recurved. An interesting perennial for the back of the border. Thrives in desert areas with a long blooming season, especially if given extra water. Dichelostemma capitatum (Liliaceae) (12x5,Z6,P,L,3:4w) .................................................. 60 seeds / $3.50 12101.11 (W) Maricopa Co., AZ, 5050ft, 1540m. Terminal clusters of blue flowers on short stems which elongate as the fruiting capsules mature. Photo Dichelostemma pulchellum (Liliaceae) (30x10,Z7,P,C,3:8w) ................................................. 40 seeds / $3.00 70887.28 (W) Yavapai Co., AZ, 4400ft, 1341m. Pretty umbels of dark lavender to blue flowers. Distegia involucrata (Caprifoliaceae) (65x100,Z4,P,L,3:8w) ................................................. 40 seeds / $3.00 48890.19 (W) Larimer Co., CO, 9300ft, 2835m. Multiply-stemmed, small shrubs with broad, ovate leaves and yellow flowers along the stems, followed by decorative purple-black berries surrounded by a bright maroon calyx. Dodecatheon amethystinum (Primulaceae) (28x12,Z5,P,L,3:8w) .............................. 100 seeds / $3.50 05630.06 Clusters of nodding, purple to violet-pink flowers, the tubular base ringed with maroon, yellow and white. Found in nature on limestone bluffs in the upper midwest and in the Appalachian Mountains. Dodecatheon austrofrigidum (Primulaceae) (14x10,Z6,P,L,3:8w) ............................ 100 seeds / $5.00 09067.33 (W) Clatsop Co., OR, 2700ft, 823m. Similar to D. dentatum but with rose-violet flowers encircled with a broad band of white at the base. W-facing vernally wet mountain slopes of basalt. Photo Dodecatheon clevelandii ssp. insulare (Primulaceae) (12x8,Z6,P,L,3:8w) ................ 100 seeds / $4.00 12545.36 (W) Santa Barbara Co., CA, 3800ft, 1160m. Flowers not seen here but are most likely lavender to pink, several per starburst cluster. Plants are considerably smaller here at this higher elevation compared to ssp. patulum. Dodecatheon clevelandii ssp. patulum (18x15,Z9,P,L,3:8w) .................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 12546.20 (W) Ventura Co., CA, 350ft, 107m. Star-bursts of several lavender-pink flowers with black anthers. Dodecatheon conjugens (18x12,Z4,P,L,3:8w) ..................................................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 12688.64 (W) Blaine Co., ID, 6700ft, 2043m. A robust population here in a vernally moist meadow with large, bright violet shooting stars over basal rosettes of slender leaves. Dodecatheon cusickii (16x10,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ................................................................ 100 seeds / $4.00 12906.18 (W) Gem Co., ID, 2875ft, 876m. Nodding flowers of rose with yellow centers. On steep, N-facing sandy, grassy hillsides. Photo Dodecatheon jeffreyi (24x12,Z4,P,L,3:6w) ........................................................................... 90 seeds / $3.50 50260.29 (W) Idaho Co., ID, 7400ft, 2256m. Somewhat shorter plants with more flowers per head compared to the Oregon population. Flowers not seen. Dodecatheon pulchellum (Primulaceae) (15x12,Z5,P,L,3:8w) ....................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 70886.43 (W) Pennington Co., SD, 6500ft, 1982m. The robust Black Hills version of this widespread taxon. Bright violet-pink flowers with a broad white ring around the base. Photo Dodonea viscosa (Sapindaceae) (80x70,Z8,P,C,2) .......................................................... 100 seeds / $3.00 90507.20 (W) Yavapai Co., AZ, 2750ft, 838m. Short, willow-like leaves and multitudes of large papery fruits are the most interesting features of this unique dwarf desert shrublet. Draba atlantica (Brassicaceae) (8x12,Z6,P,L,3:6w) ……………………............…………... 80 seeds / $3.50 10854.05 Ex High Atlas, Jbel Toubkal, Morocco, 2200m. Rosettes of whitish-tipped, linear leaves packed into tight cushions bear globose clusters of yellow flowers on short scapes. Draba juniperina (Brassicaceae) (8x10,Z4,P,L,3:4w) ............................................... 70 seeds / $3.50 50888.46 (W) Daggett Co., UT, 5500ft, 1675m. Essentially a robust form of D. oligospermae with more numerous and taller racemes of yellow. Draba oligosperma (4x12,Z3,P,L,3:4w) ............................................................................ 100 seeds / $3.50 65446.64 (W) Blaine Co., ID, 8900ft, 2713m. Miniscule, silver-gray, button-like rosettes carpeted with rich yellow. Growing on gentle, southwest-facing slopes of scoria. Draba smithii (12x20,Z4,P,L,3:6w) ..................................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.00 76567.37 (W) Mineral Co., CO, 8500ft, 2590m. Loose mats of blue-gray leaves bear myriad racemes of creamy-white flowers. Draba subalpina (6x5,Z4,P,L,3:4w) ..................................................................................... 100 seeds / $3.50 76840.23 (W) Iron Co., UT, 10600ft, 3230m. Dark green rosettes with racemes of comparatively large white flowers. An alpine species growing on dry, eroded, gypsiferous soils. Draba ventosa (Brassicaceae) (3x12,Z3,P,L,3:6w) .......................................................... 90 seeds / $4.00 90288.14 (W) Park Co., WY, 10450ft, 3186m. Furry gray-green buns blanket themselves with nearly sessile yellow flowers. Perhaps the best American Draba. Photo Dracaena draco (Dracaenaceae) (400x300,Z10,P,SL,2) ............................................... 10 seeds / $4.00 15743.14 "Dragon Tree." A succulent with sword-shaped blue-green leaves which may be grown as a houseplant or grown outdoors in frost-free areas where it will attain tree-like dimensions over time. This seed from a population in N Italy. Draperia systyla (Hydrophyllaceae) (5x60, Z6, P, C, 4:6w) ………………...........……….. 100 seeds / $2.50 76971.14 (W) Tulare Co., CA, 5600ft, 1705m. Fantastic dense furry carpets. Coiled cymes of white flowers. Dryas octopetala v. hookeriana (Rosaceae) (9x100,Z3,P,L,3:8w) ................................. 100 seeds / $3.50 64278.32 (W) Summit Co., CO, 12300ft, 3750m. Ubiquitous alpine carpet covering meadows and slopes with green, crenate leaves, tomentose below. Numerous short scapes with creamy, rose-like blossoms which turn into feathery seed heads. Prepare seed as for Pulsatilla. Dudleya collomiae (28x12,Z7,P,L,2) .......................................................................... 100 seeds / $5.00 12684.10 (W) Yavapai Co., AZ, 4600ft, 1402m. (= Echeveria collomiae). Succulent rosettes, glaucous blue and near white in the center, bear waxy yellow flowers on uncoiling coral-red stems. Photo Dudleya cymosa (orange) (16x12,Z7,P,L,1) ............................................................ 100 seeds / $5.00 12968.36 (W) Tuolumne Co., CA, 5400ft, 1646m. Perhaps the best form I have ever seen of this highly variable species. Brilliant orange-red to salmon-orange inflorescences open above very glaucous, chalky-blue rosettes. At this elevation in the Sierra Nevada Mtns, this population is likely to have exceptional cold tolerance. On S-facing, crumbling volcanic outcrops. Photo1 Photo2 Dudleya cymosa (yellow) (14x10,Z9,P,L,1) ....................................................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 12968.73 (W) Mariposa Co., CA, 2100ft, 640m. This population has bright Sedum-yellow flowers over small glaucous rosettes. Grows on two separate substrates in the same area -- one on fractured slate and the other on serpentine outcrops, both N- and W-facing. Photo Dudleya lanceolata (standard form) (40x24,Z9,P,L,1) ........................................... 100 seeds / $5.00 54089.26 (W) San Luis Obispo Co., CA, 1500ft, 460m. A more standard form here with long, tapering leaves and tall scapes bearing brilliant orange-red flowers. Photo Dudleya pulverulenta ssp. pulverulenta (30x75,Z10,P,L,1) ............................................... 100 seeds / $4.00 70931.30 (W) Santa Barbara Co., CA, 1000ft, 305m. Dinner-plate-sized rosettes heavily encrusted with chalk sprout several 2-3 foot long silver streamers bearing dusky-red, pendant flowers. On N-facing outcrops. Photo Ebenopsis ebano (Fabaceae) (270x240,Z8,P,SC,1) ........................................................... 15 seeds / $4.00 21009.04 (W) Pima Co., AZ, 2925ft, 892m. Decorative trees with dense, heavy wood and doubly-pinnate leaves on spiny branches. Feathery white to pale yellow flowers in the spring are followed by thick brown pods in late autumn which remain on the tree throughout the winter months. Native to south Texas but often found in city landscape plantings across the southern deserts.This seed from Tucson plantings. Echinacea angustifolia (Asteraceae) (45x35,Z4,P,C,3:4w) ............................................ 60 seeds / $3.00 09832.00 Large pale purple or pink flowers over narrow foliage. Echinacea pallida (Asteraceae) (80x40,Z5,P,C,3:4w) .................................................... 50 seeds / $3.00 70100.00 Pale purple to pink flowers in early to mid-summer. Echinacea paradoxa (Asteraceae) (120x45,Z4,P,C,3:4w) .............................................. 50 seeds / $3.00 70116.14 This Ozark native has large golden-yellow flowers on plants 3 to 5 feet tall. Great for back borders. Echinacea purpurea (100x50,Z4,P,C,3:4w) .................................................................... 50 seeds / $3.00 70916.00 Flowers are a pinkish-red to pinkish-purple over a long period in the summer. Echinacea tennesseensis (Asteraceae) (50x40,Z4,P,C,3:4w) ......................................... 40 seeds / $3.50 78298.04 Rose-purple flowers with coppery disks appear nearly all summer over dark green, rigid foliage. Echinocactus horizonthalonius (Cactaceae) (10x14,Z8,P,GL,3:4w) ............................... 25 seeds / $4.00 35714.33 (W) Hudspeth Co., TX. JRT4222 Single thick bluish-gray stems with thick grayish-black spines. Beautiful flowers in dark to light-pink shades. Echinocactus polycephalus (35x75,Z7,P,GL,2) .............................................................. 40 seeds / $4.00 70694.34 (W) San Bernadino Co., CA, 3820ft, 1165m. Multi-headed clumps with fierce spines bear yellow flowers often pink-tinged. The woolly seed pods crown every stem. |
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